M2 Arctic Studies

  • Places available
  • Language(s) of instruction

The objective of the Master is twofold: to help future decision-makers and facilitators working in the Arctic or in relation to the Arctic to develop integrated analysis tools thanks to a thorough knowledge of the fragile balance between ecosystems and the human ecology of the Arctic. In parallel, the Master is designed to give students interested in research the opportunity to develop a project that will be pursued in the form of a doctoral thesis after validation of the Master.
The master offers four areas of complementary skills:
-studies in all major areas essential to decision-making
- scientific skills reinforced by intercultural skills that will enable students to act as experts and facilitators but also as advisors and advisers
-an international dimension with courses in English
-formation to analysis and action

Course Prerequisites

Applicants must have a good level of English and a professional project consistent with the objectives of the Master. Conditions of admission Bachelor degree (four-year programme) Master degree, MBA (Equis), PhD High Schools of Engineering and Science Hight Schools of Business

  • Master and use in depth the specialized knowledge of the Arctic.

  • Mobilize methodological, technical and practical skills useful for solving problems in environmental and social sciences.

  • Conceptualize, structure and lead a project.

  • Learn and act independently.

  • Work as a team and collaborate to achieve common goals.

  • Synthesize and communicate effectively in English and in a way adapted to the intended audience.

Post-graduate profile

Managing Organizational Change with a Multidisciplinary Approach
risk analysis
Monitoring of social and technical evolutions
mediation of environmental knowledge
economic and environmental assessment
Management of economic, sectoral, political and ethical issues related to the Arctic region and countries
evaluation of innovation, production and knowledge acquisition systems
Identification and selection of opportunities (economic intelligence)

Career prospects

The Arctic Studies program trains Arctic researchers in the disciplines of science (environmental sciences and climatology in particular) and SHS (anthropology, cultural studies, international relations, sustainable development, etc.), experts and scientists. Arctic decision-makers able to steer the process of expertise, facilitation and governance, using a method of eco-efficiency and integrated global performance (environmental, economic and social), identifying and to remove barriers to environmentally and ecologically sound development in an Arctic context. The year of Arctic studies will allow the student to develop the following areas of expertise:
- piloting a project using specific tools and management techniques
- management of organizational change based on a multidisciplinary approach
- the autonomous conduct of a project or investigation in the Arctic
- reflect and respect the social, technical and technological aspects
- the mediation of environmental knowledge, intercultural aspects, access to knowledge and its dissemination
- economic and environmental assessment
- the expertise of the economic, sectoral and multidisciplinary issues of the Arctic
- evaluation of innovation, production and knowledge acquisition systems
- identification and selection of opportunities: economic intelligence
-the assessment of technological, financial, commercial and organizational risks
- the management of research teams and international cooperation projects

Video presenting the master's degree


Cultures, Environnement, l'Arctique et ses Représentations, Climats
Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - DRF
Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique.


Le S1 est constitué de la première partie des UEs de cours et TD dispensés en début de formation en général.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Arctic Geopolitics 2 18
Arctic Societies 4 28
Arctic travel literature 2 18
Artic Climate and Meteorology 4 24
Climatic system 3 24 3
Environmental Science for the Arctic 4 28
Governance and sustainability 2 18
Introduction to observation methods - SIMO 3 8 24
Language and scientific writing (English or French) 2 20
Physical Sciences of the Earth 2 16 8
Risk Management 2 18

Le S2 est constitué de la seconde partie des UEs de cours et TD dispensés en fin de formation en général, ou tout au long de la formation.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Arctic anthropology 4 24
Conferences 2 24
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Internship 24 24
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Internship 24 8
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 27/02/2025 to 15/09/2025
Compulsory supporting documents
  • Motivation letter.

  • All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

  • Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.

Additional supporting documents
  • Certificate of English level (compulsory for non-English speakers).

  • VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).

  • The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here : https://urlz.fr/i3Lo.

  • Supporting documents :
    - Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
    - Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
    - Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
    - Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
    - Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
    - Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
    - Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.

Course manager(s)
Administrative office
Sylvie FAUVEAU - sylvie.fauveau@uvsq.fr