Fablab: video synthesis workshop

2022-09-28 18:00 2022-09-28 21:00 Fablab: video synthesis workshop

Arduino Coding and Video Synthesis Workshop

Lean to code in C with Arduino, solder and assemble a custom printed-circuit board made in the Fablab, and make your own algorithmically-generated video art!

This workshop is inspired by the improvisational music of Live coding (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_coding) and the burgeoning minimalist Bytebeats movement (https://nightmachines.tv/bytebeats-tutorial).

Our video synthesis kit plugs in to the Arduino (https://www.arduino.cc/), a reprogrammable embedded micro-controller that can interact with the world through code, and uses the VGAX library (https://github.com/smaffer/vgax) to generate funky video.

Meet other creative technologists and sharpen your expertise in computer sciences and electronics soldering!

This workshop is funded by CVEC programm.

660 Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Thematique : Arts & culture

Lean to code in C with Arduino, solder and assemble a custom printed-circuit board made in the Fablab, and make your own algorithmically-generated video art!

  • Public
    Tout public
  • Type d'évènement
  • Conditions

    Gratuit sur inscription

  • Dates
    Mercredi 28 septembre, 18h00
    06:00 pm - 09:00 pm
  • Lieu
    660 Rue Noetzlin, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Arduino Coding and Video Synthesis Workshop

Lean to code in C with Arduino, solder and assemble a custom printed-circuit board made in the Fablab, and make your own algorithmically-generated video art!

This workshop is inspired by the improvisational music of Live coding (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_coding) and the burgeoning minimalist Bytebeats movement (https://nightmachines.tv/bytebeats-tutorial).

Our video synthesis kit plugs in to the Arduino (https://www.arduino.cc/), a reprogrammable embedded micro-controller that can interact with the world through code, and uses the VGAX library (https://github.com/smaffer/vgax) to generate funky video.

Meet other creative technologists and sharpen your expertise in computer sciences and electronics soldering!

This workshop is funded by CVEC programm.