1st C-BASC Thematic lunch (November 21, 2022)

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate (C-BASC) organized its first thematic lunch on November 21 (at AgroParisTech).

Now that the majority of our laboratories are located on the plateau, C-BASC is launching a series of thematic lunches. Organized every 4 to 6 weeks, these events aim at getting to know each other better on a scientific level, in order to develop collaborations within the C-BASC community, composed of 15 laboratories and 5 partner Graduate Schools: Biosphera; Economics & Management; Geosciences, Climate, Environment, Planets; Life, Sciences and Health and Sociology and Political Science.


November 21 program: Research on intra- and peri-urban agriculture in the context of socio-ecological transition:

  • Introduction by C-BASC (11:30 - 11:35)
  • Presentations (11:35 - 12:35)
    • The Joint Technology Unit of Professional Urban Farms, by Véronique Saint-Ges and Hugo de Vergès, scientific animator and animator of this UMT
    • The Climaleg-eau project, which aims to assess the additional water needs of vegetable and market garden systems in Ile-de-France under the influence of future climate change impacts, by Nabil Touili, post-doctoral fellow at UMR SADAPT
  • Debate (12:35 pm - 1:15 pm)
  • Buffet (13:15-14:00)

Open to all university staff, registration is free and mandatory

Please feel free to suggest a presentation(s) for a future thematic lunch, on a topic related to C-BASC.

