Publications importantes
- Luiz H G Tizei, et al, Tailored nanoscale plasmon-enhanced vibrational electron spectroscopy, arXiv:1905.12503, 2019
- Hikaru Saito, et al, Point defect state emergence in a plasmonic crystal, Phys. Rev. B (accepted), 2019
- Hugo Lourenço-Martins, Pabitra Das, Luiz H.G. Tizei, Raphaël Weil, and Mathieu Kociak. Self-hybridization within non-Hermitian localized plasmonic systems, Nature Physics, pages 1–5, 2018
- Ching Hwa Ho, Wei Hao Chen, Kwong K. Tiong, Kuei Yi Lee, Alexandre Gloter, Alberto Zobelli, Odile Stephan, and Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei, Interplay between Cr Dopants and Vacancy Clustering in the Structural and Optical Properties of Wse2,ACS Nano, 11(11):11162–11168, 2017
- Hugo Lourenço-Martins, Mathieu Kociak, Sophie Meuret, François Treussart, Yih Hong Lee, Xing Yi Ling, Huan-Cheng Chang, and Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei, Probing Plasmon-NV0 Coupling at the Nanometer Scale with Photons and Fast Electrons, ACS Photonics, 5, 324-328, 2017
- Luiz H G Tizei and Mathieu Kociak, Quantum Nanooptics in the Electron Microscope in Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Elsevier, 2017
- Romain Bourrellier, Sophie Meuret, Anna Tararan, Odile Stéphan, Mathieu Kociak, Luiz H G Tizei, and Alberto Zobelli, Bright UV Single Photon Emission at Point Defects in h-BN, Nano Letters, 16:4317, 2016
- Sophie Meuret, Luiz H G Tizei, T Cazimajou, Romain Bourrellier, H C Chang, F Treussart, and Mathieu Kociak. Photon Bunching in Cathodoluminescence, Physical Review Letters, 114, 2015
- Luiz H G Tizei, Yung-Chang Lin, Masaki Mukai, Hidetaka Sawada, Ang-Yu Lu, Lain-Jong Li, Koji Kimoto, and Kazu Suenaga, Exciton Mapping at Subwavelength Scales in Two-Dimensional Materials, Physical Review Letters, 114, 2015
- Luiz H G Tizei and Mathieu Kociak, Spatially Resolved Quantum Nano- Optics of Single Photons Using an Electron Microscope, Physical Review Letters, 110, 2013