Researcher portraits

Human and Social Sciences
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Marie Cornu: protecting cultural heritage
Marie Cornu is a research director at the Institute of Social Sciences of Politics (ISP) and is attached to ENS...
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Sophie Morin-Delerm: Innovation converges with marketing and responsible development
Elected Director of the University Institute of Technology (IUT) de Sceaux in 2016, Sophie Morin-Delerm is also researcher at the...
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits
André Torre, expert on territorial development, proximity and conflicts
André Torre wears three hats: he is research director at France's National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), works at AgroParisTech...
Researcher portraits
Researcher portraits