M1 FIPDes (Food Innovation and Product Design)

  • Capacité d'accueil
  • Langue(s) d'enseignement
  • Régime(s) d'inscription
    Formation initiale
Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation

Choosing FIPDes, it’s a unique opportunity to:
- Be able to successfully integrate and apply knowledge from different disciplines and cultural systems.
- Undertake front-running applied projects in collaboration with industrial and academic partners.
- Deepen your technical skills while exploring your creative abilities.
- Empower your adaptability and entrepreneurship capabilities.
- Shape a unique profile that would take many years to build when working in a company.
- Get the European experience and networks to be ready for new incoming professional challenges at local and global scales.
- Develop highly marketable soft-skills such as team-management, leadership, and English communication.

Lieu(x) d'enseignement
Pré-requis, profil d’entrée permettant d'intégrer la formation

- Background: BSc degree or equivalent degree of at least 180 ECTS or equivalent in food science and technology, biotechnology, process engineering, biochemistry, nutrition or food related fields with a number of prerequisites (e.g. chemistry, biotechnology, process technology/engineering, biochemistry, mathematics, statistics) representing at least three years of study from a foreign institute of higher education. Candidates should be interested in a truly international academic experience and aiming for an international career.

- English language proficiency level ("B2 level" according to CEFR, advanced) demonstrated in one of the following ways: TOEFL at minimum level 575 Internet-based TOEFL at minimum level 90 IELTS at minimum level 6.5 Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (FCE with B2 level, CAE or CPE) Students with English as their mother tongue (the copy of passport is needed to prove this) Students who have completed (or who are currently completing) a higher education degree with English as a medium of instruction (a certificate from the university is required to prove this) Stay of more than a year in an English-speaking country (a certificate from employer or other as applicable, or a copy of the passport page showing visa to enter and leave the English-speaking country, is needed to prove this) Exemptions can exceptionally be made for outstanding students with a lower English proficiency level

  • Have developed personal, social, leadership and intellectual skills in a multidisciplinarity context of food innovation and product design.

  • Have a deep knowledge and be able to apply the values of scholarship, inquiry, reflexion, integrity, openmindness, evidence-based thinking and collegiality.

  • Understand and be able to apply the principles and processes that underpin sustainable and innovative food development, including engineering, culinary, managerial and scientific aspects.

  • Be able to develop new knowledge or procedure and to integrate knowledge from different fields.

  • Get insight and awareness of the socio-economic environment and reflect on relationships between individuals, society and economy, providing a holistic overview of food innovation from local to global scale and of industrial practices throughout the whole food supply chains, from raw materials to consumers.

  • Make an informed choice of area of specialisation in the second FIPDes year.

Profil de sortie des étudiants ayant suivi la formation

Students who have completed the first year of FIPDes programme are admitted to the second year of the programme (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in 2 years).

Débouchés de la formation

Opportunities following the FIPDes programme are diverse and varied:
- Jobs in SMEs
- Jobs in the R&D of major food groups
- Jobs in Higher Education
- Development of its own start-up (example of FoPo, created by FIPDes students: https://www.myfopo.com/)
- Continuation of studies in another Master
- PhD programmes

Logo Erasmus +

FIPDes is part of the elite Erasmus Mundus Programme (2011-2015) and the Erasmus + Programme (2016-2021 and 2019-2025) initiated by the European Commission to enhance and promote European Higher Education throughout the world.

Logo FIPDes
Partenaire(s) académique(s) de la formation
  • Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) - Ireland
  • Federico II University (UNINA) - Italy
  • Lund University - Sweden
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s) de la formation

Génie et Microbiologie des Procédés Alimentaires
Ingénierie Procédés Aliments
MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé Humaine.


Le semestre 1 est constitué d'un tronc commun et de 3 ECTS à choix (choix entre deux UE). Il a lieu à AgroParisTech (France).

Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Comprehensive Food Science and Analysis 5 22.5 27 4.5
Food Process Engineering 3 21.5 22.5
French Language or Foreign Language for French Speaking Students 2 42
Introduction Module 1.5 12 23
Introduction to Formulation Engineering Applied to Food Products 1.5 9 2 5
Junior R&D Project 9 6 6 78
Statistics Applied to Food Science and Technology 2 18 12
Structuring Food: Science and Technology 3 6 30
Sustainable Development for Food Products 1.5 14 2.5 3
Transversal Innovation Project (I): Intercultural Intelligence, Project Management and Creativity 1.5 3 31
Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Analytical Engineering for the Agri-Food Industries and the Environment 3 12 4 21

Le semestre 2 est constitué d'un tronc commun et d'UE supplémentaires ne comptant pas pour l'obtention du S2 . Il a lieu à la Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) en Irlande.

Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Advanced Molecular Gastronomy 5 24
Food Law and the Regulatory Environment 5 24
Marketing Communication and Consumer Behaviour 5 24
New Food Business Creation 5 24
Transversal innovation project (II): Food prototype development and evaluation 10 4 44
Matières ECTS Cours TD TP Cours-TD Cours-TP TD-TP A distance Projet Tutorat
Non compulsory Summer Internship 5
Summer School 3 15 15
Modalités de candidatures
Période(s) de candidatures pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Du 27/02/2025 au 25/04/2025
Pièces justificatives obligatoires pour la plateforme INCEPTION
  • Lettre de motivation.

  • Tous les relevés de notes des années/semestres validés depuis le BAC à la date de la candidature.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

Pièces justificatives facultatives pour la plateforme INCEPTION
  • Autres diplômes.

  • Dossier VAPP (obligatoire pour toutes les personnes demandant une validation des acquis pour accéder à la formation) https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/formation/formation-continue/validation-des-acquis-de-lexperience.

  • Document justificatif des candidats exilés ayant un statut de réfugié, protection subsidiaire ou protection temporaire en France ou à l’étranger (facultatif mais recommandé, un seul document à fournir) :
    - Carte de séjour mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
    - OU récépissé mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
    - OU document du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés reconnaissant le statut de réfugié
    - OU récépissé mention réfugié délivré en France
    - OU carte de séjour avec mention réfugié délivré en France
    - OU document faisant état du statut de bénéficiaire de la protection subsidiaire en France ou à l’étranger.

Applications and deadlines

Applications are now open until January 25th, 2023, 14.00 (CET).

More information: http://www.fipdes.eu/?FIPDes-application-Calendar-Deadlines

Apply here: https://candidatures-erasmusmundus.agroparistech.fr/index.php



Application procedure

The following documents must be uploaded on the online application tool:

  • Completed application form (using the provided online tool)
  • Scan of Passport (with photo, date of expiry and personal details / ID can be accepted for European students only)
  • Curriculum Vitae (if possible in European Format, see the Europass Website)
  • Letter of Motivation: There is no minimum nor maximum length for the motivation letter. However usually it’s 1 to 2 pages. The letter should be addressed to the FIPDes Consortium.
  • Copy of BSc-degree or equivalent (Scan of the official degree or temporary certificates required)
  • Translation of Diploma (if applicable, official translation in English or one of the languages of the Partner Universities: French, Italian, Swedish)
  • Transcripts of academic records for each year of the BSc degree or equivalent (official signed and stamped transcripts with explanation of the grading system, and, if applicable, official translation in English or one of the languages of the Partner Universities: French, Italian, Swedish)
  • Recommendation letter: Two reference letters (signed and stamped, if possible use the FIPDes form): http://www.fipdes.eu/?Application-procedure-159 The letters will be uploaded directly by the referents (University teacher, employer, internship supervisor…)
  • Proof of English Proficiency: Proof of English level ("B2 level" according to CEFR, advanced) demonstrated in one of the following ways:
    • TOEFL at minimum level 575
    • Internet-based TOEFL at minimum level 90
    • IELTS (Academic) at minimum level 6.5
    • Cambridge Certificates: Cambridge English First (FCE) , Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) and Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE)
    • Students with English as their mother tongue (the copy of passport is needed to prove this)
    • Students who have completed (or who are currently completing) a higher education degree with English as a medium of instruction (a certificate from the university is required to prove this)
    • Stay of more than a year in an English-speaking country (a certificate from employer or other as applicable, or a copy of the passport page showing visa to enter and leave the English-speaking country, is needed to prove this)
    • Exemptions can exceptionally be made for outstanding students with a lower English proficiency level
  • Proof of your Place of Residence: a residence certificate in accordance with your municipality registration rules or a certificate from your place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question, in English (or officially translated into English) and not older than 12 months.
Responsable(s) de la formation
Secrétariat pédagogique
Secretary FIPDes - fipdes@agroparistech.fr
Droits d’inscription

This master's programme offers additional services. This programme requires specific tuition fees in addition to the mandatory fees : https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/admission-help/tuition-fees

More information on FIPDes website: www.fipdes.eu

FIPDes fees: http://www.fipdes.eu/?Fees-5

FIPDes Application Procedure: http://www.fipdes.eu/?Application-procedure-159