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Laboratoire interdisciplinaire des sciences du numérique (LISN)

Présentation du laboratoire

L'IPSIT (Ingénierie et Plateformes au Service de l'Innovation Thérapeutique) est une Unité Mixte de Service (UMS) qui regroupe 11 plateformes technologiques. L'IPSIT joue un rôle moteur dans le développement des projets scientifiques des unités associées des sites de Châtenay-Malabry, Clamart et Le Plessis Robinson dont l'objectif commun est d'identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques et d'améliorer les connaissances en sciences du médicament. L'IPSIT est également au service des laboratoires de recherche publics et privés, de l'Ile de France Sud

Les 20 dernières publications

Titre Auteurs Date de publication Source
Modelling the “transactive memory system” in multimodal multiparty interactions Brian Ravenet 01/03/2024 Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces
Use of cognitive load measurements to design a new architecture of intelligent learning systems Sylvain Chevallier 01/03/2024 Expert Systems with Applications
Physics-informed neural networks modelling for systems with moving immersed boundaries: Application to an unsteady flow past a plunging foil D. Lucor 01/03/2024 Journal of Fluids and Structures
Designing for Visualization in Motion: Embedding Visualizations in Swimming Videos Anastasia Bezerianos 01/03/2024 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Tracking dynamo mechanisms from local energy transfers: Application to the von Kármán sodium dynamo M. Creff, Hugues Faller, C. Nore 01/02/2024 Physics of Plasmas
Modeling complex EEG data distribution on the Riemannian manifold toward outlier detection and multimodal classification Maria Sayu Yamamoto 01/02/2024 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Eliciting Multimodal and Collaborative Interactions for Data Exploration on Large Vertical Displays Petra Isenberg 01/02/2024 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Effective Projections on Group Shifts to Decide Properties of Group Cellular Automata Pierre Béaur 01/02/2024 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
Quantifiying the Robustness of Dynamical Systems. Relating Time and Space to Length and Precision Manon Blanc 01/02/2024 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs
On (2,k)-Hamilton-connected graphs Tianjiao Dai, Hao Li, Qiancheng Ouyang 30/01/2024 Discrete Applied Mathematics
Understanding and supporting intermediation work to address territorialized public policy issues: The case of a Territorial Food Project in France Marianne Cerf 12/01/2024 Work
Integron cassettes integrate into bacterial genomes via widespread non-classical attG sites Jean Cury 01/01/2024 Nature Microbiology
Multifractality in spin glasses Beatriz Seoane 01/01/2024 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Training work-related social skills in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder using a tablet-based intervention Séverine Estival, V. Demulier, Julie Renaud, Jean Claude Martin 01/01/2024 Human-Computer Interaction
Sense of agency in joint action: a critical review of we-agency Alexis Le Besnerais, Ouriel Grynszpan 01/01/2024 Frontiers in Psychology
Year 2022 in Medical Natural Language Processing: Availability of Language Models as a Step in the Democratization of NLP in the Biomedical Area Cyril Grouin 26/12/2023 Yearbook of medical informatics
A parallel data-structure for modular programming of triangulated computing media. Frédéric Gruau 01/12/2023 Natural Computing
Perceptual thresholds of visual size discrimination in augmented and virtual reality Christian Sandor 01/12/2023 Computers and Graphics
An Introduction to Machine Learning: a perspective from Statistical Physics A. Decelle 01/12/2023 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Biomedical doctoral students’ research practices when facing dilemmas: two vignette-based randomized control trials Aurélie Névéol 01/12/2023 Scientific Reports

Nombre de publications du laboratoire par domaine scientifique (2016-2021)

Chaque publication du laboratoire peut être rangée dans une ou plusieurs disciplines scientifiques : la figure ci-dessus présente le nombre de publications du laboratoire pour chaque discipline de la classification ASJC (Elsevier)