Inauguration of the Albarelle museum

Culture Article published on 20 December 2023 , Updated on 10 January 2024

On Monday 18 December 2023, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Université Paris-Saclay celebrated the installation of the Albarelle museum in its new building, Henri Moissan. Members of the public can book a visit of this exceptional cabinet of curiosities on Friday mornings.

The Albarelle museum is a museum dedicated to the history of medicine, pharmacy and health. It was established in 1992 by the Albarelle association to mark the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Université Paris-Saclay.

Its name comes from the Albarello pharmacy jar, which was historically used by pharmacists to conserve solid medicines or medicinal plants.

The Albarelle museum aims to preserve pharmaceutical heritage, recount the history of pharmacy from its beginnings to the current day and demonstrate how medical practices have evolved throughout the centuries. Today, it also strives to bring together the fields of pharmacy and chemistry, both present within the Henri Moissan building on the Université Paris-Saclay campus.

As a key site for cultural attraction at the University, the museum organises annual exhibitions, including “The Apothecary”, “the Countess of Ségur: Treatment and Health”, “Warding off evil”, and many more.

Amassed over the years through donations and purchases, the museum’s collections include rare books on raw materials and remedies (pharmacopoeia, herbariums), promotional objects and documents, as well as typical objects of the pharmaceutical profession, either used in hospitals (jars and antique apothecary vials), in pharmacies (mortars and pestles, pill containers, weighing scales, etc.) or in industry (early industrial machines).

Late 19th century woodwork and furniture from an antique pharmacy have also been installed in the museum.

The Albarelle museum takes visitors on a didactic journey, divided into five parts, through the decisive moments of the development of the pharmaceutical profession. The museum also includes a timeline of the history of pharmacy in 50 key dates.


Revivez l'inauguration en images :

Marc Pallardy – Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Université Paris-Saclay – Photo copyright: Nicolas Fouquet, Audiovisual service, Faculty of Pharmacy
Estelle Iacona – President of Université Paris-Saclay
Eric Fouassier – President of the Albarelle Museum
Carine Wolf-Thal – President of the National Association of Pharmacists
A visit of the museum