Pascal Aubert is appointed Director of the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School
Following the proposal made by the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School Board on Thursday 4 March 2021, Sylvie Retailleau, President of Université Paris-Saclay, has appointed Pascal Aubert as Director of the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School and Deputy Vice President of Université Paris-Saclay, alongside Isabelle Demachy, Vice President of the Education and University Life Commission (CFVU).
After completing a PhD in Materials Science, Pascal Aubert began his career at the Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne in 1998 as a lecturer, where he oversaw the pedagogical coordination of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. He was also Deputy Head (2004-2006) and later Head of the Physics Department (2006-2008) at the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences.
In September 2009, he became a Professor at Université Paris Sud within the Orsay Technical Institute (IUT) and its Physical Measurements Department. After coordinating the “Thin Films” vocational undergraduate degree (2009-2013), he was appointed Head of Department (2012-2015) before becoming Deputy Head of the Orsay Technical Institute in September 2015.
In March 2020, he became Coordinator for the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School, alongside Isabelle Demachy, Vice President of the Education and University Life Commission (CFVU) at Université Paris-Saclay.

Student success is a key concern for the Undergraduate School’s director
For Pascal Aubert, student success is essential. Student success is more than obtaining a degree; it also means ensuring that learning methods are in keeping with the course and career guidance provided by the Undergraduate School. He is also in favour of decompartmentalising and opening up courses when necessary to create new opportunities for students.
“Because of its unique identity among French universities, the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School at Université Paris-Saclay strives to create an educational approach that is centred on its students, their personal projects, professional aspirations and desire to continue their studies.
To do so, the Undergraduate School aims to coordinate and implement cross-disciplinary actions with the support of the University’s constituent faculties, institutes, and services. The School develops partnerships with a rich network of economic and community stakeholders, and local and regional authorities.
Through its work coordinating the undergraduate programmes at Université Paris-Saclay and its associate member institutions (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Université Evry Val d'Essonne), the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School will contribute to the development of a course offer for the next common accreditation,” he explains.
About the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School
The Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School at Université Paris-Saclay coordinates the University’s undergraduate degrees, including a wide range of vocational, technical and scientific degrees and paramedical courses. It is an integral part of the academic, scientific and economic landscape at Paris-Saclay. You can learn more about the Paris-Saclay Undergraduate School here.