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The objective of this pluridisciplinary master is to train future managers in the pharmaceutical field with a versatile, scientific and technical expertise, and an opening-up to business life or research laboratories.
The M1 is intended to provide international students with basic and advanced knowledge in research and development of innovative medicines, drawing on the expertise of University Paris-Saclay's researchers on the following topics :
1- Basic and advanced knowledge of the current diseases and the dysregulation of major functions
2- Pharmacist’s toolbox: chemistry, biotechnology, formulation, production
3- The pharmaco-toxicological and analytical methods with extension to environmental impacts in order to implement diagnosis, treatment and prevention
In M2 the students may choose to specialize in two of these three topics.
Lieu(x) d'enseignement
Pré-requis, profil d’entrée permettant d'intégrer la formation
- BSc. in Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry or Biotechnology - PharmD - MD - Continuing education. English proficiency: - TOEFL - IELTS - Cambridge English certificate or equivalent.
Identify the current issues in major pathologies to implement treatments and adequate preventive measures.
Identify and determine the structure of simple chemical compounds, analyse and correlate molecular structures to the physicochemical properties, biological activity, metabolism and toxicity of drugs.
Solve problems and implement technical processes for the design and making of new drug formulations, nanomedicine, medical devices, biotechnologies, taking into account environmental issues and market requirements.
Apply experimental protocols according to good laboratory practice and ethical rules to generate, organize, analyse and extract relevant information from the data.
Discuss and compare experimental results and exploitation of the literature with initial hypotheses in order to validate, correct or refute them.
Profil de sortie des étudiants ayant suivi la formation
Project manager in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological, biomedical, regulatory, R&D, quality assurance or quality control fields.
Débouchés de la formation
The graduate may, in France or abroad,
- continue his/her doctoral training and access to positions in universities and research institutes
- access different manager positions in the industry, national drug evaluation organizations, international or national health organizations
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) de la formation
Institut Galien Paris-Saclay
Lipides, Systèmes Analytiques et Biologiques
Biomolécules : Conception, Isolement, Synthèse
Signalisation et Physiopathologie Cardiovasculaire
Ecologie Systématique et Evolution
Stabilité génétique et oncogenèse
Unité Bactéries Pathogènes et Santé
Inflammation Chimiokines and Immunopathology
Physiopathologénèse et traitement des maladies du Foie
Santé mentale et santé publique
Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell - DRF/JOLIOT
Hémostase, inflammation, thrombose
Institut Paris Saclay d'Innovation thérapeutique
Hypertension artérielle pulmonaire : physiopathologie et innovation thérapeutique
Vectorologie et thérapeutiques anticancéreuses
Biomarqueurs prédictifs et nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques en oncologie
Radiothérapie Moléculaire
Institut de chimie moléculaire et des matériaux d'Orsay.
Co coordinator virology: Pr A Esclatine
co coordinator bacteriology: Pr I Kansau
co coordinator parasitology: Pr P Loiseau
Dr D. Bonte, Dr T. Candela, Pr A. Esclatine, Pr C. Janoir, Pr I. Kansau, Dr P. Loiseau, Dr M. Lussignol, Dr J.-C. Marvaud, Dr N. Nicolaos-Bourgeois, and Dr S. Pomel.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
A. Virology
Knowledge on commercialized antiviral molecules and vaccinal approaches
Update on treatment strategies for HIV, hepatitis viruses, herpesvirus, influenza viruses, and arboviruses
Viral resistance
Tutorials: publication analyses
B. Bacteriology
- Bacterial virulence factors and host response
The Bacillus and Pneumococci capsules, botulinic and tetanic toxins, vaccinal approaches
The intracellular bacteria: Mycobacterium Salmonella Listeria Shigella spp.
- Bacterial resistance to antibiotics
Gene support and gene transfer
- The human microbiota
The intestinal, cutaneous and other microbiota
Study tools, functional metagenomic
Tutorials: publication analyses
C. Parasitology and medical mycology
- Mechanisms of action of antileishmanial agents and drug resistance
- Research of antileishmanials based on parasite targets
Tutorials: Analysing literature and building projects on drug resistance and new drugs, workshop.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The courses, seminars and training in virology, bacteriology, parasitology and medical mycology aim to present the current and up-to-date strategies developed for the control of viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, mainly focusing on the design of drugs and the approaches to decipher their mechanisms of action and drug resistance. The challenges to face emergent infectious diseases will be also addressed.
Tutorials will be devoted to the presentation of articles by students and propositions of scientific projects to go further including innovative and realistic developments.
Teaching will allow students to understand the strategies developed for the control of infectious diseases and drug resistance, including the research of new drugs and the development of strategies to overcome the current drug resistance issues.
Classes and seminars will allow the students to be aware of the new challenges due to emergent diseases.
Critical analysis of literature documents: courses will be completed by the reading of scientific papers, followed by a large global discussion.
Relational, collaborative, and communication skills (written and oral): publication analyses in virology and bacteriology, workshop in parasitology and medical mycology organised with a round table to facilitate exchanges on different projects.
Up-to-date knowledge on therapies for neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases:
- Advanced therapies for Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases
- Advanced therapies against depression, anxiety and psychiatric disorders.
Co coordinator: Pr C. Poüs
Dr A. Baillet, Dr B. Benoit, Dr N Chaput, Dr N. Charef, Dr S Edhery, Dr J Hamelin, Dr E Morel, Dr K Olausssen, Dr A. Pilon, and Pr C. Poüs.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
The following program will be presented to the students:
- Updates in tumor characterization and theranostic
- Canonical and advanced cancer treatment (ie: targeted doxorubicin, I-Bet)
- Detailed side effects of cancer treatment, resistance and current protection in clinics (chemotherapies, radiotherapies, targeted therapies, combined therapies)
- Radiotherapy: low doses, flash radiation delivery, heavy ion radiotherapy.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit follows the TU Oncology in M1 and propose advanced knowledge in cancer therapy in 4 different and complementary ways: diagnosis, treatments, side effects and focus on new technics (radiotherapy, immunomodulation,...).
Students will acquire:
- Advanced knowledge of the general principles and parameters analized in oncology
- Critical analysis of bibliographical experimental data related to cancer
- Understanding of the diagnosis and therapeutic strategies currently used in cancer
- Access to the basic knowledge necessary to work efficiently in the field of cardio-oncology
- Efficient interactions with healthcare professionals in the field of oncology.
B-Hematology (6h courses, 4h tutorials)
- coagulation disorders associated with inflammation : coagulation and vascular dysfunction, associated septic/ sterile inflammation,
- NETosis and immunothrombosis: NETs formation, structure and function, immunothrombosis.
tutorial : writting a project to apply for a grant in field of hemostasis.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Up-to-date knowledge on immune intervention strategies, hemostasis and inflammation :
Students will be able to discss current therapeutic approaches to immune and hematologic diseases. Students will be able to write a grant application in the field of hemostasis.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 "Development of Drugs and Health Products".
Dr J.P. Benitah, Dr M.-C. Chaumais, Pr D. David, Dr S. Edhery, Dr R. Fischmeister, Pr A. Gardier, Dr A.-M. Gomez, Pr M. Humbert, Dr C. Lemaire, Dr J. Leroy, Dr B. Manoury, Pr J.J. Mercadier, Dr M. Merickskay, Dr D. Mika, Dr E. Morel, Dr L Pereira, Dr J Piquereau, Pr V. Vecksler, Dr R. Ventura-Clapier.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Students will have access to courses and seminars of specialists in the following research fields :
- Clinical pharmacy, heart and cardiovascular system
- Lung and PAHT
- Neuropharmacology
- Advanced treatments in cardiovascular diseases
- Reduced and preserved ejection fraction in heart failure
- Future treatments in cardio-oncology.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This TU is in the continuity of the M1 courses focusing on the main major functions of human physiology. Students will thus extend and deepen their knowledge of main function dysregulations seen in M1 and the associated physiopathology, diagnosis, current and future treatments.
- Student’s knowledge will be improved on classical therapies and molecular signaling involved in each of these major physiopathologies.
- Students will gain knowledge of the models used in pathology in order to handle PK/PD analysis, perform quantitative and qualitative analyses (clinical parameters, biomarkers) and test future pharmaceutical treatments.
- Students will acquire critical analysis of bibliographical experimental data related to physiopathology, organ dysfunction, and signaling pathways.
Prérequis :
Being registered in the master D2HP.
Bibliographie :
- Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition, Elsevier 2019
- Michael Zigmond Joseph Coyle Lewis Rowland, Neurobiology of Brain Disorders, 1st Edition, Academic Press 2015
- Neil Herring, David J. Paterson, Levick's Introduction to Cardi.
Co coordinator: Dr E Morel
Pr N. Chaput, Dr D. Bonte, Dr F Fay, Dr E. Morel, and Dr I. Turbica.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
A. Gene and cell therapies (14h)
Applied molecular biology, current treatments in gene and cell therapies, upscale processes in pharmaceutics, development of a candidate drug from bench to bedside, research options in gene therapy and cell therapies
B. Upstream and downstream biomedicine processes (13h)
Bioprocesses, biosimilars, bioproduction II, vectorisation II
C. Advanced biotechnology II (13h)
New technics in biotechnology, new targets in therapy II (identification and validation of new molecules), new targets in therapy II (preclinical and clinical steps), new medicine (conception and development), medicinal products derived from human blood and plasma.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit is the continuity of the Biotechnology I from the M1. Students will obtained an in depth knowledge in biotechnology with access to more complex and advanced notions in the field of biotechnologies under the form of research seminar:
- Gene and cell therapies
- Upstream and downstream biomedicine processes
- Targets in therapies (identification, conception, development, and clinics).
Prérequis :
Being registered in the M2 master's degree D2HP.
Bibliographie :
Daan J. A. Crommelin, Robert D. Sindelar, Bernd Meibohm. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Springer, 5th ed. 2019.
K. Bouchemal
V. Faivre
H. Hillaireau
F.-X. Legrand
A. Makky
J.-P. Michel
S. Mura
V. Rosilio
M. Varna
J. Vergnaud
+ Invited lecturers from companies, CNRS and foreign universities.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Theory, tutorials, project.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Advanced teaching unit on the innovative formulation strategies for the delivery of small chemical molecules, peptides, proteins and siRNA. Issues related to the formulation of biomolecules. Nanotoxicity.
A.Advanced formulation strategies and innovative drug delivery systems (self-assembled systems, lipid systems, nanoparticles)
B.In vitro and in vivo evaluation of targeted and theranostic systems
C.Case study.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M1 Development of drugs and health products.
Bibliographie :
- C. Vauthier, G. Ponchel: Polymer nanoparticles for nanomedicines, 2017
- DIRECTIVE 2010/63/EU - 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
- Décret no 2013-118 du 1er février 2013 relatif à la protection des animaux util.
M. Beniddir
E. Drège
L. Evanno
N. Gigant
A. Hamze
D. Joseph
J. Kaffy
P. Le Pogam-Alluard
T. Milcent
S. Ongeri
E. Poupon.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Objectives: Covers the most important current synthetic approaches within the field of organic synthesis, including catalysis and asymmetric synthesis. Emphasizes organic chemistry to biomimetic natural product synthesis. Provides the tools necessary for deducing the three-dimensional structure of organic compounds through a combination of advanced spectroscopy techniques.
A.Advanced synthetic approaches for the preparation of natural and synthetic drugs
A.1.Catalytic C-C bond formation in total synthesis of natural products and drugs
A.2.Advanced stereochemical aspects in the synthesis of natural and synthetic drugs
A.3.C-X bond formation applied to the synthesis of therapeutic peptides and pharmaceuticals
B.Biomimetic natural product synthesis
C.Advanced structural elucidation of natural and synthetic drugs.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Bibliographie :
- Organic Chemistry by J. Clayden, N. Greeves and S. Warren, 2012, OUP Oxford
- Applications of Transition Metal Catalysis in Drug Discovery and Development: An Industrial Perspective by M. L. Crawley and B. M. Trost, 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Stere.
Coordinateur :Rim Michael-Jubeli, A. Tfayli, Sara Karolak
Equipe pédagogique :
S. Karolak
A. Kasselouri
R. Michael-Jubeli
S. Tfaili
A. Tfayli
T. Duc Mai
L. Oziol.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
The students choose one of the two paths: Analytical sciences or Environment 2
In the teaching unit on Analytical Sciences, they participate to small group projects in research laboratories/ platforms with the appropriate equipment. Collaboration with specialized teams.
The teaching unit on Environment 2 consists in small group bibliographical projects on case studies.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The students choose either the programme A or B.
A: Practical immersion of students in laboratory work by realization of an integrated project in analytical sciences.
B: Case study on an environmental issue related to drugs, endocrine disruptors and nanotechnologies.
A.Analytical sciences and data evaluation
Integrated project for products detection
Compact and inexpensive analytical instrumentation/device conception for quick analyses of counterfeit drugs/doping/ illegal drugs; Molecular screening (omic) of diseases; Biomolecule analysis and drug detection and follow-up; Analytical chemistry for dermatology and cosmetic science; Chemometrics for process analytical technology (PAT); Integrated project on the analysis of a finished product: Raw material analysis, final product analysis, etc.
B.Environmental issues
Issues specific to new drugs, nanoparticles or other environmental organic pollutant. Analysis or risk assessment, according to a therapeutic class.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Bibliographie :
- Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, 3rd Edition; Lloyd R. Snyder, et al.; Wiley, 2011
- Principles of Instrumental Analysis; Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch; Cengage Learning, 2017.
In this teaching unit, students are asked to choose one or the other of the two options proposed below.
A.Biomolecular modeling
-Biomolecular forces fields: From atoms to coarse grains
-Simulation techniques (molecular docking, molecular dynamics...)
-Structure and dynamics of biomolecules
-Complexes and aggregates of biomolecules
-Biomolecule - small compound interactions
-Molecular databases and chemical libraries
-Structural bioinformatics
-Pharmacophore screening
-ADMET prediction.
Prérequis :
Registration to the master D2HP.
Bibliographie :
- Leach A., Molecular Modelling: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition, 2001
- Höltje H-D., Sippl W., Rognan D., Folkers G., Molecular Modeling, Basic Principles and Applications, 2008.
A. Gardier, S. Kerdine-Römer, Marc Pallardy, Armelle Biola-Vidamment, Kevin Hardonnière, Jean-Philippe Guilloux, Laurent Tritschler, Boris Manoury, Denis David, Véronique Leblais.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Courses, Scenario and personal project work.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The program conveys comprehensive knowledge about toxicants including their impact on living organisms. Students will gain a deep understanding in general toxicology and organ toxicology. They will understand the close links between pharmacological activity and the toxicity of health products. Students will also acquire substantial knowledge on national and international legislative and regulatory processes.
- Concepts and strategies used in research as well as the complementary experimental in vitro and in vivo methodologies: in vitro cellular models, in vivo models (neurochemistry and behavioral tests) of a pathology.
- Designing experimental protocols appropriate for drug research and development.
- Analyzis of the scientific literature and results.
- Mechanisms of toxicity: cellular toxicology, oxidative stress, inflammatory mechanisms, molecular bases of immunotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and genotoxicity
- Target organ toxicology: Liver, kidney, lungs, blood and heart, and toxicants.
- Regulatory toxicity testing
- Project work: a 20-page report on the themes addressed.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 "Development of Drugs and Health Products".
Bibliographie :
- Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons (Curtis D. Klassen)
- Principles and Methods of Toxicology ( A. Wallace Hayes, Claire L. Kruger)
- The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics (Goodman & Gilman, Ed. McGraw-Hill) 2017.
Co coordinator: Dr D Bonte
Dr E Bianchini, Dr D Bonte, Dr F Fay, Pr P Gaussem, Dr M Lussignol, Dr E Morel, and Pr V Rosilio.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
This research unit is a scientific and tutored preparation to the M2 lab internship with the aim to prepare the students to their future career as a researcher:
- Appropriation of the bibliographical background of their research topic
- Writing of a well-known European grant on their project with PI interaction
- Defense of their project in front of a multidisciplinary jury composed of academic and industrials
The frame is the following:
1 introductory course
4 appointments to work on the slides and talks of the students with the tutors
1 tutored session to help on the grant writing
1 session in front of the multidisciplinary jury for the final defense, jury composed of tutors and other members from various fields.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Students will be trained to the researcher's career with the objectives of:
- handling the literature data linked to their next research topic/M2 lab internship
- improving communication skills and team communication due to early and strong interaction with team and supervisor of the lab internship
- building and managing a research project with the overview starting from the literature, experimental aspects and strategic orientation in agreement with their lab supervisor
- managing networks, human resources, materials and instrumentation to fulfill the final research aim
- planning ahead their research project: building Gantt and PERT diagrams
- performing financial planning and budget estimation
- seeking financial funding with application to the most classical European grants
- improving oral and writing communication by a defense and Grant writing before they start their lab internship.
C. Aymes-Chodur
J.P. Michel
V. Rosilio
J. Vergnaud
F. Agnely
N. Huang
+ invited professionals from the industry.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Theory and project.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Overview of materials used for biomedical applications (tissue engineering, 3D-printed systems, medical devices, etc.) Methods of characterization of biomaterials. Biological interactions between biomaterials and living tissues.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Bibliographie :
- Biomaterials in Clinical Practice - Advances in Clinical Research and Medical Devices, Springer International Publishing. Zivic, F. et al. (2018)
- Biopolymers and Biomaterials, Apple Academic Press. Padinjakkara A. et al. (2018)
- Biomaterials Science.
Biotechnology PW3: Viral and non viral gene transfer comparison
Langues d’enseignement :
Détail du volume horaire :
Cours :1
Travaux dirigés :4
TP/TD :15
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinateur :Dorine Bonte et Eric Morel
Equipe pédagogique :
Co coordinator: Dr E Morel
Dr D Bonte, Dr C Deloménie, Dr F Fay, Dr M Lussignol, Dr E Morel, and Dr I Turbica.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
This teaching unit is entirely composed of practical courses:
The subject and objectives of the practical works will be explained to the students so that they can work in half-group on the project and propose protocols, experiments to answer the asked scientific questions.
They will present their experimental strategies orally to the practical course stakeholders and will be corrected
Then the experimentation part takes place on 5 days with :
- measure of cell (CHO) viability and plating in appropriate density
- infection with adenovirus serotype 5, AAV serotype 2 of CHO cells with dose response MOI determined by the students in regard to the literature data
- transfection of the same cell type (CHO) with jet PEI and lipofectamine protocol
- titration of a virus
- Gene transfer wil be evaluated by cell GFP expression and morphological cell structure by F actin staining will be evaluated
The students present their results orally at the end of the practical works.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit includes practical works on the application of knowledge acquired in the different theoretical courses received in gene therapy. Students will apply viral and non viral gene transfer methods used in biotechnology in L2 laboratory aseptic conditions that they could encounter in their professional life. Classical read out of transfected/infected cell morphology will be evaluated in order to find the fit between expression efficiency and cell model alteration.
Biotechnology PW4: EPO, from production to purification
Langues d’enseignement :
Détail du volume horaire :
Cours :1
Travaux dirigés :4
TP/TD :15
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinateur :Dorine Bonte et Eric Morel
Equipe pédagogique :
Co coordinator: Dr E Morel
Dr D Bonte, Dr C Deloménie, Dr F Fay, Dr M Lussignol, Dr E Morel, and Dr I Turbica.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
During the practical courses, students will perform:
Production and quality control of murine erythropoietin (EPO)
Biological part
- Control of transgene integration in host genome cell
- Control of transfered gene expression
- EPO purification
Used technics: mRNA and DNA extraction, RT-qPCR, DEAE chromatography
Analytical part
Quality control of purified and pharmaceutical EPO
Used technics: SDS-PAGE and WB, ELISA
Oral presentations will be given by the students in the frame of prospective works for practical works preparation and at the end of the experimentation as a conclusion.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This teaching unit includes practical works on the application of the knowledge acquired in the different theoretical courses done in bioproduction, quality control and analytical chemistry. Students will acquire a practical mastery of the production and purification techniques of a therapeutic protein (EPO) and analytical techniques for the quality control of a pharmaceutical formulation.
Prérequis :
Being registered in the M2 master's degree D2HP.
Bibliographie :
Monograph Erythropoietin Concentrated Solution, European Pharmacopoeia 9th Edition, 1/2019: 1316.
A. Tfayli (co-coordinator of the teaching unit)
D. Mai
C. Smadja
S. Tfaili
T. Tran.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Theory and practical works.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Emerging analytical approaches with highlights on miniaturization, simple and fast operation as well as high detection performance :
Biosensors and magneto-immunoassays: electrokinetic and microfluidic systems (lab-on-chip, droplet systems, capillary electrophoresis); enrichment and separation in microchips (monolithic supports, solid support extraction, electrokinetic separation)
Spectral techniques : Raman derived techniques, SERS, CARS, SRS ; Terahertz ; Handheld spectroscopies, application domains, performance and limitations.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Bibliographie :
- Frank S. Parker (1983) Applications of Infrared, Raman, and Resonance Raman Spectroscopy in Biochemistry, Plenum Press, New York and London 1983 (ISBN-13: 978-0306412066).
- Luka et al. Microfluidics integrated biosensors: A leading technology towards l.
Generate, organize, analyze and extract relevant information from experimental data
Langues d’enseignement :
Détail du volume horaire :
Cours :4
Travaux pratiques :12
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinateur :TFAILI Sana
Equipe pédagogique :
G. Bernadat
P. Chaminade
H. Diarra
A. Kasselouri
S. Tfaili
A. Tfayli.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Theory and practical works.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
General concepts concerning experimental approach, data processing and chemometrics:
1. Statistics and open source software accessible to research and industrial laboratories: Statistical and mathematical tools for the exploration of experimental data
2. Generate data: experimental approach, experimental designs and available tools: Introduction to experimental designs and their application
3. Make the data talk: chemometrics, multivariate methods applied to industrial and research issues:
a. Introduction to chemometrics
b. Example of a descriptive multivariate method: Principal Component Analysis
c. Example of an Explicit Multivariate Method: Partial Least Squares Regression
4. Organizing Data: Databases and Data Management:
a. Different types of databases: theory and practice
b. Virtual research environment (VRE).
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Bibliographie :
- J. Kim H. Esbensen, Brad Swarbrick, Frank Westad, Pat Whitcomb, Mark Anderson (2018). Multivariate data analysis: an introduction to multivariate analysis, process analytical technology and quality by design. CAMO Software AS; 6th Edition edition (ISBN:.
Coordinateur :Audrey Esclatine et Marion Lussignol
Equipe pédagogique :
Co coordinator: Dr M Lussignol
Dr M.-F. Bernet-Camard, Dr D. Bonte, Dr M.-C. Chaumais, Pr A. Esclatine, Dr M. Lussignol, Dr V. Marin-Esteban, and Dr S. Pomel.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Class: Generalities about immunosuppression and infections (2h)
A- Causes of immunosuppression
Pretransplantation check-up: HLA compatibility (1h of class / tutorials)
Immunosuppressive therapy (2h of class / tutorials)
Infection by human immunodeficiency virus and antiretroviral treatment, different clinical cases to be treated (1h30 of class/tutorials + 1h30 of tutorials (clinical cases))
B- Infections and immunosuppression
Adenovirus and immunosuppression, comparison of 2 diagnostic methods: viral titration and qPCR (5h of practical works + 2h of result analysis and discussion)
Syphilis - Bacterial infections and immunosuppression (2h of tutorials)
Parasite infections and immunosuppression (2h of tutorials).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The theoretical part of this unit will give students an update about immunocompromised patients. Two causes of immunosuppression will be described: transplantation and human immunodeficiency virus infection. The management of those patients will be addressed. The main infectious risks for immunocompromised patients will be treated under tutorials, mainly working on clinical cases.
Immunocompromised patients are at higher risks of infections, so examples of infections linked to immunosuppression will be given. In virology, the example of the adenovirus will be exposed. This virus can be easily diagnosed in patients, thus, the practical part will permit the students to manipulate and master two classical diagnostic methods of the adenovirus infection: viral titration and qPCR. The syphilis and other bacteria infections will be presented, same for parasite infections during immunosuppression.
Students should acquire the theoretical part concerning the immunocompromised status of the patients (causes, treatment and infectious risks)
Student should be able to manipulate viruses in aseptic conditions
Students should be able to adapt properly protocols
Critical analysis of their experimental results
Critical analysis of literature documents
Relational, collaborative, and communication skills (oral and written).
Business model
Business plan
Budget management for marketers
The art of creating smart goals
Interactions with HCPs
Targeting and segmenting a market
Interaction of a Marketing department with other parts of a pharma organization.
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Preparation and characterization of basic nanosystems (liposomes, nanoparticles).
Prérequis :
To be enrolled in the M2 Development of Drugs and Health Products.
Bibliographie :
- C. Vauthier & G. Ponchel: Polymer nanoparticles for nanomedicines, 2017
- L. Hovgaard, S. Frokjaer, M. van de Weert, Pharmaceutical Formulation, development of peptide and proteins, 2012.
M. Beniddir
P. Champy
L. Evanno
P. Le Pogam-Alluard
A. Maciuk
E. Poupon.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Objective: Understanding the logic underlying chemodiversity of specialized metabolites in Nature. Being able to choose specific analytical and spectroscopic tools and approaches in the fields of dereplication and structural elucidation.
Diversity of natural products and of their biosynthetic pathways
Chemotaxonomy and structural selection in Nature
Specific analytical tools (in line tools / spectroscopic tools / anticipation tools).
Dr M. Braibant (Tour University), Dr M-L Gougeon (pasteur institute), Pr C. Janoir, (Paris Saclay), Dr N. Naffakh (Pasteur Insitute), and Dr S. Péchiné (Paris Saclay).
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
Courses: 10h
Introduction to vaccinology
Immune response to vaccines
Vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae
Vaccine development against HIV
Vaccine development against influenza
Case study: 4 students per group, 10h
Oral presentations based on article analysis on new vaccine development or efficacy improvement of existing vaccines.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The objective of this OTU is to sensibilize students to the field of vaccinology. Several recognized specialists will perform courses for the M2 students covering basic knowledge, up-to-date treatments and vaccines currently in development.
Prérequis :
Being registered to the M2 master's degree.
Bibliographie :
Innovation in Vaccinology
from design, through to delivery and testing, Selene Baschieri, Springer 2012.
Co coordinator: Dr E. Morel
Dr D Bonte
Prof. V. Rosilio
Prof. I. Kansau.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Cultural activities to promote interactions between students from different cultures.
Introduction to French culture
Team-building activities
Acclimation period.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Période(s) :
Octobre - Novembre - Décembre.
Lieu(x) :
6-month internship in academic or industrial research laboratory, including participation to a final scientific symposium.
Co coordinators: Dr D Bonte, Dr E Morel, and Pr V Rosilio.
Déroulement et organisation pratique :
The lab internship must last 6 months under he direction of a research supervisor. The research work will be the subject of a written report and an oral defense in the frame of the symposium. The M2 communication will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary jury as part of their grade.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The aim is to complete classical scholar education by a training by research. Students will have to find and perform a lab internship for 6 months. Research subjects selected by the students will be validated by D2HP organizing committee.
The M2 students will present their final defense during the symposium organized by the M1 students.
Prérequis :
Being registered to the M2 master's degree D2HP.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Période(s) :
Janvier - Février - Mars - Avril - Mai - Juin - Juillet.
Lieu(x) :
Modalités de candidatures
Période(s) de candidatures pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Du 15/01/2024 au 30/04/2024
Pièces justificatives obligatoires pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Copie du dernier diplôme.
Copie du passeport.
Coordonnées référents (obligatoire pour les candidats non internationaux).
Lettre de motivation.
Lettre de recommandation ou évaluation de stage.
Liste des autres masters demandés (hors Saclay).
Pièce libre.
(Indicate sources of funding envisaged (own funding, funds from the country of origin, Campus France or Paris-Saclay scholarships, etc))
Tous les relevés de notes des années/semestres validés depuis le BAC à la date de la candidature.
Curriculum Vitae.
Cambridge English certificate ou equivalent.
(If your studies were completed in English, a certificate of your university is sufficient.)
Descriptif détaillé et volume horaire des enseignements suivis depuis le début du cursus universitaire.
(This item corresponds to the whole programme of each academic year.)
Fiche de choix de M2 (obligatoire pour les candidats inscrits en M1 à l'Université Paris-Saclay) à télécharger sur https://urlz.fr/i3Lo.
Pièces justificatives facultatives pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Document justificatif des candidats exilés ayant un statut de réfugié, protection subsidiaire ou protection temporaire en France ou à l’étranger (facultatif mais recommandé, un seul document à fournir) :
- Carte de séjour mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
- OU récépissé mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
- OU document du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés reconnaissant le statut de réfugié
- OU récépissé mention réfugié délivré en France
- OU carte de séjour avec mention réfugié délivré en France
- OU document faisant état du statut de bénéficiaire de la protection subsidiaire en France ou à l’étranger.