Outreach and news - Graduate School of Mathematics
Find the outreach projects led by the FMJH and the Université Paris-Saclay, as well as the news of the Graduate School of Mathematics.
The latest news

Journée SaclAI-School à l’Université Paris-Saclay
L’équipe du projet SaclAI-School, en collaboration avec les équipes de l’ENS Paris-Saclay et l’Institut DATAIA, ont le plaisir de vous convier jeudi 10 octobre 2024 à l’Amphithéâtre Alain Aspect (ENS Paris-Saclay), de 14h à 20h.

Just Do Maths! Paris-Saclay’s Women in Mathematics Against Stereotypes
Just Do Maths! is a portrait exhibition featuring female research mathematicians and educators from University Paris-Saclay. Addressing diverse audiences, including students, researchers, educators, and the general public, its purpose is to break down gender stereotypes still prevalent in science and mathematics. Conceived as a traveling exhibition, Just Do Maths! will be displayed on different campuses of our University (Orsay, Moulon, Evry, Versailles). At each venue, the exhibition will be inaugurated with a specific event, such as a debate, conference, or workshop, highlighting gender issues in mathematics.
The Inaugurating Events :
- Project details, program and event
- Free - Open to all

ReconvertAI, un projet de reconversion en intelligence artificielle
Financé par SaclAI-school de l'Université Paris-Saclay, le projet ReconvertAI est un programme de formation rémunérée d’un an à destination des docteures et docteurs en mathématiques pour se reconvertir vers l’IA. Deux voies de reconversion possibles : ReconvertAI-MathTech pour une insertion professionnelle dans l’administration ou l’entreprise, et ReconvertAI-académique pour une insertion professionnelle dans monde académique.
Les candidat.es sélectionné.es recevront une bourse de 1500E/mois pendant toute la durée de la formation.

Bourses Mathématiques au Féminin - Call for applications
The FMJH is launching a new call for applications for 10 L3+M1+M2 scholarships aimed exclusively at French and international female mathematics students. Awarded in L3, these scholarships will be automatically renewed in M1 and M2 if the student successfully pursues her studies in the Master's program in Mathematics and Applications.
- Scholarship amount: €11,000 net per year
- More info

On Role Models in Science — A Conference by Catherine Goldstein and Clémence Perronnet
On April 4th 2024 at IHES, Catherine Goldstein and Clémence Perronnet, authors of MATHEUSES - Les filles avenir des mathématiques, gave a talk about the impact of female role models in science.
The FMJH supports and organizes outreach projects in mathematics and computing

"Votre région fait des maths et de l'info" program
Various organizations in the South of Ile-de-France offer throughout the year mathematical events for the general public.

PGMO program
The Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization, Operations Research and their Interactions with Data Science is a program of the FMJH open to sponsorship.

Outreach project in mathematics
Maths.en.JEANS, Theatre: Elle et l'Infini, Scientific workshops, ... several types of actions are supported by the FMJH according to the public concerned: elementary school students, college students, high school students...
Outreach projects in mathematics at the Université Paris-Saclay

La Diagonale of the Université Paris-Saclay
Thanks to large-scale projects such as the CURIOSITas arts-sciences festival and the Fête de la Sciences, organized by La Diagonale, the University brings science and society together on campus.