Biology - Genetics - Genomics
Christine Baldeschi: skin grafting
In her laboratory at the Stem Cell Institute for the treatment and study of monogenic diseases (i-Stem - Inserm/University d’Evry)...
Tamara Basta-Le Berre: understanding the molecular mechanisms at work in archaea
Tamara Basta-Le Berre is a researcher in the Microbiology Department of the Institute for Integrative Cell Biology (I2BC - Univ...
Carsten Janke: Deciphering the "tubulin code"
Carsten Janke is a researcher at the Genome Integrity, RNA and Cancer unit (GIRC – Univ. Paris-Saclay/National Centre for Scientific...
Philippe Langella: a brilliant career marked by major discoveries on probiotics and intestinal microbiota
Philippe Langella is Director of Research at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) and Leader...
François Michel, a specialist in molecular genetics... and butterflies!
A research director emeritus at France's national center for scientific research (CNRS), François Michel has been awarded the "State Founded...
Graham Noctor: Understanding plant stress
Graham Noctor is a researcher in plant biology at the Institute of Plant Sciences - Paris-Saclay. He has just been...
Julie Poulain: Coral, an endangered animal
Julie Poulain has worked in marine environmental genomics at France's national sequencing center, Genoscope (CEA/CNRS/Université d’Évry), for nearly twenty years...
Patrick Wincker : Moving towards ecosystem genomics
For the first time, Patrick Wincker, director of Genoscope, France's national sequencing institute, has been awarded the CEA Grand Prix...