Students: for more information on Erasmus+ mobility opportunities, visit this page.
Committed to the Erasmus+ programme, Université Paris-Saclay offers its teacher-researchers and researchers training opportunities to enrich their teaching and research practices, and enables its staff to benefit from mobility opportunities in Europe.
A team of coordinators within the component institutions and associate institutions of the university supports Erasmus+ project initiators. Among other actions, they have organised the Erasmus Days of Université Paris-Saclay every year since 2018 in order to inform teacher-researchers and researchers about the funding opportunities offered by Erasmus+ and the internationalisation practices they can apply to their teaching methods for the benefit of students. The team also works together on the establishment of tools and workshops to help staff submit Erasmus+ projects.
The Erasmus+ programme is crucial to enrich training practices and can foster the emergence of research projects: staff can develop cooperation mobility projects in Europe aiming at reinforcing the skills and employability of students. The programme also supports pedagogical innovation and the internationalisation of education, all the while encouraging cooperation with European and non-European countries. A mobility experience is the opportunity to exchange and cooperate with partners, both within and beyond Europe.
Université Paris-Saclay has obtained its Erasmus+ Charter for 2021-2027, which enables the establishment of cooperation agreements with HE institutions worldwide who have also signed the Charter.
Erasmus+ funding opportunities
With a budget of 14.7 billion euros for the 2014-2020 period, the Erasmus+ programme is organised around three Key Actions and two specific activities: Mobility (Key Action 1), Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices (Key Action 2), Support for Policy Reform (Key Action 3), Jean Monnet activities and Sports activities.
Through these three Key Actions, the programme offers a variety of opportunities to develop collaborations and acquire new skills in the area of higher education. It is a tool dedicated to the internationalisation of HE institutions.
Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices
- Strategic Partnerships
- Capacity Building
- Knowledge Alliances
Key Action 3 - Support for Policy Reform
More information on Key Action 3 (No actions concerning HE directly)
More information on Jean Monnet Activities (This part of the programme funds education actions of the European Union.)
More information on Sports Projects (This part of the programme supports sporting events and collaborative partnerships.)
Erasmus+ Actions at Université Paris-Saclay
Download the brochure presenting Erasmus+ actions at Université Paris-Saclay.
All member HE institutions receive funding for study and work placements abroad dedicated to students but also to academic, teaching and administrative staff.
7 mobility projects in Europe in coordination
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – Université Paris-Saclay
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – Université Evry Val-D’Essonne
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – AgroParisTech
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – Institut d'Optique Graduate School
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – ENS Paris-Saclay
- Mobility opportunities in Europe – CentraleSupélec
3 ICM in coordination
- ICM: Algeria, Cambodia, Lebanon, Palestine, Ukraine, Colombia, Egypt, Cameroun, Georgia, Kenya – Université Paris-Saclay
- ICM: Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Montenegro – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- ICM: Australia, Canada – CentraleSupélec
1 ICM in partnership
- MIC: Tunisia and Kenya – AgroParisTech
6 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees are funded within the framework of the current 2014-2020 Erasmus+ programme. As its predecessor, the Erasmus Mundus programme, this is a high-quality fully-integrated study programme between several European institutions. Its system of scholarships for international students fosters the mobility of students from around the world, thus reinforcing the attraction of the European Higher Education Area as well as that of benefitting institutions.
5 in coordination
- QUARMEN - Université Paris-Saclay
- LASCALA – Université Paris-Saclay
- SERP + – Université Paris Saclay
- FIPDes – AgroParisTech
- Bioceb – AgroParisTech
- Monabiphot – ENS (2007-2013 programme)
Both SERP+ and FIPDes masters have obtained the two prestigious "Success story" and "Good practice example" labels delivered by the European Commission. These labels testify to the quality of both courses.
2 in partnership
1 Erasmus Mundus PhD in coordination
The Erasmus Mundus PhD is funded within the framework of the former Erasmus Mundus 2007-2013 programme. It is a high-level integrated curricula programme between several HE institutions.
- ESG - ABG - AgroParisTech
Strategic partnerships are cooperation projects between several HE institutions with an innovative feature. They serve as tools towards reinforcing the quality of education and pedagogical innovation. They can support many activities in a variety of areas.
4 in coordination
- Legal Challenges in International Investments, Indigenous Peoples and Environment Protection – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- How Long is too Long – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- Erasmus Goes Green – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- FOstering Entrepreneurship for the BioEconomy – AgroParisTech
11 in partnership
- Graduate SPIRIT – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- ERIS – Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- FITNess – AgroParisTech
- European Training for Coordinate Metrology 4.0 – ENS Paris-Saclay
- Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as Toolbox to meet up-to-date specifical requirements – ENS Paris-Saclay
- Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Central Asian Studies in Europe (EISCAS) – Université Paris-Saclay
- FEEDtheMIND – AgroParisTech
- IDEAL – AgroParisTech
- INSYSTED – CentraleSupélec
- Student journey - Bioeconomy qualification supplement – AgroParisTech
The aim of capacity building projects is to modernise the HE systems of partner countries of the European Union: East and South neighbouring countries, Western Balkans, Central Asia, Russia, Asia, Latin America and countries from the African, Caribbean and Pacific region and the Iraq, Iran, and Yemen region. For instance, they may contribute to the training of academic, teaching and administrative staff of these countries.
4 Capacity building projects in partnerships
- EURASIA – Université Versailles St-Quentin-en Yvelines
- eDrone – Université Evry-Val-D’Essonne
- Europe Sri Lanka Capacity Building in Energy Circular Economy – CentraleSupélec
- Next Production Revolution – CentraleSupélec
Knowledge Alliance projects foster cooperation between HE institution and industry. Projects must be innovative, sustainable and impactful. Specific emphasis is put on digital projects.
1 Knowledge Alliance in partnership
- Food-Sta – AgroParisTech
Sector skills alliances aim at reinforcing skills acquisition and improve employability within a targeted area, which involves previously identifying the needs of the labour market. As such, it fosters the creation of innovative transnational professional training.
1 Sector skills alliance in partnership
Jean Monnet chairs are awarded to teacher-researchers for their teaching on the European Union (90 hours’ minimum). Jean Monnet ad personam chairs are restricted to teachers justifying a high level of teaching and publication on the international stage and high-level experience in the study of European integration.
1 teacher-researcher holder of a Jean Monnet ad personam chair
- Gilles Rouet - Director of the Higher Institute of Management of Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
Testimony from Stéphanie Baumberger, coordinator of the Zelcor (H2020) project, and the Bioceb Erasmus Mundus Master
Useful links
At Université Paris-Saclay :
- Carrying out an internship in Europe
- Information on Erasmus+ agreements: erasmus.agreements@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- Information on mobility opportunities within the European Universities Alliance EUGLOH: eugloh@universite-paris-saclay.fr
To know more:
European officers at Université Paris-Saclay
For more information on the Erasmus+ programme, contact Fanny Soares <fanny.soares@universite-paris-saclay.fr>.