M1 QUAntum Research Master Education Network – ERASMUS MUNDUS QUARMEN

  • Capacité d'accueil
  • Langue(s) d'enseignement
  • Régime(s) d'inscription
    Formation initiale
    Formation continue
Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation

The QUARMEN master (QUAntum Research Master Education Network) is a two-year international master’s programme in physics, specialized in Quantum Science and Technology. It aims at training students in key concepts and technologies for quantum devices and information.

Quantum science and technology in one of the fastest progressing fields of knowledge, and structuring research and development in this field is one of Europe’s priorities. In this context, QUARMEN attendees will be ready to develop innovative ideas and will have the opportunity of being directly involved in the activity of industrial and academic laboratories.

The training also includes a winter school on science management and entrepreneurship and a summer school on cutting edge topics of Quantum Science and Technology.

In the second year, students can choose to further develop their skills in one of the specialized areas: quantum photonics, quantum materials, nanoscience, cryptography, quantum control, and cold atoms.

The medium of instruction is English.

Scholarships are available (see Admission section).

Look the website for more information: https://www.master-quarmen.eu/

Modalités pédagogiques particulières


This master includes compulsory mobility. Students must attend in at least 2 countries (different from their country of residence). They may create their own master’s programme by choosing among different options:

  • Semester 1: Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
  • Semester 2: University of Porto (Portugal) or Paris-Saclay University (France)
  • Semester 3: University of Toronto (Canada) or Paris-Saclay University (France)
  • Semester 4: 6-month internship in academia or private companies.
Informations complémentaires


At the end of the two years, QUARMEN students will get a double or multiple diploma (Master’s in Physics) from the universities they studied at. For example, a student who studied the first semester at Sapienza University of Rome, the second semester at Paris-Saclay University and the third semester at the University of Toronto, will get the three master’s degrees from those universities. 

1 academic semester = 1 diploma !

Indicative calendar:

  • November: opening of the applications
  • Mid-February: deadline for the scholarships
  • End of March: communication of the results for scholarship (by email)
  • End of May : deadline for self-financed admissions
  • End of June : communication of the results for self-financed (by email)
  • Lectures start : beginning of september

Look the website for precise dates: https://www.master-quarmen.eu/

Partenaire(s) académique(s) de la formation

Universities :

Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)

University of Warsaw (Poland)

Institut Polytechnique de Paris (France)

City College of the City University of New York (USA)

Relation socio-économique

Companies and start-ups :

Dynamic optics (Italy)

Thales Alenia Space (Italy)

Sphere Photonics (Portugal)

EDF (France)

Orange (France)

Pasqal (France)

Quandela (France)

Qubit (France)

Xanadu (Canada)

Entangled Network (Canada)

Bridge Technologies (Canada)

Agnostiq (Canada)

Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) de la formation

Research Organizations :

Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science INESCTEC (Portugal)

International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory INL (Portugal)

Trieste Institute for Theoretical Quantum Technologies – SISSA (Italy)

Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology MCQST (Germany)

Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO (Spain)

Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Computing methods for physics 3
Condensed matter physics 6
Introduction to quantum field theory 6
Language course 3
Non-linear and quantum optics 6
Physics Laboratory 1 6
Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Winter School
Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Advanced mathematics for physics 3
Internship 6
Language course 3
Machine learning for Quantum Technology 3
Nanomaterials and electronics applications 3
Other courses (option) 3
Quantum effects at the macroscale 6
Quantum Hardware 3
Research project (option) 3
Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Advanced computer architectures (option) 6
Computational complexity 6
High performance computing 3
Internship (option) 6
Introduction to quantum information 6
Language course 3
Quantum and statistical field theory (option) 6
Quantum materials 6
Sensing and signal analysis (option) 6
Modalités de candidatures
Modalités description

Deadlines, results and academic calendar 2023/2024 :

  • Opening of the applications: 1 November 2023
  • Closing date for scholarship applications: 25 February 2024 
  • End of March: communication of the results for scholarship (by email)
  • Closing date for self-funded applications: 15 May 2024
  • End of June : communication of the results for self-financed (by email)
  • Lectures start : beginning of september 2024

Please, note that applications must be submitted directly on the QUARMEN website: https://www.master-quarmen.eu/

Période(s) de candidatures pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Du 15/01/2024 au 28/02/2024
Pièces justificatives obligatoires pour la plateforme INCEPTION
  • Lettre de motivation.

  • Tous les relevés de notes des années/semestres validés depuis le BAC à la date de la candidature.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

  • Détail des UEs suivies pour les candidats hors M1 Paris Saclay.

Pièces justificatives facultatives pour la plateforme INCEPTION
  • Dossier VAPP (obligatoire pour toutes les personnes demandant une validation des acquis pour accéder à la formation) https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/formation/formation-continue/validation-des-acquis-de-lexperience.

  • Document justificatif des candidats exilés ayant un statut de réfugié, protection subsidiaire ou protection temporaire en France ou à l’étranger (facultatif mais recommandé, un seul document à fournir) :
    - Carte de séjour mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
    - OU récépissé mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
    - OU document du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés reconnaissant le statut de réfugié
    - OU récépissé mention réfugié délivré en France
    - OU carte de séjour avec mention réfugié délivré en France
    - OU document faisant état du statut de bénéficiaire de la protection subsidiaire en France ou à l’étranger.

Applications for scholarships must be done on www.master-quarmen.eu

Documents needed

  • CV (2 pages maximum)
  • Cover letter (2 pages maximum)

Specify your motivation to join the master, your career objectives, your mobility in the programme.

  • Grades and grading system explanation

Grades since the first year of your Bachelor studies (including an explanation of the grading system used at your university). If you already hold a master’s degree, upload both your bachelor’s and your master’s grades.

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree diploma/certificate

If you already obtained it

  • Passport

Or identity card for students from the European Union

  • Proof of English proficiency

Note that an applicant from an institution where the language of instruction is English is not required to provide any official test results. In that case, you must upload a document certifying it (transcript of records, letter of your institution, etc.).

In all other cases, the applicant must provide one of the following tests:

TOEFL: Paper Based Test: 550 or higher, Computer Based Test: 213 or higher, Internet Based Test: 82 or higher.

IELTS: 6.0 points or higher

Cambridge Certificates: Cambridge English First (FCE), Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) and Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE).

Contact us for any doubt.

  • Contact details of a recommending person
Responsable(s) de la formation
Secrétariat pédagogique
Modalités de candidature / d’inscription
  • Applicants should have or should be in process to get a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS or equivalent) in Physics or related topics (Engineering, Computer Science, etc.).
  • English skills (TOEFL, IELTS or other proof).

Applications must be submitted online. All documents must be in English.

Only certified translations will be accepted. All documents translated to English must come with a copy of the original document.

Original transcripts of records and degree certificates in French, Italian and Portuguese can be accepted.

Droits d’inscription

Scholarships, are available for students coming from all over the world, there is no restriction in terms of nationality. 

Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus (about 20 scholarships per year):

  • Full scholarship: 1400€/month x 24 months + fee waiving

Partial scholarships (about 10 scholarships per year):

  • fee waiving

Paris-Saclay scholarships (about 5 scholarships per year):

  • 20 000 € for 2 years
  • Reimbursement of travel costs
  • No fee waiving

- Please note that no bank transfer will be made until the student arrives at the first host university.

- Tuition fees for self-financed students are 6000€/year. Tuition fees include: university enrolment, international insurance, summer and winter schools, facilities and social activities.

- Note that the beneficiaries of the Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus scholarship do not have to pay for tuition fees.