1st C-BASC Scientific Day (March 14, 2023)

The Centre d'études interdiciplinaires sur la biodiversité, l'Agroécologie, la Société et le Climat organized its first C-BASC Scientific Day in mid-March at IDEEV. Open to all university staff, registration was free and compulsory. This first edition focused on projects that have been supported for some time. Click on the presentations to discover them.


8.50am-9.15am: Welcome breakfast

9h15-9h35 - Introductory remarks by the coordinating team: Paul Leadly, Maia David, Philippe Martin and Diane Maurissen

9h35-10h50: Research highlights in the C-BASC community

10h50-11h20 - Break

11:20-12:30: Research highlights from the C-BASC community

12:30-13:30: Lunch (buffet)

13h30-15h00: The future of C-BASC: Examples of current and future activities

15h00-15h45 - Break - posters

3:45pm - 5:00pm

  • Round table discussion on the challenges of nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides: biodiversity, agriculture, food and climate. French, European and international perspectives (especially CBD COP 15) - Paul Leadley, Vincent Martinet and Philippe Martin