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“European Doctorate” Label

The "European Doctorate" or "Doctor Europaeus" label is awarded by Université Paris-Saclay. It applies to the national doctoral diploma, which is already recognised internationally under the L.M.D system, and recognises the European dimension of the doctoral project.

The eligibility criteria

This programme applies to doctoral students enrolled in higher education establishments in the member states of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden), extended to the other states of the European Free Trade Association (Switzerland,Iceland,Norway,Liechtenstein).

All institutions in the European Union that are authorised to award a doctorate may award the "European label" when the thesis is defended, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. Part of the doctorate must have been prepared during a research stay of at least three months in another European country.
  2. Authorisation to defend the thesis is granted on the basis of reports written by at least three professors, two of whom must be from higher education establishments in two European countries other than the country in which the thesis is being defended. The referee from the host laboratory may not be the rapporteur.
  3. At least one member of the jury must belong to a higher education establishment in a European country other than that of the country in which the defence takes place.
  4. Part of the defence must be conducted in an official language of the European Union other than that of the country in which the defence takes place.

This system is distinct from the cotutelle system, which may be superimposed on it.

A certificate stating that the Label has been awarded is issued by Université Paris-Saclay.

The practical details

The procedure undertaken by the doctoral student must be envisaged from the start of the doctorate in order to integrate this procedure into the thesis timetable.

Le laboratoire auquel est rattaché le doctorant mettra tout en œuvre pour accompagner le doctorant dans sa recherche d’un laboratoire d’accueil d’un autre pays européen. Cette démarche doit entrer dans la perspective de partenariat en adéquation avec les axes de recherche du laboratoire.

  • Doctoral students wishing to obtain the "European doctorate" label must inform their doctoral school before the defence.
  • The doctoral school indicates in ADUM that the doctoral student is applying for a "European doctorate" label.

When submitting his/her defence dossier to the doctoral school, he/she completes his/her defence dossier with the full European label dossier.

In view of points 2 and 3, one of the two professors from two higher education establishments in two European countries must be present at the defence.

  • The doctoral student is responsible for preparing and printing all the necessary documents and forms and for replacing generic information with information specific to him or her. They are responsible for collecting the necessary signatures on their application for the "European doctorate" label.

The "European doctorate" label application consists of the following documents:

✓ The application form, dated and signed by all parties

✓ The report on the stay

✓ The certificate of stay in the host laboratory

The copy of the complete application file for the "European doctorate" label is attached to the doctoral thesis defence report form and is provided to the Jury on the day of the defence.
The President of the Jury dates and signs the Jury's additional deliberations on the award of the "European doctorate" label.

The doctoral student submits the application for the "European doctorate" label to the doctoral school of the institution where the thesis is being prepared, including the additional deliberation of the defence jury concerning the awarding of the "European doctorate" label, dated and signed by the jury president.

When the doctoral student has submitted his/her thesis for the second time, and the institution preparing the thesis is in a position to issue the attestation of successful completion of the doctorate, the doctoral schooling service is responsible for collecting, at the same time as the attestation of successful completion of the doctorate is signed, the signature of the proposal to issue a European doctorate label by the head of the institution preparing the thesis or another delegate.
The doctoral school service submits to Maison du doctorat of University Paris-Saclay, via the online interface:

✓ The complete scanned application file for the "European doctorate" label.
✓ A copy of the attestation of successful completion of the doctoral programme
✓ The proposal to award the European doctorate label, dated and signed by the head of the institution preparing the thesis
✓ The word document attesting the award of the European doctorate label, completed and adapted (institution logo).

Once the documents have been validated and signed, Maison du doctorat forwards them to the relevant doctoral school to be sent to the doctoral student.

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