3 months before the defense, prepare your defense
Contact, logistics, confidentiality, 1st legal deposit of the thesis
Consult here the reference documents related to the thesis defense
Contact, logistics, venue
Deadline: at the latest, 3 months before the defense
The thesis director contacts the doctoral school to informally verify the conformity with the rules in force of the choice of rapporteurs and the provisional composition of the Jury that he/she foresees. The doctoral student or the thesis director informally contacts the prospective referees and jury members and sets a provisional defense date with them. The thesis director agrees with the prospective jury members and the rapporteurs on the terms of payment of the various costs related to participation in the juries.
The doctoral student, or his/her thesis director, reserves a room for the planned date of the defense. If the planned defense date is moved, he/she cancels the first reservation and reserves the room for a new date. The room reserved for the defense must allow for the reception of the public (hygiene and security rules) and be freely accessible without restriction, unless a waiver to the public nature of the defense has been granted by the head of the institution.
The room is, except in exceptional cases, reserved on the premises of the institution where the thesis is being prepared. Exceptionally, other premises, of member or associated establishments of the Université Paris-Saclay for doctoral training, can be used for the defense, subject to their conformity (reception of the public, free access) and subject to the prior agreement of the Université Paris-Saclay establishment hosting the defense and the establishment preparing the thesis.
The defense may also take place in the premises of establishments outside the Université Paris-Saclay, but subject to a prior formalized agreement from the head of the establishment preparing the thesis and the person in charge of the premises of the hosting establishment. For this, a letter motivating the request, dated and signed by the doctoral student and his or her thesis director, must be sent to the head of the institution preparing the thesis, along with a document stating the agreement of the institution that proposes to host the defense.
Similarly, it is customary for a moment of conviviality to follow the defense (cocktail...). The premises chosen for this reception must be suitable (hygiene and safety rules). The doctoral student will have to take care of the state of the premises after the end of the reception.
Triggering of the procedure in Adum by the doctoral student
Deadline: 3 months before the planned date of defense and at the latest 2 months before the date of defense:
The doctoral student:
- Initiates in ADUM the defense procedure. He completes his ADUM file by filling in the section dedicated to the defense: title (in French and in English), keywords, date, place, confidentiality, rapporteurs, jury members, summary.
- Finish the registration by " Finalizing the procedure of request for defense ". This action is only possible if all the fields are complete (mandatory fields). If modifications are necessary, the doctoral school can authorize the modification of the defense request.
- Complete in his personal space ADUM the form of designation of the rapporteurs, the form of proposal of jury and the form of authorization of defense and the necessary documents for a videoconference. The documents and procedures are available in the DEFENSE section of his personal space.
- The thesis director validates from his or her ADUM space the form for the appointment of rapporteurs, the jury proposal and the defense authorization form.
- The doctoral school validates in the ADUM space the form for the appointment of rapporteurs, the jury proposal form and the defense authorization form.
Deadline: At the latest 3 months before the defense
If the thesis has a proven confidential character (§ 2.3.4), a derogation to the public character of the defense (in camera) can be requested by the doctoral student
- to the head of the institution,
- after advice from the thesis director,
- the director of the research unit,
- and the director of the doctoral school.
The rapporteurs and the members of the jury who will have to know the content of the thesis, will then have to have established and signed a confidentiality agreement with the institution where the thesis is registered and this before a copy of the thesis is provided to them.
The public attending the defense must have signed a confidentiality agreement with the operating institution before being allowed to enter the room where the defense will be held on the day of the defense.
In this case, the dissemination of the thesis after the defense will be restricted. To this end, a copy of the signed confidentiality agreements must be provided by the registering institution to the documentation service of the institution in charge of the legal deposit of theses.
Legal deposit of the thesis - 1st deposit
Deadline: 3 months before the expected date of defense and at the latest, one month before the expected date of defense, before putting the thesis in circulation
The doctoral student proceeds to the electronic deposit of his thesis. To do this, the doctoral student deposits the electronic file of the thesis in PDF format in his personal ADUM space and makes an appointment with the documentation service of which he is a member: https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/recherche/doctorat/la-soutenance-de-doctorat
Warning: the CINES which ensures the permanent preservation of theses no longer accepts PDF versions prior to 1.4.
The doctoral student provides in ADUM the metadata required to proceed with the legal deposit of his thesis:
- the title of the thesis in English and in French
- the abstract in English and in French (4000 characters maximum, spaces included),
- the keywords in English and in French,
If applicable, if the thesis is not written in French, a substantial summary in French, attached to the thesis, the length and format of which are defined by each doctoral school; and which must be between 4,000 characters including spaces and twenty (20) pages.
The doctoral student contacts the service of the referring institution in charge of the deposit and reporting of theses (thesis or doctoral documentary service) to find out about the practical arrangements for the deposit of theses (making an appointment, particular documents etc.). :
Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté des sciences : theses-sciences.scd @universite-paris- saclay.fr
Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté de droit, économie et gestion : theses-droit-eco.scd @universite-paris-saclay.fr
Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté de médecine : theses-medecine.scd @universite- paris-saclay.fr
Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté de pharmacie : theses-pharmacie.scd@universite- paris-saclay.fr
Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté des sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives : theses-staps.scd @universite-paris-saclay.fr
AgroParisTech : service-these@agroparistech.fr ou jonga.dequeant@agroparistech.fr
Institut d’Optique : marie-laure.edwards@institutoptique.fr
ENS Paris-Saclay : biblio@ens-paris-saclay.fr ou marion.grellier@ens-cachan.fr
CentraleSupélec : quentin.touze@centralesupelec.fr
Université d'Évry-Val-d'Essonne : bu-theses@listes.univ-evry.fr
Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines :
- Secteurs Santé, Biologie, Sciences et Technologies : these.busv.bib@uvsq.fr
- Secteur Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société : these.busy.bib@uvsq.fr
The first deposit of the thesis also allows the doctoral student to be informed about the questions related to the rights and duties of an author, about the legal deposit of a work (the thesis) and its electronic diffusion, about the diffusion of personal data and about other questions related to the deposit of the thesis and to be informed about the general and specific conditions of diffusion of his thesis.
The service in charge of the deposit and reporting of theses retrieves the electronic file of the thesis in PDF format in ADUM, checks the conformity of the PDF, and validates the first legal deposit of the doctoral student.
The documentation service in charge of theses assigns the national thesis number (NNT) to the doctoral student and enters this number in the doctoral student's ADUM file, in the following format
NNT: AAAAUPASBXXX -(AAAA 4 digits of the year, UPAS for Université Paris-Saclay, B= letter identifying the Graduate School, XXX number of order from 000 to 999 of the defenses by establishment and by year).
BioSphERA « Biologie, Société, Ecologie & Environnement, Ressources, Agriculture & Alimentation » | B |
« Chimie » | F |
« Computer Science / Informatique et Sciences du numérique » | G |
« Droit » | H |
« Economie-Management » | I |
« Géosciences, climat, environnement et planètes » | J |
« Humanités et Sciences du patrimoine » | K |
« Life Science and Health / Sciences de la vie et de la santé » | L |
« Mathématiques » | M |
« Physique » | P |
« Santé et médicaments » | Q |
« Santé publique » | R |
« Sciences de l’ingénierie et des systèmes » | T |
« Sociologie et Science Politique » | U |
« Sport, mouvement et facteurs humains » | W |
This action makes the defense documents (PV + defense report) accessible in the doctor's interface.
Designation and examination of the thesis by the rapporteurs
Deadline: 3 months before the planned date of defense and at the latest 2 months before the date of defense
The director of the doctoral school proposes two rapporteurs from outside the institution and the doctoral school, after consulting the thesis director. The doctoral school verifies that the proposed referees meet the defined criteria.
Deadline: 3 months before the planned defense date and after the first legal deposit:
The doctoral student sends a copy of his/her thesis to the referees,
If the defense is the subject of a request for exemption from the public nature of the defense (in camera), the thesis is transmitted to the rapporteurs only if all parties sign the associated confidentiality agreements.
Deadline: At the latest 1 month before the planned defense date: The rapporteurs make their opinion known through written reports that they send to the director of the doctoral school; it is expected that the rapporteurs give their opinion without ambiguity and that the reports conclude with a "favorable opinion" or an "unfavorable opinion" to the authorization of the defense Attention: according to the national regulation, the head of the institution cannot authorize the defense if the reports of the rapporteurs have not been received before the legal deadline of 14 days.
Jury proposal
Deadline: 3 months before the planned date of defense and at the latest, one month before the planned date of defense, before the thesis is put into circulation:
If the thesis is written in a language other than French or English, the prospective members of the Jury must declare (dated and signed declaration on their honor) that they master the language in which the thesis is written and that they accept to examine the thesis.
Attention: The president of the Jury will be designated by the Jury, among the members of the Jury on the day of the defense.
Deadline: 3 months before the expected date of defense, after having made the 1st legal deposit.
The doctoral student sends a copy of his/her thesis to each member of the jury.
If the defense is subject to a request for a waiver of the public nature of the defense (in camera), the thesis is only transmitted to the members of the Jury under the condition that all parties sign the associated confidentiality agreements.
Autorization for the defense
Deadline: upon receipt of the opinion of the director of the doctoral school, in light of the reports of the rapporteurs:
The Registrar's Office sends the defense authorization form to the head of the institution along with the reports of the rapporteurs. The head of the institution specifies the decision taken on the form and signs it.
The announcement of the defense then automatically appears in the calendar of upcoming defenses on the Université Paris-Saclay website, the doctoral school website and the website of the institution where the thesis is being prepared.
The schooling service sends the jury members the official invitation to the defense, specifying the place, the room, the date and the time of the defense, accompanied by a copy of the rapporteurs' reports.
In addition to the official convocation, it is the responsibility of the doctoral student and his/her thesis director to make sure that each member of the jury has all the information about the defense and has received the official convocation and the copy of the rapporteurs' reports.
It is also the responsibility of the doctoral student and his/her thesis director to disseminate information about the defense through other information vectors.