The early stakeholders of the second quantum revolution

These past few years, Université Paris-Saclay has seen young talent emerge at the cutting edge of quantum technologies.
Quandela, “Grand Prize” winner of the 2018 ILab innovation competition, originally from the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and created in 2017, supplies single-photon sources for use in optical quantum technologies (communications and computer). Quandela on quantum technologies
PASQAL, originally from the Charles Fabry Laboratory and created at the end of 2018, is developing a quantum simulator based on Rydberg atoms. PASQAL on quantum technologies
Two cryogenics companies should also be mentioned here, they are originally from the CEA and support quantum applications:
MyCryoFirm (low-vibration cryostat) MyCryoFirm on quantum technologies
CryoConcept (very low temperature cryogenerators for superconducting qubits). CryoConcept on quantum technologies