The objective of the Master is twofold: to help future decision-makers and facilitators working in the Arctic or in relation to the Arctic to develop integrated analysis tools thanks to a thorough knowledge of the fragile balance between ecosystems and the human ecology of the Arctic. In parallel, the Master is designed to give students interested in research the opportunity to develop a project that will be pursued in the form of a doctoral thesis after validation of the Master.
The master offers four areas of complementary skills:
-studies in all major areas essential to decision-making
- scientific skills reinforced by intercultural skills that will enable students to act as experts and facilitators but also as advisors and advisers
-an international dimension with courses in English
-formation to analysis and action
Course Prerequisites
Applicants must have a good level of English and a professional project consistent with the objectives of the Master. Conditions of admission Bachelor degree (four-year programme) Master degree, MBA (Equis), PhD High Schools of Engineering and Science Hight Schools of Business
Master and use in depth the specialized knowledge of the Arctic.
Mobilize methodological, technical and practical skills useful for solving problems in environmental and social sciences.
Conceptualize, structure and lead a project.
Learn and act independently.
Work as a team and collaborate to achieve common goals.
Synthesize and communicate effectively in English and in a way adapted to the intended audience.
Post-graduate profile
Managing Organizational Change with a Multidisciplinary Approach
risk analysis
Monitoring of social and technical evolutions
mediation of environmental knowledge
economic and environmental assessment
Management of economic, sectoral, political and ethical issues related to the Arctic region and countries
evaluation of innovation, production and knowledge acquisition systems
Identification and selection of opportunities (economic intelligence)
Career prospects
The Arctic Studies program trains Arctic researchers in the disciplines of science (environmental sciences and climatology in particular) and SHS (anthropology, cultural studies, international relations, sustainable development, etc.), experts and scientists. Arctic decision-makers able to steer the process of expertise, facilitation and governance, using a method of eco-efficiency and integrated global performance (environmental, economic and social), identifying and to remove barriers to environmentally and ecologically sound development in an Arctic context. The year of Arctic studies will allow the student to develop the following areas of expertise:
- piloting a project using specific tools and management techniques
- management of organizational change based on a multidisciplinary approach
- the autonomous conduct of a project or investigation in the Arctic
- reflect and respect the social, technical and technological aspects
- the mediation of environmental knowledge, intercultural aspects, access to knowledge and its dissemination
- economic and environmental assessment
- the expertise of the economic, sectoral and multidisciplinary issues of the Arctic
- evaluation of innovation, production and knowledge acquisition systems
- identification and selection of opportunities: economic intelligence
-the assessment of technological, financial, commercial and organizational risks
- the management of research teams and international cooperation projects
Video presenting the master's degree
Cultures, Environnement, l'Arctique et ses Représentations, Climats
Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement - DRF
Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique.
Le S1 est constitué de la première partie des UEs de cours et TD dispensés en début de formation en général.
This course offers an integrated view on risks to which Arctic societies may be exposed. After an
introduction to environmental risk assessment and management, it examines the types of risks and hazards, as well as associated vulnerabilities of societies and how their resistance and resilience can be strengthened. The course also looks at issues of risk governance.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Bibliographie :
Recommended reading lists distributed at the beginning of the course.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
This course presents Arctic societies and the principal socio-economic issues of the Arctic today. It offers a circumpolar comparative overview of the relationship between the Arctic peoples and their environment. In addition to providing basic knowledge about geography, history, economy, politics and culture of the Arctic peoples, it intends to address the principal environmental and socio-economic issues they are facing today. The course will conclude with the screening of sequences taken from film archives and classic film on the Arctic.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Bibliographie :
Recommended reading lists distributed at the beginning of the course.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
The course offers a survey of the history of Arctic exploration narratives, narrative ethnography and travel accounts from the 16th to the 21st century. Several contemporary texts will be analysed in detail. Evaluation is based mainly on the elaboration of a group project to be determined by the students.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Bibliographie :
Recommended reading lists distributed at the beginning of the course.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Sergey Khaykin, Emmanuel Marcq, Alain Sarkissian, Andrea Pazmino, Philippe Keckhut, Julien Jumelet.
Procedure and organisation :
Overview of scientific activities of our laboratories, focussed in ground based instrumentation, satellites, stations and related tools.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This unit examines three central themes: severe events in the Arctic, the consequences of climate change in the Arctic and the role of polar regions in comparative planetology. Group work exploits weather archive data and the UVSQ's own weather station.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Bibliographie :
Recommended reading lists distributed at the beginning of the course.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
The teaching team is composed of Hélène Brogniez (LATMOS / UVSQ) and Valérie Daux (LSCE / UVSQ).
The sessions are structured in progress - TD with a long project that has been read and presented a scientific article describing an aspect of the climate system, from a selection.
The sequences tackle:
1-Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climate
2-Natural variability of climate
3-The Greenhouse effect
4-The climatic history of the Earth
5-The main biogeochemical cycles
6-Discussions of the IPCC work
The final evaluation is partly formative (presentation of the scientific article in a group) and partly normative (a standard examination).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Introduction of the Earth's climatic system and its relation to the Arctic
At the end of this module, students interested in climate and the environment, whatever their discipline of origin, will have taken in hand notions and orders of magnitude on the functioning of the climatic system.
A presentation of the whole climate system is proposed, supported by concrete examples bearing on different time scales, based on a qualitative description of the underlying physical laws and mechanisms of feedback between the elements of the system.
The topics addressed are:
• Radiation and circulations: current energy balance of the planet, circulation of the atmosphere and of the oceans (monsoons, El Nino)
• Reconstruction of past climates: climate archives, illustration by some past climatic episodes and trends (the faint young sun paradox, the snow ball earth, the cooling of the tertiary, the glacial-Interglacial alternation of the quaternary, the last millennium).
• Climate models: Definitions, history, and types of models (Coupled climate model example), Components of a climate model, evaluation of climate models, Conclusions: strengths and weaknesses of current climate models
• Ongoing climate change: forcing and attribution, characterization, climate projections for the next century.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Bibliographie :
-Global Warming: the complete briefing (5th edition). John Houghton, Cambridge University Press.
-IPCC 5th report – Chapter 1 “Physical Basis” (2013)
-Paleoclimatology – Reconstructing climates of the Quaternary, R. Bradley (2015).
Anais Orsi, Jeanne Gherardi,Jean-Daniel Paris, Slimane Bekki, Kathy Law, Alain Hauchecorne, Julien Jumelet, Louis Marelle, Luke Surl.
Procedure and organisation :
10 sessions of scientific presentations of 1,5h
Introduction to LATMOS and LSCE (1/2 days dedicated to laboratories presentation).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This unit presents fundamental aspects of environmental science in the Arctic, from atmospheric pollution and the ozone stratosphere to the climate. Three main themes will be looked at: pollution in the Arctic, Arctic climate, and the Arctic atmosphere. Several scientists involved in arctic environmental research will present an overview of their activities.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Bibliographie :
Special IPCC report on ocean and cryosphere, IPCC SROCC 2019.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Science-based policy approaches are introduced with attention to the legal framework, driving forces of social, economic and environmental change, environmental services, and mixed anthropogenic stressors. Initiation to decision support
procedures for sustainability, where economic viability, social justice and cultural integrity are placed alongside procedures for environmental impact assessment of ecosystem change and stability.
Prerequisites :
No preriquisites.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Julien Jumelet, Alain Sarkissian, Andrea Pazmino, Philippe Keckhut, Emmanuel Marcq, Jean-Michel Huctin, Olivier Thauvin.
Procedure and organisation :
Student are staying 3 night-4 days at the Observatory
OHP is one of the main French astronomical observatories, with several optical telescopes (diameter: 1.93 m; 1.52 m; 1.20 m and 0.80 m) and various other instruments. It is located at a place which is renowned for clear sky conditions.
It is also the place where the “Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales” (LATMOS) of Paris (University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/ CNRS/University Pierre-et-Marie-Curie) has extensive experimental facilities for the study of the middle and upper atmospheres. The instruments which are operated at OHP by LATMOS include especially Lidars, ozone sondes, astronomical telescopes and uv-visible spectrometers.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
OHP is one of the main French astronomical & geophysical observatories, with several optical telescopes and various other instruments. The location in the southern Alps is renowned for clear sky conditions. The 'Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiales' (LATMOS) runs extensive experimental facilities for the study of the middle and upper atmospheres similar to what they use in polar regions. The students will spend 3 days there.
Language and scientific writing (English or French)
Language(s) of instruction :
Détail du volume horaire :
Directed study :20
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Borm Jan
Pedagogical team :
Jan Borm.
Procedure and organisation :
Analysis of circumpolar Arctic travel narrative excerpts + student-led presentations.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This interactive course trains the student with new methodologies for management of writing and projects' conception tasks. It uses an American method of 'writing group' for helping the students in organising their writings and thoughts (thesis, dissertations, internship report, oral presentation with power point, project proposal, mind mapping), in searching scientific literature and referencing, in analyzing scientific papers, building theoretical discussions and planning projects' tasks.
Prerequisites :
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
The course analyses classic and modern Arctic anthropology and the remarkable contribution of indigenous peoples to Arctic exploration. It will also study these western and eastern Arctic peoples' environment, history and culture.?The lecture examines the collaboration of indigenous peoples whose perceptions, traditional knowledge and viewpoints are now taken into account in research projects. This circumpolar covers various themes: impacts of climate change, pollution and new maritime routes, sustainable development and urban concentration, indigenous governance issues, education, identity, traditional transmission and revitalization of local cultures and languages, adoption of new digital technologies, etc.
Prerequisites :
No prerequisities.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Location :
Le S2 est constitué de la seconde partie des UEs de cours et TD dispensés en fin de formation en général, ou tout au long de la formation.
The course analyses classic and modern Arctic anthropology and the remarkable contribution of indigenous peoples to Arctic exploration. It will also study these western and eastern Arctic peoples' environment, history and culture. The lecture examines the collaboration of indigenous peoples whose perceptions, traditional knowledge and viewpoints are now taken into account in research projects. This circumpolar covers various themes: impacts of climate change, pollution and new maritime routes, sustainable development and urban concentration, indigenous governance issues, education, identity, traditional transmission and revitalization of local cultures and languages, adoption of new digital technologies, etc.
Prerequisites :
No prerequisities.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Julien Jumelet, Jan Borm, Alain Sarkissian, Alexandra Lavriller, Jean-Michel Huctin.
Procedure and organisation :
12 conferences on very different subjects.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The aim of this cycle consists in offering students lectures by invited guest speakers on subjects that complement the other units of the Arctic Studies programme. Lectures are scheduled in environmental science, economics, social, cultural and governance issues including project evaluation based on multi-criteria analyses and tourism studies as well as culture.
The students are participating to scientific meetings/conferences organized in Paris and around in all domains related to the Arctic.
Prerequisites :
No prerequisities.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
The internship report should cover a question related to one specific issue regarding the internship institution (company, organization, NGO and so far), as well as the principal objective of the internship assignment. The research dissertation should answer an important question on the theme chosen by the student, which must be Arctic related and of main interest for him/her, possibly the result of a first research step (preparation) for a PhD project: for example, the bibliographical research, the description of the situation, the analysis of the first interviews, etc.).
Alexandra Lavrillier and Jean-Michel Huctin for the introduction and advice + internship supervisor chosen by student.
Procedure and organisation :
In the Humanities, the internship can be a research-based experience in a laboratory at UVSQ or elsewhere consisting of compiling commented bibliographies and some shadowing experience of the usual activities of a research lab, or an experience in a company, organisation or institution other than a university.
In the Sciences, the internship is done in a research laboratory affiliated with Paris-Saclay or elsewhere. It will include both shadowing and hands-on activities as well as scientific work.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Students choose an internship in an institution including universities and research laboratories, organisation or company of their choice, in France or elsewhere. In the Humanities, the minimum duration is three weeks and the maximum two months. In the Sciences, the average duration is three months. The students then write a report on their experience which they defend during a viva.
Prerequisites :
No prerequisites.
Bibliographie :
No bibliography.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Février - Mars - Avril - Mai - Juin - Juillet.
Location :
France or any other country
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 27/02/2025 to 15/09/2025
Compulsory supporting documents
Motivation letter.
All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.
Curriculum Vitae.
Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.
Additional supporting documents
Certificate of English level (compulsory for non-English speakers).
VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).
The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here :
Supporting documents :
- Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
- Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
- Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
- Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
- Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
- Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
- Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.