QUANTUM, quantum sciences and technologies center

Université Paris-Saclay is a key player in the wide field of quantum sciences and technologies, both at the national level in France and at the international level.  More than 40 research teams contribute at the highest international level to all the strategic areas in quantum technologies, both in university laboratories and in campus-based companies. The researchers are involved in high-level training programmes in quantum physics and engineering. Université Paris-Saclay has also developed successful partnerships between academia and industry and has witnessed the creation of several startups of the second quantum revolution. 


40 world-class teams

A full range of academic programmes

Bachelor's degree to doctorate


Welcome to the media resources

Corporate partnerships

Powerful interactions/Intense collaboration between academia and industry

The second quantum revolution/Startups

The early stakeholders of the second quantum revolution


Nanotechnologies and ultimate instrumentation

Our philosophy

Building the French ecosystem for quantum technologies

Popular science

Quantum for general audience

Quantum communications and post-quantum cryptography

The fundamental laws of quantum mechanics make it possible to create communication protocols whose safety would be absolutely guaranteed.

Quantum sensors and metrology

Quantum sensors exploit the control of individual quantum systems whose response to an external parameter makes them sensors whose performance exceeds that of conventional systems in terms of resolution and sensitivity.

Quantum photonics: develop the building blocks for the future Internet and provide the keys to secure communications

Quantum light plays an essential role in multiple quantum technologies for both the future quantum internet and computation.

Quantum electrical circuits: elementary components of the quantum computer

Quantum electrical circuits are at the heart of the quantum computer, which could perform computational tasks much more efficiently than a conventional computer.


Paris-Saclay, birthplace of Spintronics

Spintronics is a vast field of research involving the exploration of new materials and physical phenomena involving a quantum property of electrons, the spin.

Quantum simulation an expanding field to optimize the properties of materials

By assembling such individual quantum systems in a controlled way and making them interact, it is now possible to simulate systems that are too complex to solve using numerical methods.

Quantum and topological materials: understand and master quantum states

The exploration of new electronic or spin states is one of the very early foundations of quantum matter that prepares the applications of tomorrow, often unpredictable.

Quantum algorithms

The development of algorithms and software tools is an essential ingredient in the use of future quantum co-processors.

Nanotechnologies: worldwide expertise at the heart of Université Paris-Saclay

Quantum science and technology is based on the latest developments

News for quantum technologies

Seven misconceptions about quantum physics

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Promises and progress of quantum engineering

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