2025 NeuroPSI - Chen Institute joint conference on Brain, Behavior & Beyond

2025-05-19 09:00 2025-05-20 19:00 2025 NeuroPSI - Chen Institute joint conference on Brain, Behavior & Beyond

In complex social environments, making adaptive choices relies heavily on the integration of social cognition, language and communication. These processes take diverse forms and are supported by different neural substrates across species.
Over two days integrating neuroscience and artificial intelligence, we will explore the dynamic interplay between social cognition, emotions, decision making and various communication and language systems from humans, primates, rodents, birds, pinnipeds and drosophilas.

Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay
Thematique : Recherche

Social cognition, Decision making & Communication

  • Public
    Réservé à certains publics
  • Type d'évènement
    Conférence / séminaire / webinaire
  • Dates
    19 et 20 mai
    09:00 am - 07:00 pm
  • Lieu
    Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay

In complex social environments, making adaptive choices relies heavily on the integration of social cognition, language and communication. These processes take diverse forms and are supported by different neural substrates across species.
Over two days integrating neuroscience and artificial intelligence, we will explore the dynamic interplay between social cognition, emotions, decision making and various communication and language systems from humans, primates, rodents, birds, pinnipeds and drosophilas.