The OI MICROBES is pleased to invite you to the
February 5-6, 2024 - Gif-sur-Yvette (Paris area), France
The symposium aims to join master students, PhD students and post-doc researchers as well as senior scientists interested in microbes in all their forms (bacteria, archaea, viruses, unicellular eukaryotes) and from the perspective of any discipline (biology, chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, engineering). Five thematic sessions are organized: health & disease, ecology & evolution, biotechnology & engineering, agriculture & food and Giving some space to microbes. The sessions will feature cutting-edge presentations on exciting interdisciplinary approaches, new developments and future directions in their area.
Online registration (https://oi-mic-young-24.sciencesconf.org/) is now open to all researchers and is free for master students. Travel costs and accommodation will be offered to selected applicants for a 20-minute talk and the most accomplished poster presentation will receive a best-poster award.
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Contact: oi.microbes-communication@universite-paris-saclay.fr
1st MICROBES Symposium
September 7-8, 2022
Auditorium Blandin
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
Orsay, 1 rue Nicolas Appert, Bâtiment 510
The interdisciplinary MICROBES symposium is a yearly internal meeting where the teams of the Paris-Saclay MICROBES community present their research. The Symposium will have invited speaker presentations, posters and selected flash talks of posters.
Plenary and Poster Sessions
Session 1 - Health and Disease (wed 7/9/22 morning)
Session 2 - Ecology and Evolution (wed 7/9/22 afternoon)
Session 3 - Fundamental Microbiology (wed 7/9/22 afternoon & thu 8/9/22 morning)
Session 4 - Systems Biology and Engineering (thu 8/9/22 morning & afternoon)
Session 5 - Agriculture and Food (thu 8/9/22 morning)
Confirmed Speakers
Harold Auradou (FAST)
Théodore Bouchez (PROSE)
Amandine Cornille (GQE)
Bernard Delmas (VIM)
Marina Elez (MICALIS)
Denis Faure (I2BC)
Sebastien Fromentin (MGP)
Tatiana Giraud (ESE)
Amélie Leforestier (LPS)
Bruno Le Pioufle (Institut d'Alembert)
Virginia Lioy (I2BC)
Filipa Lopes (LGPM)
Florent Malloggi (NIMBE)
Pedro Oliveira (GM)
Séverine Péchiné (MICALIS, Faculté de pharmacie)
Françoise Rul (MICALIS)
Guillaume Tresset (LPS)
David Vallenet (GM)
Download the flyer
INSCRIPTIONS are free but mandatory. Note that places are limited.
Inscription deadline: August 31, 2022.
Flash talk submission deadline: July 15, 2022.
Download the final program
1st MICROBES Symposium program
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