Events Momentom

21st November 2019, ENS Paris-Saclay

Free but mandatory registration

Other Events
"The history of the birth of perovskite solar cells technology and the lastest developments around record efficiencies."
6th November 2019 at 10 am, in the Becquerel amphitheatre of the IPVF and live on the web.

Invited speaker : Nam-Gyu Park

Nam-Gyu Park, professor at SKKU in Korea (Sungkyunkwan University) was one of the pioneers of hybrid perovskites based solar cells and his work has launched the spectacular emergence of these molecules for photovoltaics. He will shed light on the beginnings of the fabulous history of hybrid perovskites and will present the latest advances that have recently enabled to exceed 25% yield.

at IPVF: Limited number of places, registration required

To get to the IPVF: Address: 18 Boulevard Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau.

Access by RER B Massy-TGV then bus 91.06 or 91.10, stop: Ferme de Vauve

On the web: link to connect to the conference live

1st French/German Joint Symposium on Materials for Catalysis and Energy Applications
1Oth and 11th October 2019

Invited speakers : Université Paris-SudInvited speakers: Prof. Sylvain Franger (Université Paris-Sud, France), Dr. Hynd Remita (CNRS, France), Prof. Dr. Frank Neese (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Germany), Prof. Dr. Christof Schulz (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Cycle Environment and Energy Transition
Why hydrogen is now ready to enable the energy transition?
Thursday, 19th September 2019 at 5 pm   
Gay Lussac Amphi
Invited speakers : Pierre Etienne Franc, Vice President, H2 Energy World Business, Air Liquide
Hydrogen Council secretary

MOMENTOM Past Events

If you want information on those past events, please write an e-mail to Hanen KOOLI-CHAABANE.

17th and 18th October 2019: 2nd MOMENTOM International Congress at Université Paris-Sud

Invited speakers : Vincent Artero (CEA, France), Julien Bachmann (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), Claude Heller (Air Liquide, France), Christel Laberty-Robert (Sorbonne Université, France), Jean-Paul Reich (AFHYPAC, France), Jean-Paul Kleider (Université Paris Saclay, France)

People of MOMENTOM : towards MOMENTOM plus

25th June 2019: 5th MOMENTOM Workshop on Materials for Energy: Characterization and Operando Studies at Synchrotron Soleil (Saint-Aubin).

Invited speakers: Dr. Christiane Alba-Simionesco (LLB, CEA Saclay), Dr. Christèle Legens  (IFPEN), Dr. Andrew Thompson (SOLEIL), Dr. Nicolas Besnard (Renault)

28th June 2018: MOMENTOM Workshop on Energy Storage and Batteries at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau).

Invited speakers: Phlippe Barboux (Professor, ChimieParisTech), Pierre Tran-Van (Battery Engineer, Renault)

25th June 2018: Débat sur la Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Energie - Atelier Recherche et Innovation de Saclay (Centrale Supélec).

19th April 2018: MOMENTOM Postdocs Seminar (LCP, salle Magat, Orsay) 9h30.

Chandra Sekhar Bongu: "Ex situ Solid Electrolyte Interphase Synthesis via Radiolysis of Li-Ion anode Materials for Improved Performance"

Alexandre Pradon: "Precious metal free nano-architectured electrodes for green production of H2 by water electrolysis"

Maria-Guadalupe Mendez-Medrano: "Development of New SiNW Based Photoelectrodes for Solar Fuel Applications"

12th April 2018: MOMENTOM Workshop on Hydrogen: Production, Storage and Use at CentraleSupélec (Gif-sur-Yvette).

Invited speakers: Christian Maugy (Ingénieur Stockage d'Energie, spécialiste PAC, PSA Groupe) et Olivier Joubert (IMN, Nantes, directeur du GDR HYSPAC).

23rd/24th November 2017: International MOMENTOM Congress at ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan).

Invited speakers: Véronique Amstutz (EPFL, Sion), Michael Grätzel (EPFL, Lausanne), Pierre Millet (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay), Jean-Pierre Ponssard (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau), Patrice Simon (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse).

9/10th November 2017: The Energy Transition in the Land Transportation (Paris) with the label of MOMENTOM.


- Economics of the new powertrains: evaluation and deployment strategies

- Learning-by-doing, spill-overs and coordination needs along the value chain

- Competition and/or complementarity in usage and infrastructures

- Implications of zero emission vehicles for electricity storage and supply/demand balance

- New trends in transportation modes (collaborative transportation modes, development of multimodal journeys, autonomous vehicles…)

- Evaluation of public policies at the national and local levels (carbon tax, subsidies, technical norms, driving restrictions, urban tolls…)

19th October 2017: MOMENTOM Workshop on New Energies & Society at Maison des Sciences Humaines, ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan).

Invited speakers: Patrick Schembri (UVSQ), Johnny Deschamps (ENSTA ParisTech), Patrice Geoffron (Université Paris-Dauphine), Pierre-Etienne Franc (Air Liquide), Jean-Guy Devezeaux de Lavergne (I-tésé), Sylvain Franger (Université Paris-Sud), Jean-Pierre Ponssard (Ecole Polytechnique), Maria-Eugenia Sanin (Ecole Polytechnique).

11th October 2017: MOMENTOM Workshop on Solar Fuels at Université Paris-Sud (Orsay).

Invited speakers: Claude Heller (Air Liquide), Marc Robert (Université Paris Diderot)

Highlights from Marc Robert:

Other Events

7th November 2018: "Chimie, nanomatériaux et nanotechnologies" (Maison de la Chimie, Paris).

6th - 7th November 2018: Workshop scientifique "La transition énergétique" EDF Lab (Palaiseau).

27th Spetember 2018: 1st LabCom Day (Maison de la Chimie, Paris).

12th July 2018: Inaugration of la MISS (Maison d'Initiation et de Sensibilisation aux Sciences) (Orsay).

3rd July 2018: Inaugural Lesson of Miguel Valenzuela "Photocatalytic hydrogen production: fundamental and study cases" (LCP, Orsay).

19th June 2018: Dizième journée de l'I-Tésé "Les nouvelles technologies au service de la transition énergétique" (Grand Amphi, INSTN, Saclay).

13th June 2018: Workshop scientifique "Sciences Humaines et Sociales & Mobilités" au CEA l'Orme des Merisiers (Gif-sur-Yvette).

Invited speakers: Dominique Barth, Laurence Debrincat, Jakob Puchinger, Michel Savy, Ghislain Delabie, Charles Waubant, Jéröme Perrin, Corinne Blanquart, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Valérie Gyselinck, Mélanie Clément-Fontaine, Pierre Zembri, Jean Laterrasse, Yoann Demoli, Benoît Chèze, Mathieu Saujot, Bernard Jullien

12th June 2018: Journée scientifique du LEEL "Matériaux pour l'énergie, explorés par les faisceaux d'ions" au CEA l'Orme des Merisiers (Gif-sur-Yvette).

4th/8th June 2018:  10th European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA10) (Almeria, Spain).

Invited speakers: Angelo Albini, Hermenegildo Garcia, Jaime Gimenez, Nicolas Keller, Kevin McGuigan

4th - 5th June 2018: "La Recherche au Service de la Transition Energétique" - ADEME (Palais des Congrès, Issy-les-Moulineaux).

"Villes et territoires durables", "A l’échelle du bâtiment", "Des solutions pour l’industrie", "Briques technologiques énergétiques innovantes"

30th May - 1st June 2018: GDR Solar Fuels (Paris).

Invited speakers: Erwin Reisner, Peter Strasser, Sophia Haussener, Bettina Lotsch

23rd/25th May 2018: GDR HYSPAC (Grenoble).

23rd May 2018: Paris Saclay Spring

21st/25th May 2018: GECOM CONCOORD (Longeville sur Mer).

Invited speakers: Tom Mallouk, Andy Knight, Chantal Daniel, Pierre Mialane, Jérôme Hannedouche, Philippe Hapiot, Christelle Hureau, Olivier Maury, Rodrigue Lescouezec

10th/12th April 2018: DRIM'in Saclay.

4th/5th April 2018: HyVolution, les journées de l'hydrogène énergie

29th/30th March 2018: Workshop for Young Researchers on Photo-active materials with Cooperative and Synergetic Responses (Lille).

Invited speakers: Hiroshi Miyasaka, Johan Hofkens, J. Abe, Fabien Miomandre, Damien Baigl, Kenji Matsuda

21st March 2018: Conférence-débat intitulée Energie, climat et croissance : les enjeux de la transition vers une économie décarbonée, (Université de Cergy-Pontoise).

Invited speaker: Patrick Schembri

20th March 2018: Séminaire Financement de la transition énergétique : Financements innovants, aides publiques et scénarii pour les investissements bas carbone, organisé dans le cadre de la Chaire Energie et prospérité conjointement avec Air Liquide.

13th March 2018: Les enjeux humains de la transition énergétique, les Mardis de l'Innovation (Université Paris-la Sorbonne-1).

Invited speakers: Philippe Montantême, Bernard Chaud, Olivia Breysse, Bertrand Guillemot

9th March 2018: LCP Seminar(Orsay).

Invited speaker: Sylvain Franger on High entropy oxides as promising materials for safe and efficient green solid state batteries. Information: see.

2nd March 2018: Séminaire Financement de la transition énergétique : Financement innovant des infrastructures de la mobilité bas carbone, organisé dans le cadre de la chaire Energie et prospérité conjointement avec Air Liquide. If you want information on this event, please write to Anne-Laure Doireau.

21st November 2017: L'hydrogène, énergie du futur. La réponse de la chimie. Annual diner-conference from UNAFIC (maison de la Chimie, Paris 7).

5th October 2017: Colloque en l'honneur de Michael Grätzel, Docteur Honoris Causa ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan; amphi Chemla)

3rd/7th July 2017: Summer School at Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin: The Versailles International Summer School of Sustainable Mobility: An interdisciplinary approach of transport, climate change and wellbeing. Online inscriptions (

PDF iconprogramme_de_la_summer_school_uvsq.pdf

29th May - 1st June 2017: GDR Solar Fuels