Physics of the 2 Infinities (P2I)

The big questions concern the ultimate and infinitely small components of matter and the fundamental laws that govern their interactions, the origin and evolution of the infinitely large components of the Universe, the strong interaction and emergence of complexity, and the origin of the elements in the Universe. The fields are particle physics, nuclear physics, astroparticle physics, cosmology, theoretical physics, energy (including nuclear reactor physics) and health. P2I teams are members of the very large research infrastructures recognized internationally. They have a unique know-how in cutting-edge technologies and also conduct original interdisciplinary research on societal issues (in particular health and energy).

P2I Axis Day

The P2I axis of the Graduate School organized its annual day on December 2 in hybrid mode. During this day, there were presentations on some P2I research topics as well as a presentation on research at Université Paris-Saclay by Michel Guidal. You can download the presentations on the indico website of the day.