L'Édition of Université Paris-Saclay #25

- Prizes & Awards
- Teaching, learning : - Campus of Professions and Qualifications, a synergy of players supporting the professions of the future
- New Space: an academy to meet the new challenges of the space industry
- Reform of the second cycle of the medical studies: futur doctors put to the test - Science outreach : - Our inspiring stories no.2: alumni astrobiologists and explorers of (extra)terrestrial worlds
- ClimarisQ, play the game to understand the complexity of climate change - Research : - Sepsis, a long-term battle, new issues and goals
- Generative AI: the algorithms revolutionising content creation
- Nose, olfaction and scent: giving a sense to smell
- Citizen science, projects that helps advance the sciences thanks to the public - Business & Innovation : - New frontiers: Satellite environmental monitoring and cargo drones
- When innovation meets action : welcome to the 503 at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School - Seen from abroad : - Transatlantic Cultures, a window onto the cultural history of the transatlantic space
- International student mobility, how to go abroad while studying medicine - Campus life : - OMEGA, a new aquatic centre for taking the plunge
- Libraries, at the intersection of research and student life - Calendar Autumn 2024 / Winter 2025 : From the big bang to big bands, Starthèse Pitch ID, Fête de la science, etc.
- Reading highlights :
- Back cover : The area map of Université Paris-Saclay