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All courses and tutorials are provided by the coordinator of the teaching unit. No duplication of the student group is expected.
The tutorials and in particular the "Cours-TD" are included in the lecture sessions (half-days divided into two 1h30 sessions) in order to assimilate directly and more concretely the concepts covered.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The general objectives of the lectures is to give a basic overview of neutron and reactor physics :
•Brief review of nuclear physics for reactor physics: mass defect, binding energy, fission (spontaneous/induced), neutron/matter interactions, definition of cross-sections, radiactivity (natural/artificial) and radioactive decays.
•Neutron induced fission and self-sustaining chain reaction: introduction of the concept of criticality, definition of the multiplication factor. Focus on thermal neutron reactors with the four factor formula.
•Neutron energy spectrum in reactors: fast and thermal neutrons, neutron thermalization.
•Introduction of the different reactor types: different possible combinations of coolant, moderator, fuel and neutron spectra.
•Definition and impacts of the feedback: temperature effects (Doppler and moderator), expansion effects. Explaining their importance for the reactor stability.
•Evolution of the neutron population: neutron kinetics, definition and importance of delayed neutrons, inhour equation.
•Fuel depletion: fission product poisoning (Xenon and Samarium effects), isotopic depletion, Bateman equations, definition of the burn-up to charaterize the fuel depletion.
•Fuel management: brief review of the different strategies (fuel reprocessing vs. storage).
•Reactor operation: presentation of the different reactor components and systems. Focus on pressurized water reactors (PWR). Importance of the residual power for the reactor safety.
Prérequis :
Mathematics : resolution of differential equations
Physics : basic nuclear and atomic physics (e.g. radioactive decays, notion of cross-sections)
Chemistry : notion of stoichiometry.
Bibliographie :
Paul Reuss, Neutron Physics, Les Ulis, INSTN/EDPSciences, 2008.
Neutronics, A Nuclear Energy Division Monograph, ouvrage collectif, Paris, Saclay, Les Éditions du Moniteur/CEA, 2015.
The courses will be held at INSTN.
Lectures are given by session of 1.5 hours and are completed with tutorial sessions in which students will exercises themselves to useful calculation in nuclear physics.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This course is an introduction to nuclear physics. The aim is to provide a general and common scientific background for any M1 student intending to pursue its study towards any option offered for the second year of the master.
They will be provided background information and skills in nuclear physics to understand the nuclear physics properties of the nucleus structure, their stability. The course structure is:
1-Discovery of the atomic nucleus: description of the historical. Introduction to all natural units and orders of magnitude.
2-Description of the nucleus: description of the size and the mass. Introduction of the nuclear binding energy, the liquid drop model, spontaneous nuclear processes,
3-Nuclear Modelling: introduction to the nuclear shell model. Calculation of total angular momentum and parities of nuclear states,
4-Nuclear Cross Sections: introduction of the notion of cross-sections, macroscopic cross sections, reaction rates, mean free path …
5-Kinematics: description of all the tools needed to make calculation of the classical kinematics of a two-body nuclear reaction,
6-Alpha, beta and gamma decays,
7-Radioactive decay law and activities.
8-Neutron Physics.
Prérequis :
Bibliographie :
Das & Ferbel, Introduction To Nuclear And Particle Physics ( World Scientific, 2003).
The objectives of the course are to:
have acquired a global knowledge of the current and future situation of power generation, essentially focused on fossil and renewable sources;
possess an overview on current global market of oil and gas and its prospects for the future in the medium and long term;
have acquired good technological and economical notions on wind and solar farms for renewable energy production;
have acquired an advanced knowledge on the current and future generations of bio fuels, and the formation of atmospheric pollutants during their combustion;
be able to understand the challenges of energy efficiency in buildings and industry;
have acquired a knowledge of the main technologies of energy storage;
possess an insight into the future of low carbon power generation via the development of CO2 capture, sequestration and valorisation (CCS/V) technologies;
Introduction to renewable energies - Cleantech - Legal aspects
Solar energy
Wind energy
Energy storage
Energy efficiency
CO2 capture sequestration and valorisation
CO2 capture technologies
Oil and Gas
Combustion for energy production.
The lecture will be separated in courses and practical works.
All the classes will be held at INSTN.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The main objective of this teaching unit is to give to students a good but enough knowledge about radiation interaction and detection.
A particular focus is made on the main physical quantities used in this particular field of physics and the order of magnitude of these quantities in the most common situations.
To reach this general and particular goal, a lot of practical works are proposed to students. These practical works represent more than the half of the teaching time.
Sources of radiation : energy spectra
Energy loss of radiation into matter : Charged Particles (Linear Energy Transfer, Range) Neutrons and Electromagnetic Radiation (scattering, absorption, cross section, mean free path, attenuation laws) radiation dose
Measurement Uncertainties, estimation and propagation. Focus on uncertainty on nuclear events counting.
Radiation detection process
Radiological background in measurements.
Different types of radiation detectors : gas filled, semi-conductor, scintillator (organic and inorganic), others.
Radiation detection electronic chain
General characteristics of detectors and associated electronics : efficiency, energy resolution, sensitivity to external parameters, dead time, …
Application of detectors in different fields : radioactivity measurements, radiation protection, nuclear imaging, ….
Prérequis :
Good mastery of basics in physics and chemistry.
Basic skills in mathematics and general science.
level : Bachelor on science (French licence).
The courses will be held at INSTN.
Lectures are given by session of 1.5 hours and are completed with tutorial sessions in which students will exercises themselves to essential mathematical techniques for physics.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The aim of this course is to provide a set of mathematical notions and tools useful in the world of nuclear engineering. From vector analysis to the study of coupled differential equations systems, fundamental concepts will be studied and developed in tutorials.
1.Introduction to Group theory: Symmetry elements and operators, Group classification of molecules.
2.Vector & tensor analysis: algebra, vector differentiation and integration. Standard coordinates systems, Jacobian & operators. Tensor algebra: Summation convention, Kronecker & Levi-Civita symbol …
3.Matrix Algebra: Basics definitions and operations. Linear systems. Determinants and matrix inversion, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Hermitian matrices.
4.Infinite Series: Basic definitions, convergence, Power series, Taylor expansion, numerical approximation, Fourier Series & transforms.
5.ODE: First order linear Second order linear equation (problem of initial value or boundary conditions) with constant coefficients, Laplace transform (Bateman Eq.), Series solutions, Partial differential equations.
6.Statistic & probabilities: Probability calculations definitions and counting methods. Statistics: definition mean, variance. Statistical distributions. Data analysis: fit, error propagation, confidence level. Introduction to Monte-Carlo Techniques.
“Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences”, Mary L. Boas, Wiley.
“Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A concise introduction”, Tai L. Chow, Cambridge University Press.
“Formules et Tables de Mathématiques” Murray R. Spiegel, Series Schaum (available on the web as a pdf).
Lectures will be followed by working sessions (tutorials, TD), where students apply the concepts and computational technics introduced in the lectures to solve simple and more advanced problems.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The objective of this course is to provide a clear view of the principles of Thermodynamics and its applications relevant to physics and engineering. The aim for the students is to acquire a valuable understanding of the fundamental concepts of Thermodynamics (such as energy exchange, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy creation etc.) and a good knowledge of the calculation method associated.
The course content is divided into 4 main chapters:
1.1st and 2nd laws of Thermodynamics
System and process (terminology and definitions), state functions properties, basic notions of temperature, pressure, heat and work, 1st law and energy conservation, concept of irreversibility, 2nd law and entropy creation.
2.Differential formulation, calorimetric and thermo-elastic coefficients
How to use these to solve a problem of Thermodynamics, ideal gas model and real gases, Joule expansions.
3.Phase changes and phase diagrams of pure substances
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, reading and handling different diagrams [(P,T), (P,V), (T,S), Mollier].
4.Heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps
Operating principle, Raveau diagram, Carnot cycle, efficiency calculations, studying thermal cycles with chap. 3 diagrams, operating cycles (Otto, Diesel, Brayton, Rankine, Stirling).
Prérequis :
Good knowledge of mathematics, derivatives, linear algebra and calculus.
Bibliographie :
-“Thermodynamics (Part II of « Chemical process principles »)”, O.A. Hougen, K.M. Watson, R. A. Ragatz, 2nd edition, Wiley and Sons Inc.
-“Thermodynamics: an advanced course with problems and solutions”, R. Kubo, Wiley and Sons Inc.
-“Résoudre un problème.
Période(s) de candidatures pour les candidats éligibles à la plateforme MonMaster
Dépôt des candidatures sur la plateforme nationale MonMaster : du 25 février au 24 mars 2025
Période(s) de candidatures pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Les périodes de candidature Inception 2025 seront bientôt affichées.
Les candidats qui dépendent de la plateforme MonMaster ne sont pas concernés. Pour connaître la plateforme sur laquelle vous devez candidater, vous trouverez plus de renseignements sur la page Candidater à nos masters.
Pièces justificatives obligatoires pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Choix de parcours.
Lettre de motivation.
Tous les relevés de notes des années/semestres validés depuis le BAC à la date de la candidature.
Curriculum Vitae.
Descriptif détaillé et volume horaire des enseignements suivis depuis le début du cursus universitaire.
Pièces justificatives facultatives pour la plateforme INCEPTION
Attestation de français (obligatoire pour les non francophones).
Document justificatif des candidats exilés ayant un statut de réfugié, protection subsidiaire ou protection temporaire en France ou à l’étranger (facultatif mais recommandé, un seul document à fournir) :
- Carte de séjour mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
- OU récépissé mention réfugié du pays du premier asile
- OU document du Haut Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés reconnaissant le statut de réfugié
- OU récépissé mention réfugié délivré en France
- OU carte de séjour avec mention réfugié délivré en France
- OU document faisant état du statut de bénéficiaire de la protection subsidiaire en France ou à l’étranger.