Computer Science

In order to apply to one of the programmes of the master, please select the programme you are interested in under the "Year 1 & 2 Master's programmes" tab.

Learning outcome targets

The master in Computer Science of University Paris-Saclay trains tomorrow’s researchers and engineers in Computer Science, capable to face big challenges such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Human-Computer Interaction, Internet  of Things, or Quantum Computing. Our master courses provides opportunities for postgraduate students to develop and demonstrate expertise in basic computer science, to acquire methodological and practical skills, thanks to a wide spectrum of Teaching Units (Unités d’Enseignements – UE). These units embrace the domains  of artificial intelligence, data science, networks and optimization, network safety, parallel and distributed programming, human-computer interaction, theoretical computer science… The spirit of this master course is not only to give students the change to become specialists in one domain (by selecting a specific track), but also to open to other themes by selecting UEs from other tracks.

The master is organized in two years: students that validate one M1 track (first year) are automatically accepted for the corresponding M2 track.

Locations of academic themes

The main domains of Computer Science are proposed in tracks that are located at the three different campus of University Paris-Saclay: Évry, Saclay and Versailles.

Campus Saclay

The master course in Saclay offers a choice of 138 UEs shared between 6 tracks in M1 and 5 tracks in M2. This wide spectrum of themes gives postgraduate students the choice of a Major track in one of the six domains: Artificial Intelligence; Data Science; Network and Optimization; Quantum, Parallel and Distrbuted Computing; Human-Computer Interaction; Theoretical Computer Science.

In addition to this Major track, the student selects minor teaching units (UE) from the five other tracks. This allows them to acquire solid domain-specific skills, while also being trained to other fields and to obtain a Master in Computer Science with wide competencies.

M1 Advanced Networks & Optimization, M1 Artificial Intelligence, M1 Data Science, M1 Human computer Interaction, M1 Parisian Research Master in Computer Science (MPRI), M1 Quantum and Distributed Computer Science.

M2 Advanced Networks and Optimization, M2 Artificial Intelligence, M2 Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA), M2 Data Science, M2 Human computer Interaction, M2 Quantum and Distributed Computer Science.

Campus Évry

The Evry campus proposes a complete master's training (in two years) in the domain of complex computer systems (CNS track). It is organized in two sub-tracks.

The first one, "Autonomic Systems", is more generalist and emphasizes skills on the most recent techniques to make systems reliable, intelligent, autonomous, and efficient, leaning on formal methods, AI and algorithmics.

The second one, "Networked Systems", focuses on the design, deployment, and  administration of advanced and self-managed computers and networks. It adresses the fundamental aspects of such systems as well as their agile operational implementation.

Campus Versailles

The master course in Versailles proposes 4 tracks (M1 and M2) on cybersecurity, data management, algoritmics and modeling, and computer networks. The first year is common to all four tracks. The students have to select a specialty for the second year.

M1 Algorithmique et Modélisation à l'Interface des Sciences, M1 Data management in large-scale distributed systems, M1 Ingénierie des réseaux et des systèmes, M1 Sécurité des Contenus, des Réseaux, des Télécommunications et des Systèmes.

M2 Algorithmique et Modélisation à l'Interface des Sciences, M2 Data management in large-scale distributed systems, M2 Ingénierie des réseaux et des systèmes, M2 Sécurité des Contenus, des Réseaux, des Telecommunications et des Systèmes.

Specific tracks

The Master of Computer Science at University Paris-Saclay offers two internaction tracks (courses in English): the AI (Artificial Intelligence) track and the HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) track on the Saclay Campus. These tracks are part of the classical campus course: students can select minor UEs in the other tracks of the campus.

An apprenticeship training in two years (M1+M2) in the domain of Computer Networks is proposed on the Versailles campus, and another in the domaine of Data Sciences on the Saclay Campus. Apprenticeship training consists in alternating academic courses (on the Campus) and working in a company to learn the job. These two tracks are separated from the other on-site tracks. Over 20 industrial partners employ our master students every year.

The Mpri track (theoretical computer science) on the Saclay campus consists of two different M1 tracks (Orsay and ENS Saclay) and one M2 track (ENS Saclay). It is a partnership with Université Paris Diderot.
One Erasmus Mundus track is also proposed, only for the second year (M2), in the domain of Data Science. It is supported by the CentraleSupélec school of engineering.

Last, university Paris-Saclay offers a specitc track ARTeQ (Research Year in Quantum Technology) that can be selected between the M1 and M2 by students who want to discover shared research questions by Physics and Computer Science on Quantium technologies.

Liste M1 et M2