Application for an IDEX international internship grant

You are currently enrolled in a “BUT” (second or third year), a bachelor’s (second or third year) or a master’s degree? In an engineering or “normalien” curriculum?

You are currently registered at Paris-Saclay University, one of its component institutions (AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, IOGS) or associated-member universities (University of Evry, UVSQ)?

You are willing to do an internship abroad of 6 weeks or longer (4 weeks for BUT and bachelor’s)?

Do you have excellent academic results and are you highly motivated for this project?

Don't hesitate any longer, and apply for an IDEX international internship grant!

The IDEX grant: who is it for? what is it for? how does it work?

Who is eligible?

  • Students in BUT 2/BUT 3/L2/L3/medicine or pharmacy 2nd or 3rd year at Paris-Saclay University or one of its component institutions or associated-member universities
  • Students in M1 or M2 which degree is accredited by Paris-Saclay University
  • Students in medicine or pharmacy 4th or 5th year at Paris-Saclay University
  • Students in the engineering degree of an internal school, a component institution or associated-member university of Paris-Saclay University
  • “Normalien”-students and “Normaliens” in ARPE year
  • Engineering students in CEI at AgroParisTech

Who is not eligible?

  • Any category of students receiving any other funding exceeding 1500 euros per month (international mobility scholarship, internship salary…)
  • “Normaliens” receiving a salary on condition of their status as trainee civil servants
  • AgroParisTech engineering students out of the Palaiseau campus and CentraleSupélec engineering students out of the Gif-sur-Yvette campus
  • Engineering students doing a work placement (”stage ouvrier”)
  • Students on mobility during a gap year
  • International students doing an internship in their home country
  • Students who have already received an IDEX international internship grant from Paris-Saclay University during the same study cycle
  • Engineering students or “Normaliens” who, as part of a double degree, are doing a Master's degree that is not an accredited Master's degree from Paris-Saclay University

For what kind of internship?

  • Any internship which duration is superior to 6 weeks (4 weeks in BUT or bachelor)
  • Any internship which start date is comprised between January 1 and December 1, 2025.

What is the grant amount? The grant comprises:

  • A fixed daily financial aid of 22 euros per day, hence 660 euros per 30-day month, for 6 months maximum
  • A transport allowance calculated according to the internship location
  • A “soft mobility” bonus for the use of eco-responsible means of transportation (bus or train) - upon presentation of tickets
  • The grant can be cumulated with other funding (other mobility grants, internship salary, etc.) provided that it does not exceed 1500 euros per month.

For any additional information, please refer to the Call guidelines.

Where to apply?

Applications are to be transmitted through MoveOn:

When connecting for the first time, please create an account, preferably with your university email address.

Then, always log in the same credentials.

How to apply?

  • Fill in the form entitled “Candidature à une bourse de stage à l’international IDEX”.
  • Upload all the requested documents. You will find below the “lettre d’acceptation de l’organisme d’accueil” (host organization form) to be filled in and signed by the organization in which you are doing your internship.
  • If you are being selected for the grant by the jury, two other forms will appear on MoveOn. They will enable you to upload other requested documents at the beginning of your stay abroad (internship agreement, attendance certificate, bank account details and eco-responsible transportation tickets if applicable) and at the end of your stay (eco-responsible transportation tickets if applicable).

When to apply?

Round 1 :

Apply until:   9 February 2025 at midnight

Publication of results: late March 2025

Round 2 :

Apply until:   30 March 2025 at midnight

Publication of results: late May 2025


For any question or additional information, you can contact