
Objectifs pédagogiques de la mention

The objective of this master's degree is to provide a general curriculum in economics at the research level, allowing for a continuation into a PhD program.

Students will acquire the fundamental technics and concepts in economics, both theoretical and empirical, as well as a critical thinking about the way to use them.

The first year of the program (M1) is structured around 8 compulsory core courses that form the common ground on which the research specialization in the second year (M2) will be based, supplemented by two optional discovery courses and two research projects.

The M2 is entirely optional, allowing students to build, under the supervision of the faculty members, their own specific curricula adapted to their personal research agenda. Some will choose to specialize fully in one of the three fields of excellence of the Master's degree (1. Trade, Geography and Development Economics 2. Public and Behavioral Economics 3. Advances and Challenges in Macroeconomics). Others will choose more diversified and original combinations, allowing cross-fertilization between areas that are treated in a conventional way independently.

The Research Master thesis will allow students to demonstrate their ability to conduct independent, original, and innovative scientific research. To this end, they will mobilize all the skills acquired during their master's degree.

Profil de sortie des étudiants

At the end of the master, students will have the necessary skills to pursue careers requiring high level of expertise in economics, in the private sector, international organizations, public institutions, and of course academics.


The Master Economics offers only one curriculum.


BA Economics, BS Mathematics, Licence d'Economie, Licence de Mathématique

Les compétences à acquérir au sein de la mention sont :
  • Problematize an economic question and contextualize it socially, historically and within an academic literature.

  • Think in terms of models to reach a deeper understanding of an economic problem and evaluate potential solutions.

  • Collect, treat and analyze multi-dimensional economic datasets at research level.

  • Communicate professionally on a research outcome in front of various audiences.

  • Behave professionally as an economist, individually and collectively, in various organizations and in the whole society.

Compétences attestées de la mention - Fiche nationale du Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP)