Momentom people
All information about the executive board, postdocs, interns and support staff can be found here.
Director of Research at CNRS, LCP
H. Remita is Director of Research at the CNRS. She is working at the Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, UMR 8000 CNRS) and leads the team TEMiC (Electron transfer in Condensed Media)(17 permanent researchers).
After a PhD in Physical Chemistry in 1990 at the Université Paris-Sud (France), she did her post-doc. at University of Medecine of Sherbrooke (Canada). Her major interests are development of nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion, Photocatalysis, Fuel Cells and Nanomedecine. Her research unites various strategies for the development of synthesis methods for nanomaterials with specific applications (photocatalysis, fuel cells, nanomedecine). The goal is not only to enable the development of practical devices but ultimately, to find out the guiding principles by which the performance of a particular material is achieved. She is also devoted to dissemination of Science.
Teaching and training
Professor, ICMMO
A. Aukauloo is Professor in bioinorganic chemistry and coordination chemistry at Université Paris-Sud. He is a scientific advisor at CEA-Saclay on artificial photosynthesis matters.
Emmanuelle DELEPORTE
Hybrid and multifunctional materials for solar energy conversion
Professor, LAC
Emmanuelle DELEPORTE, student of Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (ENS Paris) from 1986 to 1990, received her PhD in Physics from Pierre et Marie Curie University in Paris in 1992. She was assistant professor at the Physics Department of ENS Paris (1992-2002), in Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, where she gained strong experience in optical properties of II-VI and III-V inorganic semiconducting heterostructures. Sheis now full professor at ENS Paris-Saclay (ex ENS-Cachan) since 2002. In 2005, she founded her own research team: “Optical properties of hybrid nanostructures” in LPQM (Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique et Moléculaire). She moved her whole team in Laboratoire Aimé Cotton in 2013. In particular, her team is pioneer in France in the study of hybrid perovskites for opto-electronics. Since January 2017, she is the director, on the national level, of the GDR (Groupement de Recherche) HPERO “Halide Perovskites”.
E. Deleporte studies experimentally the linear and non-linear, continuous and time-resolved optical properties of semiconductors and hybrid (organic-inorganic) systems. The main topics she addresses are related to low-dimensional excitonic effects, carriers relaxation mechanisms, energy transfer between the inorganic and organic parts of the hybrid systems, light–matter interaction in cavities containing the hybrid systems in the framework of lasers and single photon sources.
Hydrogen production, storage and use
Professor, UCP
J. Deschamps received his Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from Université Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand in 2005. He was a Research Associate at Imperial College London (Department of Chemical Engineering) under the supervision of Professors George Jackson and Martin Trusler, and did a post doc at the Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (Université Paris Sud) under the supervision of Christiane Alba-Simionesco. He is now Professor at the Unité Chimie et Procédés (UCP) at ENSTA ParisTech since 2008. His main activities are the hydrogen storage by adsorption in organic framework materials and the confinement of fluid and metals in porous materials. He develops specific and original techniques of Organic Frameworks doping by using metals and carbonaceous materials, and teaches the ‘’Hydrogen Network’’ in several institutions in France and in China. He has also a good experience in the development and the construction of experimental apparatus for thermo-physical properties measurements.
Hydrogen production, storage and use
Director of Research, SPMS
G. Dezanneau is the head of the Structures, Properties and Modelling of Solids laboratory, joint unit between CNRS and CentraleSupelec. He is also Professor of Solid State Chemistry at Ecole Polytechnique. Dr. G. Dezanneau's activity concerns the theoretical and experimental study of nanostructured functional oxides for energy applications, in particular SOFCs/SOECs. He has some experience in the synthesis and shaping of materials for SOFCs and in the development of electrical measurements applied to ion-conductors (O2-, H+), in their bulk or nanostructured form. Parallely, he works on theoretical approaches through classical molecular dynamics and Density Functional Theory to design new ion conductors. He is also developping original mechanical properties measurements for high temperature Solid Oxide Cells.
Philippe GAUCHER
Resource Center
Professor, Microsystems and Energy Leader, La Fabrique CentraleSupélec
Civil Engineer from Ecole des Mines (ENMSE), Ph.D. in Sciences from Université Technologique de Compiègne (UTC)
Publications and patents
Winfried LEIBL
Hybrid and multifunctional materials for solar energy conversion
Researcher, I2BC
W. Leibl studied Physics at the University of Regensburg (Germany) and obtained his PhD degree at the Department of Biophysics, University of Osnabrück under the guidance of Prof. H.-W. Trissl in 1989. A two-year post-doc fellowship of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) brought him to the Bioenergetics Section at the CEA Saclay in France where he studied primary processes in photosynthesis in the group of Dr. Jacques Breton. Since 1992 he holds a position as researcher at this institute and was appointed Research Director at CEA in 2010. His main research interests are structure-function relationships in bioenergetics, artificial photosynthesis and photocatalysis.
Disruptive materials for electrochemical energy storage
Professor, PPSM
F. Miomandre graduated from ESPCI Paris in 1991 and received his PhD in the University of Grenoble in 1995. After a post-doc in EPF Lausanne, he was recruited as an assistant professor in ENS Cachan (1996) and promoted there as full professor in 2015. He is presently the head of the PPSM laboratory and chemistry teaching department in ENS Cachan, now renamed ENS Paris-Saclay. His research interests deal with the electrochemical properties of various conjugated molecules and materials, among which conducting polymers and nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes and graphene, among others for applications as supercapacitors. He is also very well invested in coupling electrochemistry with fluorescence to design and investigate systems in which the luminescence can be tuned by electrochemistry.
François OZANAM
Disruptive materials for electrochemical energy storage
Director of research, PMC
F. Ozanam got an Engineering degree from École Polytechnnique (1984) and a PhD from Paris-Sud University (1988). He is a CNRS staff member since 1988. He is currently at PMC Lab (Solid-state Physics Lab from École Polytechnique) and head of the École polytechnnique Chemistry Department. His research interests encompass physics and electrochemistry of semiconductor and electrolyte interfaces, vibrational spectroscopy at surfaces and at the electrochemical interface, physics and chemistry of porous silicon, molecular layers and functionalization of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces, amorphous semiconductors and their applications to biosensors and electrodes for lithium-ion batteries.
François PLAIS
Valorisation and industrial relationships
Team Leader, SR2PI
Ingénieur from Ecole Supérieure d'electricité (1988), Ph.D. in Engineering Physics/Applied Physics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (1991)
New energies and society
Associate Professor, UVSQ
Post Graduate Diploma in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics (Panthéon - Sorbonne University). PhD in Economics (Panthéon - Sorbonne University). Scholarship from Brown University (Providence, MA, USA).
Research mainly focused on the links between economic growth - technological change – natural environment, the energy transition process to the so-called green growth regime and the related sustainability issue. It covers diverse academic fields: macrodynamics and international economics, natural resources and environmental economics, the economics of climate change and ecological economics, theoretical and applied modeling.
Support Staff
Valorisation and Industrial Relationships
Industrial Relationships Manager, MOMENTOM and CHARMMMAT
H. KOOLI-CHAABANE is the MOMENTOM's industrial relations manager. She obtained a Master degree in Optimization of Industrial and Logistics Systems from Ecole Centrale Paris in 2006 and a Ph.D. in industrial systems engineering from Lorraine University in 2010. She was an assistant professor at the Industrial Engineering Department of Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Bizerte and Tunis –Tunisia (2011-2018).
H. KOOLI-CHAABANE expertise areas are innovation management and operations management. Her major interests are modeling value creation processes to develop decision support tools and technology transfer. She is also devoted to promote the collaboration between university and industry.
MOMENTOM Post-docs
Dhanaji V. JAWALE
Nanohybrids for the Conversion and Storage of Low-Carbon Energy
Dhanaji V. Jawale is a postdoctoral fellow at the “Service de Chimie Bioorganique et de Marquage” of the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Saclay. In 2011, he obtained a PhD in chemistry from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (India). He then worked as Research Executive in the field of Drug development at Unichem laboratories in Goa (India) before a first postdoc at the CEA/Saclay. Before joining for a second postdoc under the guidance of Dr. Eric Doris, he was working as Assistant Professor in National College Bandra, Mumbai.
His major research interests are the chemistry of nanomaterials (e.g. carbon nanotube) and the assembly of nanohybrid systems for various applications. He has already published 33 papers in international journal.
New Mixed Oxides for The Photocatalytic Decomposition By Visible Light of Plant-Derived Materials (Biomass) to Gas Mixtures of High Hydrogen (H2) Proportion Using MOF Materials As H2 Test Storage Units
Since January 2019, Dr. Nicolas Pasternak has been working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) , CNRS, CEA Saclay, France with project coordinator, Dr. Nancy Brodie-Linder (Associate Professor, LLB, CNRS/CEA Saclay and LCB, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France). Currently, he is working on the synthesis of new photo-active mixed metal titanium oxides and on their use as photo catalysts for biomass degradation by visible light leading to gas formation and eventually H2production as a major component.
N. Pasternak studied Chemistry and received a Ph.D. degree in June 2017 in Chemistry materials science from Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique (LCB), Université de Cergy-Pontoise under the direction of Dr. Nancy Brodie-Linder. During his PhD thesis, he elaborated a new synthetic preparation of silica nanoparticles under mild conditions. He also developed an innovative method for template removal from silica-based mesoporous materials generating the publication of a patent. A second patent was published following the preparation of titanium oxide nanocrystals, photo-reactive under visible light without post-surface modification.
He was postdoctoral researcher at LLB, CNRS/CEA Saclay from Novembre 2017 to April 2018 and from October 2018 to December 2018 with Dr. Alba-Simionesco (Director of research, LLB, CNRS/CEA Saclay, France). In collaboration with the Laboratoire Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques (FAST), he focused on the behavioral study of both synthesized and commercial silica nanoparticles in aqueous solution under conditions relating to the mechanism of geological crust generation.
As part of an industrial development project, in collaboration with Protex International and Erganeo, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at LCB, Université de Cergy-Pontoise from April 2018 to June 2018 under the direction of Dr. Nancy Brodie-Linder. Continuing earlier work on the decomposition of volatile organic compounds by visible light using titanium oxide-based catalysts, this Follow-up project targeted the identification and eventually the amounts of secondary products formed during this process.
Subodh Kumar GAUTAM
Hybrid Perovskites and Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy Applications
S. K. Gautam is working as a post-doctoral researcher at CNRS-Laboratory of Solid State Physics (LPS) and CNRS-CSNSM, University of Paris-Saclay with Dr. Olivier Plantevin, since March 2019. He studied physics and received the Ph.D. degree in Nov. 2016 from Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. In Ph.D., he studied the physico-chemical properties of oxide semiconductors (ZnO, TiO2) thin films and their modification with transition metal doping and energetic ions irradiation for optoelectronic applications. Then, he was working as SERB-National Post-doctoral Fellow at CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India, focused on heterojunction semiconductors nanocomposites for light harvesting and interfacial charge transfer mechanisms.
Currently, he is focusing on multi-cation based hybrid perovskite thin films for structural and optical properties using time resolved and temperature dependent photoluminescence together with ‘defect engineering’ by energetic ions. He is studying the effect of point defects on below band-gap states, charge carriers localization and excitonic emission processes. He is also exploring the exciting physics of laser excitation and electric field controlled photoluminescence in relationship with halide ion migration in Halide perovskite materials. The general framework of the study is related to novel optoelectronics application and efficient solar cells devices.
Google scholar ID
Nanostructured Organic Polymeric Material for Visible Light Driven Water Oxidation Reaction
Dr. Patel is working as a post-doctoral researcher at Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO), University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France since February 2019 with Dr. Ally Aukauloo (Professor, ICMMO, University Paris-Sud).
J. Patel studied Chemistry and received the Ph.D. degree in March 2017 in Inorganic Chemistry from Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India, under the guidance of Dr. Sumanta K. Padhiin 2017. She dealt with the synthesis and characterization of efficient, robust mono nuclear ruthenium based water oxidation catalysts having poly pyridine ligands of [Ru(tpy)(bpy)(OH2)]2+ scaffold by changing the electronic environment of the complex with various electron with drawing and electron donating pendant base (free N) substitution on the central pyridine of the terpyridine ligand. Currently, she is focusing on the synthesis and characterization of new class of nanostructured organic polymeric material, the nano- poly(diphenylbutadiyne (Nano-PDPB) for water oxidation. She is studying the photocatalytic oxidation of water using PDPB and trying to determine of the number of photons absorbed per O2 molecule produced.
MOMENTOM Master Interns
Investigation of Photophysical Properties of Supramolecular Tandems Constructed from The Association of Polyoxometalates and Metal Cluster Complexes for Photocatalytic Applications
She holds a bachelor and master degree in Industrial Chemistry. At present, she is pursuing industrial and medical applications of radiations (M2), SERP+ Erasmus+ program at Université Paris Sud. She is doing her M2 internship at Institut des Sciences Moleculaire d’Orsay (ISMO) under the supervision of Pr. Rachel Meallet Renault and Dr. Minh Huong Ha-Thi. Her work concerns the study of the photophysical properties of supramolecular systems based on chalcogenide-polyoxometalate and iridium complex designed for artificial photosynthesis. The objective is to investigate the mechanism at play in the photocatalytic cycle by using steady state and time-resolved spectroscopies (absorption, emission). Understanding the fundamental processes in light driven catalysis during her internship stands as the stepping-stone towards the tuning of optimal parameters in molecular systems that are earth abundant and non-toxic. She is interested in research area that forms an interface between environment and spectroscopies.
Agha Zeeshan ALI
Singlet Exciton Fission of Natural Carotenoids to Boost dye-sensitized-solar-cells Efficiency
He holds a bachelor degree in materials science and engineering. Currently, he is enrolled in SERP+ Erasmus+ program at University of Paris-Sud, Orsay. He is interested in applied science to improving the collection and stock of renewable energies. In the aim to pursue this goal, he is currently doing master M2 internship at Laboratory of Physical Chemistry (LCP). His work is focused on improving the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) using natural material capable to generate multi-charges. The target of the internship is to open new horizons to replace synthetic dyes with low-cost organic dyes. He is using lycopene aggregates, which are capable to generate two charges per photon, and he is probing the effect of electron injection to enhance the photocurrent of the system. He has investigated the role of different parameters in the performance of the DSSC. Complementary, he has determined the spectroscopic and photo-electrochemical characterization of the DSSC photoanodes. This internship should be the foundation towards the main goal of pursing career in the field of materials for energy harvesting and storage.
Metal Organic Frameworks as Air Cathode Material for Rechargeable Aluminium – Air Battery
M. Gikonyo did an international Master SERP-Chem in Surface, Electro, Radiation, and Photo-Chemistry with elements of Management, Business, Innovation and Valorisation, Communication and Patent law. He spent one semester at the University Adam Mickiewicz (Poznań, Poland) and the others semesters at the University Paris-Sud Orsay, France). He is currently working as an intern at the LEEL laboratory at NIMBE (UMR CEA/CNRS 3685) in CEA Saclay and the Institut des Matériaux Poreux de Paris (UMR 8004) for 6 months.
Minh Hoang NGUYEN
Investigating of Sodium-oxygen Batteries Using In situ Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy
Minh Hoang NGUYEN was a two-year undergraduate student in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and modern languages (English, French) at the Graduate School of Chemistry in Rennes, France. He pursued at ENSCBP in Bordeaux (Graduate School of Chemistry, Biology and Physics of Bordeaux) where he is actually a final year student in the specialty of Nano-Micro Technology.
He joined LEEL and LSDRM laboratories at NIMBE (UMR CEA/CNRS 3685) in CEA Saclay for 5 and a half months internship during the summer 2019. He works on the development of an in situ solid-state NMR cell for metal-O2 batteries to get insights on their reaction mechanisms.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Lasers, Ferroelectricity, Multiferroics
R. Pachat did his M2 from Ecole Polytechnique in Advanced Materials Engineering. R. Pachat’s research interests are on developing fuel cells (SOFC), ferroelectrics, multiferroics and electrochemistry. His Master’s internship was on designing a new pattern for electrolyte of SOFC using laser to improve the conductance and to increase the lifetime of SOFC. He also holds another Master’s degree from Indian Institute of Science, India. The internship for which was on tuning ferroelectricity and strain and to correlate it with the crystal structure. He has research experience on multiferroics, too.
Photoactive Composite Nanomaterials for Environment and Energy
Marija Knezevic is a second-year master student at the University Paris-Sud. She is a part of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree program SERP+. Currently, she is doing her internship in Laboratoire de chimie physique related to the photoactive nanocomposites for energy and environment under the supervision of Christophe Colbeau-Justin and Nawfal Ghazzal.
Neelam Ghanshyam Yadav
Electrodes Composites tio2/rgo pour Batteries Na-ion
Neelam Yadav finished doing her 6-months Master’s Internship at ICMMO (UPSUD) carried out in collaboration with LCP (UPSUD) funded by the MOMENTOM (University of Paris Saclay) from February 2019-July 2019.
She also did her master’s in chemistry from Paris Sud University, France. She received one of the prestigious, Erasmus Mundus+ scholarship (2017-19) for her master’s. She finished her Bachelor’s in Nanoscience and Technology from Shivaji University Kolhapur, India in 2017.
She has a multi-interdisciplinary background from Physics to Biology but Her main interest lies in the field of” Energy” and materials for Energy related applications. She has worked on Photocatalysis. She is currently working in the field of Batteries, developping active materials for Na and Li batteries. Her multi-interdisciplinary background makes her adaptive to any given field of research.
She will be continuing her further studies by doing PhD also in the field of batteries at Laboratory of reactivity and chemistry of solids (LRCS) lab (University of Picardie Jules verne, amiens, France) starting November 2019.
MOMENTOM Staff Alumni
Valorisation and industrial relationships
Industrial relationships manager, SR2PI
A.-L. Doireau, alumni of Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie Organique et Minérale (ESCOM, Compiègne) from 2005 to 2010 then Chimie ParisTech (2010-2011), received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Université Paris-Sud in 2014. She completed her formation with a master in innovation and valorisation of research at Université Paris-Saclay. She worked as the manager of industrial relationships of MOMENTOM project.
Benjamin Le TROQUER
Mechanical design and rapid prototyping
Engineer, La Fabrique, CentraleSupélec
B. Le Troquer is a mechanical engineer graduated at the National Engineering School of Saint-Etienne (ENISE) in 2017.
During his first internship, he worked in the field of additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping at the Higher Normal School of Rennes (ENS of Rennes). Then, he did his second internship at the mechanical engineering laboratory of the University of Western Australia, where he had to optimize parameters of a SLM 3D printer to print a new material which is Al-10vol%diamond. Finally, for his last internship at Materialise (Biomechanical Engineering and Research), he designed and developed a new generation of titanium skull prosthesis 3D SLM printed.
He worked at La Fabrique at CentraleSupelec and he designed and built prototypes for MOMENTOM projects.
MOMENTOM Postdoc Alumni
Chandra Sekhar BONGU
Disruptive materials for electrochemical energy storage
Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formation on Anode Electrodes by Radiolysis
C. S. Bongu did his Ph.D. in Chemistry at the Central Electrochemical Research Institute from the Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research in India on the development of alternative electrodes and electrolytes for lithium batteries. He joined Sophie Le Caër's team to work on solid electrolyter interphase formation on anode electrodes by radiolysis.
Huijie Yan
New Energies & Society
Economic evaluations, economy of transports, econometry
H. Yan is currently a researcher at CEARC, Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UVSQ. She is an associated researcher at Institut d'Asie orientale, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon since 2016, Sep. She has been an assistant professor in economics and management at Aix-Marseille University for two years, since 2014, Oct. She completed her Ph.D in economics at Aix-Marseille University in 2013. Her research interests include Energy Economics, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, International Economics and Applied Econometrics.
Alexandre PRADON
Hydrogen production, storage and use
Nano-architectured non-precious catalysts for water electrolysis and sustainable production of H2
During his Master’s degree in engineering at ENSICAEN (Caen) and his internship at Saft Company (Li-ion battery manufacturers), Alexandre developed an interest in electrochemistry and in materials science. He conducted a PhD in solid chemistry at IMN (Nantes) under the supervision of Pr. Guy Ouvrard and worked on the characterization of a Li-rich material for Li-ion battery. After 5 months at Enersys SARL Company (Arras) (lead battery manufacturers) as an engineer, he joined the Research and Innovation in Electrochemistry for Energy group (ERIEE) as a postdoctoral researcher for the MOMENTOM project. He is currently working on the characterization of precious metal free catalysts deposited on nanostructured electrodes for green molecular hydrogen production.
María Guadalupe MENDEZ MEDRANO
Hybrid and multifunctional materials for solar energy conversion
Development of new SiNWs based photoelectrodes for solar fuel application
Chemical Engineering as background, Maria decided to dedicate her career to the materials research, doing a Joint PhD, between Mexico and France and obtained double diploma, PhD in Nanosciences and Materials (IPICYT, Mexico) and PhD in Chemistry (Université Paris-Saclay, France). During her PhD she was awarded with the Excellence Eiffel Scholarship. She developed new photocatalytic materials active for hydrogen production and water treatment under visible light. After her PhD, she continued to work in this field as Postdoctoral Researcher C'Nano IdF (Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, UMR 8000 CNRS) and she obtained promising results for Hydrogen Production. Interested in green solar fuel production, Maria Joined the MOMETOM project, as Postdoctoral researcher in LPICM (Ecole Polytechnique). She is working in assembling photovoltaic solar cells based on silicon nanowires with photoelectrochemical cells containing optimized co-catalysts to generate Hydrogen under solar light.
MOMENTOM Master Intern Alumni
Hydrogen production, storage and use
Study of proton insertion and diffusion within an electrode material for high temperature electrolyzers
R. Tchakalov did a double bachelor’s degree in physics and chemistry at the Paris-Sud University. Being interested in the interdisciplinary field of research, he decided to follow a master in Material Science and obtained his diploma in the specialty " Physics and Engineering for Energy" from the Paris-Saclay University. He is currently working as an intern at the laboratory Structures, Properties and Modelling of Solids at CentralSupelec, in collaboration with IRAMIS from CEA.
His master internship work concerns the study of proton uptake in electrodes for mid and high temperature electrolysers.
During this period, he focused on the preparation of dense ceramic materials and on their structural and electrical characterisation.
Hybrid and multifunctional materials for solar energy conversion
Hybrid perovskites modified using ion irradiation
D. Guerfa did a Bachelor of Science in Physics and applications at Université Paris-Sud. She decided to pursue her academic path with a Master in Physics and applications at the Université Paris-sud.
She did an internship at Laboratoire aimé Cotton on Fast 3D microscopy optimized for the study of the brain of Drosophila: stabilization system under the supervision of Mélanie Pedrazzani. She joins the CSNSM in april 2017 to work on Photoluminescence on 2D hybrid perovskite (PEPI) for a 3,5 months internship.
Disruptive materials for electrochemical energy storage
Exploration of pnictide compounds of type MgxTyPnz, as negative electrodes for magnesium-ion batteries
M. Khireddine did a Master of Petroleum Engineering at University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA, France) until 2015 and decided to pursue in 2016 her academic path with a second Master degree at University Paris-Saclay. She is currently in the first year of the Materials & Energy Master degree.
She joins LEEL laboratory at NIMBE (UMR CEA/CNRS 3685) in CEA Saclay for 2 and a half months internship during the summer 2017. She works on the exploration of pnictides materials for Mg-ion batteries.
Disruptive materials for electrochemical energy storage
Polyoxometalates (POM)-Based Materials as Efficient Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
A. Bedaidia studied her M2 studies at l'Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires in the specialty of materials for energy and transport. In her masters, she received - numerous courses on electrochemical storage.
She is currently working as an M2 intern at the l'Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO) for the topic of “Polyoxometalates (POM)-Based Materials as Efficient Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries.” The internship was carried out within two universities: Université Paris-Sud and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. The research conducted by her during this internship will be used to prepare an article to present it at the conference "Journées d'Electrochimie 2017".
New energies and society
Green Hydrogen and Energy Transition: A Comparative Analysis - France and Europe
S. Uzunova holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Having graduated with top marks and a Dean’s commendation award for academic excellence, she was admitted into a Master’s programme in International Economic Consulting at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. She completed this degree in June 2016, and enrolled in a second Master’s degree, aiming to specialize in the areas linking economics and the natural environment. Therefore, she is currently doing an M2 in Arctic Studies at UVSQ/Paris-Saclay, with a focus on Social sciences. Her research within the framework of the MOMENTOM project is focused on the energy transition to green hydrogen.