One of the world’s most pressing challenges is to meet the fast-growing energy demand while at the same time reducing greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions. Today, and for the foreseeable future, 80% of the energy consumed in France comes from fossil fuels (over 85% in developed countries, and almost 100% in developing countries), but the production of renewable and nuclear energy is bound to increase sharply. This situation opens exciting new challenges in developing cleaner and more efficient energy production methods, as well as more effective energy distribution systems.
The general objectives of the M1 are to:
provide the scientific background required in the field of energy. In particular in transport phenomena, chemical engineering, materials, reactive media, treatment and conversion of electrical energy;
give, through the core curriculum, an introduction to great energy challenges;
give a first experience of numerical methods required to solve complex problems.
Course Prerequisites
Good background in physics, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering or electrical engineering and strong skills in mathematics.
Bachelor level or equivalent.
Identify major issues in the energy field.
Understand disciplines related to energy such as thermodynamics, transport phenomena, reactive media, materials, chemical engineering.
Use and develop adapted models, choose the right modeling scale and the simplifying assumptions relevant to energy problems.
Design, detail and corroborate a complex energy system.
Analyze problems related to the energy production, conversion and storage.
Structure ideas within the framework of a project around a research theme.
Post-graduate profile
The students of the M1 research program will benefit from the industrial partnership of the CentraleSupelec and the University Paris-Saclay in the field of energy: production, transport and distribution of energy, propulsion, etc. This partnership takes various forms such as conferences, classes or student projects. The goal of this Master 1 program is to provide solid scientific foundations in the field of energy science. In particular, it prepares students to join all M2 specialties offered in the Energy program of University Paris-Saclay. All M1 classes are given in English and intensive French courses are scheduled for non-French-speaking students in order to give them access to the M2 specialties which are mostly taught in French.
Basics of energy sciences are given here. This includes an introduction to transport phenomena and fundamentals of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, electrical energy and reactive media. In addition to these courses, laboratory classes are proposed. During the semester English and French language lectures are given to improve scientific communication skills and to give access to French culture.
Course contents:
Introduction to electrical power engineering. Omnipresence of electrical engineering: production, transport, conversion, utilization and control of electrical energy. Multi-physical and economic aspects.
Transport and consumption of electrical energy. Single phase and three phase systems, definition and calculation of electrical power. Equipment sizing and power factor.
Physics associated with electrical power engineering. Electromagnetism applied to electrical power engineering. Magnetic materials, creation and channeling of magnetic fields, permanent magnets. Modeling methods, magnetic circuits, reluctance and electromotive force. Taking into account power losses associated with magnetic circuits.
Principals of magnetic coupling. Notions of magnetic flux and leakage flux. Partial and total leakage inductance. Modeling of magnetic coupling.
Single and three phase transformers. Function and structure; ideal transformer; modelling of a real transformer, transformer operation at 50 Hz and influence of variable frequency;
construction of magnetic circuit, insulation and conductors.
Electro-mechanical conversion. Link between electrical, magnetic, and mechanical energy. Systems with moving parts; calculation of forces and torques; resistive torque.
Direct current machine. Principal and structure/construction. Fundamental equations. Excitation modes. Problems associated with operation. Principles of control with variable speed. DC brushless motor.
Prerequisites :
Bibliographie :
Text provided by the teaching group.
Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems (Theodore Wildi, Prentice-Hall Intl).
General and thematic courses are on offer, depending on the level and the
availability of the student.
Prerequisites :
English B2.
Bibliographie :
Varied: audio and video, written documents, news articles, documentaries,
works of Literature, English language textbooks, depending on the course
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
11 course sessions : 3h00 each (1h30 of lecture followed by 1h30 of practice session)
2 homework projects during the first part of the course : 3h00 are scheduled during the course for supervision.
Possible visit during the thematic part 3.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Course contents:
Part 1: Advanced Fluid Mechanics (4 sessions)
Local transport equations and global balances: reminders, vector and
conservative forms of the equations, Theoretical approaches to determine analytical solutions: selfsimilarity,
stream function, potential flows. Characterization and conception of a system from global balance
equations. Handling of numerical and experimental data. Numerical tools and
experimental diagnostics for flow field characterization. Unsteadiness and flow instabilities.Signal processing applied to the analysis of unsteady flows.
Part 2: Compressible flows (4 sessions)
Isentropic flows with variable cross-section; Stagnation and critical conditions, isentropic efficiencies, turbines
and compressors; Normal and oblique shock wave; Nozzle regimes
Part 3: Thematic sneak peek (3 sessions); Choice between different themes such as Aerodynamics,
Meteorological and climatic flows, Aeronautical and space
propulsion, Energy systems, ...
Prerequisites :
Transport Phenomena.
Bibliographie :
Mécanique des fluides, S. Candel, Dunod, Paris 1995.
Title of educational component in English :
French language 1
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :10
Directed study :10
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Ofterdinger Geraldine
Pedagogical team :
Ofterdinger Geraldine.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Those weekly courses are offered at several levels, depending on the results of the placement test. Classes are organized as practical workshops focusing on oral understanding and communication, written understanding and communication, structural proficiency (grammar, vocabulary). Students will work individually or in groups on themes related to contemporary French culture in relation to its historical past.
Prerequisites :
B1 level in French.
Bibliographie :
Specific to each course and group level: printed documents (press,
literature), audio/video (films, recordings), textbooks.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre - Janvier.
Heat transfer covers broad scientific and technical domains. It concerns also society subjects and major challenges such as energy, environment or transport. It is inherently a discipline in which the physical phenomena are of very different natures, coexist and are coupled.
Course contents:
BASICS OF HEAT TRANSFER. Steady state energy balance. Electrical analogy.
BASICS OF THERMAL RADIATION. Radiative fluxes. Boundary conditions. The concept of directional spectral intensity. Equilibrium radiation.
RADIATIVE PROPERTIES AND RADIATIVE TRANSFER. Simple models of radiative transfer.
UNSTEADY DIFFUSION. Energy balance. Semi-infinite geometry: problems of imposed temperature, flux and forced periodic excitation. Contact of two bodies. Case of finite media. Conductive and conducto-convective characteristic times.
PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH OF EXTERNAL FORCED CONVECTION. Problem of the plate at imposed temperature. Dimensional analysis. Correlation for external forced convection.
INTERNAL FORCED CONVECTION: Nusselt number in laminar and turbulent regimes for ducts. Hydraulic diameter.
DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF NATURAL CONVECTION: Boussinesq approximation. Dimensional analysis - similarity. Expressions of transfer coefficient.
Prerequisites :
Transport Phenomena.
Bibliographie :
- « A first course in heat transfer » J. Taine, E. Iacona, Editions Dunod 2011
- Platform « E-Self-Learning « in English : course presented by G.D. Stancu.
Course contents:
1) Measurements of gas temperature & soot temperature and species density in flames. Techniques: Emission spectroscopy (ES). Signal analysis (Abel inversion, Spectra simulation).
2) Flame mixture composition. Absorption spectroscopy (AS) using lasers.
3) Measurements of forces & velocity fields (F&V) in fluids. Techniques: Particle image velocimetry (PIV). Dynamometer, Hot-wire Anemometers, Signal analysis (FFT, Abel Inversion).
Reactive media cover a wide range of studies that fit perfectly into the current energy and environmental context. They are not only the site of chemical reactions but also of energy and mass transfers. Reactive media are present in many industrial sectors: energy, transport, health, environment, industry and space.This course, whose objectives are to raise the student's awareness of the scientific issues of reactive environments, is divided into two main parts. The first will focus on combustion science while the second will be devoted to the study of plasmas.
Course contents:
Part I. Combustion: General introduction; Description of a reactive system; The chemical kinetics of combustion; Auto-ignition of a reactive mixture; The premixed flames; The diffusion flames; Introduction to turbulent combustion.
Part II. Plasma: Introduction to plasma; Production methods by plasma discharge; Plasma modeling, chemical and thermal non-equilibrium; Plasma energy applications; Environmental and aeronautical applications.
Prerequisites :
Transport Phenomena.
Bibliographie :
- Nasser Darabiha, Emile Esposito, François Lacas et Denis Veynante, Poly de combustion de CentraleSupélec.
Kenneth Kuo, Principle of Combustion, published by John Wiley & Son, 2005
- Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, Michael A. L.
Laurent Soucasse, Christopher Betrancourt, Gabi-Daniel Stancu.
Procedure and organisation :
11 x 1.5H Course; 11 X 1.5 H Tutorials.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Course contents:
THE BASICS OF HEAT TRANSFER. First energy balance equation. Electrical analogy.
THE BASICS OF RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER. Spectral directional intensity. Equilibrium radiation.
RADIATIVE PROPERTIES AND RADIATIVE TRANSFER. Simple models of radiative transfer.
INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF FLUID FLOW. Theorem Pi. Material derivative. Transport theorems. Local balance of mass.
SPECIES MASS TRANSFER – DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS: Local balance of species mass. Analogy between heat and mass transfers. Characteristic time and length scales.
BALANCE OF MOMENTUM: Strain rate tensor. Stresses in fluids. Newtonian fluids. Local balance equation of momentum. Euler and Navier-Stokes equations.
ENERGY BALANCE EQUATIONS: Local balance of energy. Macroscopic balance of mechanical energy. Head losses. Pump and turbine efficiency.
MACROSCOPIQUES BALANCES. Macroscopic balance of mass and species. Momentum theorem in steady flows. Thrust of turbo-engines and rockets.
INTRODUCTION TO THE PHYSICS OF BOUNDARY LAYER: Boundary layer theory. Numerical solutions of a laminar boundary layer without pressure gradient.
EXTERNAL FORCED CONVECTION – 2D MECHANICAL AND THERMAL BOUNDARY LAYER MODEL. Approximate solutions. Correlations for external forced convection. Integral method applied to thermal boundary layer.
NOTIONS OF INTERNAL FORCED CONVECTION. Expressions of the Nusselt number. Notion of hydraulic diameter.
Prerequisites :
Basics of mathematics and thermodynamics (studied during the first 2
university years).
Bibliographie :
Provided course material. Polycopié CentraleSupélec « Mécanique des Fluides» ; Tome I ; Sébastien
Candel. « Transferts thermiques - Introduction aux transferts d’énergie » ; 5ème édition ; auteurs : Jean Taine, Franck Enguehard et Estelle Iacona ; Dunod, Paris, 2014.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Septembre - Octobre - Novembre.
Location :
Fundamentals of materials science and thermodynamics are given here. The students will work during the entire semester on a research project proposed in one of the university research labs. Three courses will be chosen from a list which includes energy conversion, renewable energy, economics, chemical engineering, simulations and multiphysics coupling and nuclear energy. French and English language courses will complete the second semester.
The course module is organized in lectures -16.5h), to introduce knowledge
and methodological tools, which will be then applied through case
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Course contents:
1. Introduction to Process Engineering for Sustainable Development; steady state material balance
Case study: Process for the production of 1st generation bioethanol
(conversion of renewable raw materials by white biotechnologies)
2. Flow models (perfectly agitated and plug flow)
Case study: Dimensioning of biological treatment tank basin of an urban
wastewater treatment plant (process in the service of the environment,
reduction of reactor volumes and groundwater footprint)
3. Thermal balances: calorific / enthalpic
Case study: Dimensioning of a biofuel production reactor using
heterogeneous catalysis (optimisation of the reactor geometry and its
thermal regulation)
4. Liquid-vapor balances equilibria, single and multi-stage distillation
Case study: Separation of bioethanol by distillation (alternative to fossil
5. Mass Transfer: Diffusion
Case study: Solid phase transfer – culture of immobilized yeasts on agar
medium (production of microorganisms for fermentation)
6. Mass Transfer: Convection
Case study: Purification of second generation sugars by chromatography
(production of sustainable raw materials)
7. Mass Transfer: Permanent Contact Technologies
Case study: Biogas purification for biomethane production by membrane
technology (production of a renewable energy carrier for conventional
Prerequisites :
Bibliographie :
Perry Chemical Engineer's Handbook, 8th edition, 2007, McGraw-Hill, New York
slideshows & specific books.
Title of educational component in English :
Environmental economics, energy and sustainable development
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :16.5
Directed study :16.5
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Da Costa Pascal
Procedure and organisation :
Amphitheatre / Tutorials.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Course contents:
- Origins of economic growth and effect on the "unavailability" of natural
resources (end of cheap oil, etc.)
- Economic models for the optimal management of renewable and nonrenewable
natural resources
- Demographics: changing world populations
- Climate: greenhouse effect and climate change
- Resource management issues (reserves, distribution, prices): resources for
energy (oil, gas, coal, uranium), raw materials (ores), water
- State of the art and new technologies for energy.
Prerequisites :
Common economics course.
Bibliographie :
Slideshows, multidisciplinary and economics books.
Student-centred active learning, flipped classroom, whole class or group activities. One hour minimum per week of homework to prepare or prolong in-class activities.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
General and thematic courses are on offer, depending on the level and the
availability of the student.
Bibliographie :
Varied: audio and video, written documents, news articles, documentaries,
works of Literature, English language textbooks, depending on the course
Title of educational component in English :
French language 2
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :10
Directed study :10
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Ofterdinger Geraldine
Pedagogical team :
Ofterdinger Geraldine.
Procedure and organisation :
A placement test will determine the level of the course: B1, B2, or C1
(European reference framework).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Those weekly courses are offered at several levels, depending on the results of the placement test. Classes are organized as practical workshops focusing on oral understanding and communication, written understanding and
communication, structural proficiency (grammar, vocabulary). Students will work individually or in groups on themes related to contemporary French culture in relation to its historical past.
Prerequisites :
Minimum B1 level in French.
Bibliographie :
Specific to each course and group level: printed documents (press, literature), audio/video (films, recordings), textbooks.
(1 session 3 hours lesson) except the session 12 that will be 2 hours
Sessions 1 and 2: lecture + directed study session
Sessions 3 and 4: lecture
Sessions 5 to 9: directed study session + lecture
Session 10: lecture
Session 11: lecture + working session
Session 12:defense of the work produced during the working
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Course contents:
-Introduction: current importance of materials, challenges associated with materials in major societal issues
-Introduction to the main families of materials: definition based on the nature of the chemical bond, resulting and use properties, introduction to the choice of materials
-Structures and phase transformations of materials :
Order-disorder concepts: from crystal to amorphous via polymers and liquid crystals and how to describe and measure order and disorder
Defects (0D to 3D): crucial role of the defect in the materials, illustration by various couples defect / property
Thermodynamic balances and phase diagrams, their role in materials development
Phase transformation kinetics: how heat treatments optimize material properties.
-Material properties :
Mechanical properties related to the structure: plastic deformation mechanisms, material breakage and ruin
Functional properties related to the structure: thermal and electrical conduction, ferroelectricity, magnetism, optics.
Prerequisites :
Bibliographie :
Materials of M. Ashby and D. Jones, Introduction to Solid State Physics of
C. Kittel.
Title of educational component in English :
Research project
Détail du volume horaire :
Project :120
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Stancu Gabi-Daniel
Pedagogical team :
Researchers or professors proposing projects.
Procedure and organisation :
The project can be done in groups of up to 3 students.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Research projects are offered in one of the campus laboratories. The majority of subjects are proposed by the laboratory staffs. However, if students are motivated by a particular field, they can propose projects and discuss the feasibility with the lab professors/researchers.
The project can be a numerical or an experimental research, it can be also a development of an engineering, a scientific, or a pedagogic tool.
It includes a bibliography study, a final report and oral presentation.
Prerequisites :
Bibliographie :
The researcher/professor in charge will propose the adequate material for the student project.
Marie-Laurence Giorgi, Sean McGuire, Didier Jamet.
Procedure and organisation :
The course will be divided into 3 hour periods (1.5 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of tutorials).
At the end of each part of the course, students will carry out a project by 2 or 3 students (2 x 3 hours to realize the projects and 3 hours to present all the projects).
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
The objective of this course is to provide the theoretical bases, tools and good practices necessary for engineers to understand and design systems that transform raw energy into useful energy, and /or that modify the physicochemical properties of matter through controlled transformations.
Course contents:
1) Energy efficiency (4 courses of 3hr each)
General description of the fundamental concepts (open systems, state functions) Open systems of energy transformation (energy, entropy and exergy balance) Efficiency of energy recovery cycles (design of thermodynamic cycles)
2) Phase transitions (3 courses of 3hr each)
Thermodynamic properties of pure substances and solutions.
Phase equilibria, phase diagrams. Phase transitions (equilibrium and departure from equilibrium, chemical
reactions, germination / growth).
3) Introduction to irreversible processes (1 course of 3hr)
Evolution towards stability, motion forces, coupling of irreversible phenomena.
Prerequisites :
Bibliographie :
D. Kondepudi, I. Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics – From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, John Wiley and sons, England, 1998.
C.H.P. Lupis, Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials, Elsevier Science
Publishing, New York, 1983.
Course contents:
Energy conversion and electrical engineering
General Concepts on AC Machines
Sinusoidal field distribution - Rotating field creation - Practical realization
Synchronous machine in steady state
Principle and practical realization - Fundamental equations - Equivalent
diagram - Alternator operation - Motor use
Asynchronous motor in steady state
Principle and practical realization - Fundamental equations - Equivalent
scheme - Implementation on a fixed frequency network - Variable
frequency power supply
Basics of power electronics
Principles of static converters: realized functions, classical structures - Ideal
switch, real switches: switching regime, losses - Main components:
fundamental properties, control principles, areas of use, limits
DC-DC converters
Objectives - Chopper: fundamental structures - Different operating regimes
- Reversibility - Applications
DC to AC converters
Objectives - Single-phase inverters: fundamental structures - Operation
modes, control laws - Three-phase inverters
AC-DC converters
Objectives - Rectifier bridges: single-phase and three-phase basic
assemblies - Reversibility, line commutated inverter - Impact on the power
source, power factor.
Course contents:
-Main sources of energy production from renewable sources
Wind, Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Biomass, Rankin Cycle
-Integration and energy management
Wind energy in electricity networks
PV solar energy in electricity networks
-Hydrogen sector
Production, storage, use
-Case of autonomous isolated networks.
Modeling and sizing of elements. Management of power flows.
Title of educational component in English :
Nuclear Engineering
Détail du volume horaire :
Lecture :16.5
Directed study :16.5
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi :
Coordinator :Yvon Pascal
Pedagogical team :
Pascal Yvon.
Procedure and organisation :
33 h of lectures.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
This course will present the operating principles of nuclear reactors and describe in details all the stages of the fuel cycle. The students will be able to appreciate, from a technical perspective, the advantages and drawbacks of this low carbon source of energy.
Course contents:
Principles of nuclear fission
Operation of pressurized water reactors
Interactions neutrons matter
Generation IV reactor systems
Mines and enrichment
Fuel fabrication and in pile behavior
Reprocessing and waste storage.
S1 to S9 : lecture 1h30 + numerical projet on Comsol 1h30
S10 to S11 : Hands-on sessions: MEMS design in groups of 4.
Objectifs pédagogiques visés :
Contenu :
Course contents:
S1-S2 Variational formulation and 1D FEM (Project: Beam (Mechanics))
S3-S4 2D FEM (Project: Heated room with open window (Weak coupling Thermic and Fluid Mechanics))
S5 Multiphysic coupling techniques (Application: Lift force of a slender body (Full coupling Thermic, Fluid mechanics, mechanics)
S6-S7 Model error estimation (Project: Project: Heated room with open window (Error estimation))
S8-S9 Time and frequency dependent problems (Project: Electromagnetic compatibility in a room (Electromagnetic wave dynamic and Transmission liner))
S10-S11 Hands-on session: MEMS design and performance analysis (Stent, Accelerometer, Energy harvester…)
S12 Final exam.
Prerequisites :
Partial Differential Equations.
Période(s) et lieu(x) d’enseignement :
Period(s) :
Avril - Mai - Juin.
Location :
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 27/02/2025 to 25/04/2025
Compulsory supporting documents
Motivation letter.
Letter of recommendation or internship evaluation.
All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.
Certificate of English level (compulsory for non-English speakers).
(At least B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or equivalent.)
Curriculum Vitae.
Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.
Additional supporting documents
VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).
Supporting documents :
- Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
- Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
- Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
- Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
- Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
- Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
- Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.