Doctoral school Oncology : Biology, Medicine, Health

L'école doctorale

Scope of the doctoral school

The Doctoral School of Oncology, Biology, Medicine and Health is monothematic and covers all aspects of oncology.

The Doctoral School of Cancer, Biology, Medicine and Health is based on the scientific and medical activities of the 80 PhD Student Reception Teams (EAD) on several sites (Gustave Roussy, CEA, Institut Curie Paris et Orsay, AP-HP, ENS de Cachan, Weill Cornell Medical College, Institut Cochin, Luxembourg Institute of Health and the University of Versailles St-Quentin) and is structured around four main axes:

  • Fundamentals of Oncology
  • Genetics and epidemiology
  • Pharmacology and new therapeutic approaches
  • New methods of biological and clinical investigations (including imaging)

Placed under the supervision of Université Paris-Saclay, the Cancer, Biology, Medicine and Health doctoral school is part of the "Life Science and Health" Graduate School of Université Paris Saclay, and is attached to three academic institutions: Université Paris-Saclay (via the component of the Faculty of Medicine), the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin and the Université de recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) is co-accredited.


The Governance and Council of the CBMS Doctoral School

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Management Teams

Supervisor:  Professor Eric Deutsch
Deputy Director: Dr. Ken Olaussen

Council of the Doctoral School (jury)

14 Representatives of Research Institutions, Units or Teams

  • Sébastien APCHER (Institut Gustave Roussy, Univ Paris-Saclay)
  • Ivan BIECHE (Institut Curie, Univ Paris Cité)
  • Erika BRUNET (Inserm, Univ Paris Cité)
  • Claude CAPRON (Univ Versailles Saint Quentin)
  • Patricia KANNOUCHE (CNRS, Paris-Saclay, Gustave Roussy)
  • Lionel LARUE (Institut Curie, Univ Paris-Saclay)
  • Yohann LORIOT (Institut Gustave Roussy, Univ Paris-Saclay)
  • Reina LUCO (Institut Curie, Paris-Saclay)
  • Fabien MILLIAT (IRSN, Univ Paris-Saclay)
  • Guillaume MONTAGNAC (Inserm, Gustave Roussy, Univ Paris-Saclay)
  • Cindy NEUZILLET (Institut Curie, Univ UVSQ)
  • Ken OLAUSSEN (Univ Paris-Saclay, Inserm, Gustave Roussy)
  • Vanessa PETIT (Univ Paris-Saclay, CEA)
  • Françoise PORTEU (Gustave Roussy, Inserm, Univ Paris-Saclay)

2 BIASS Staff Representatives

  • Léa POISOT (Univ Paris-Saclay)
  • Céline LABEE (Institut Curie, Université Paris-Saclay)

5 PhD students elected

  • Alice BOILEVE (U1279)
  • René CHEMALI (U1015)
  • Clément VANBERGUE (U9018)

5 Persons competent in the scientific, industrial and socio-economic fields concerned

  • Nadège BERSON (Servier)
  • Charles TRUILLET (CEA)
  • Robert WEIL (CIMI-Paris, Institut Pasteur)
  • Bassam JANJI (Luxembourg)
  • Marion CLASSE (Sanofi)

2 Permanent guests

  • Eric DEUTSCH
  • Marie-Christine MULTON (Sanofi)


Supervision - Thesis supervision - Laboratories

There are currently the following:

  • 63 Host teams & a doctoral supervision capacity of around 206 HDR

It is therefore a very important potential for supervision that includes teacher-researchers and researchers from organizations and also many PU-PH who bring skills to the interface between science and medical applications.

The laboratories in which the Doctoral Host Teams are located are all labelled by the research organizations or the MESRI. It should be noted that many EADs are located in hospitals, Cancer Centers (Gustave Roussy and Institut Curie) and in Inserm and CNRS units located on AP-HP hospital sites.

This medical support is a determining factor in training and professional integration.

Le doctorat

PhD at Université Paris Saclay

The charter defines a certain number of values and principles that underpin the relationship between the doctoral student and the thesis supervisor and, more generally, between all the actors involved in a doctoral training project.

PhD at PSL University

PhD at the CBMS Doctoral School

  • Thesis Committees (CSI)
  • A personalized training plan
  • Scientific Days
  • An Association of PhD students: PoP'



Sujets de thèse, admission et concours

How to apply?


Applicants must hold a master's degree or equivalent degree in a discipline close to the thesis topic. The quality of the academic background is a selection criterion. The candidate's skills must be in line with the project, the expectations of the thesis supervisor and the working environment of the host laboratory.

How to apply? = via the ADUM platform

 Applications can be made on the ADUM website:

Link to view the topics submitted for the CBMS School:

PhD application space (create my application space): 

It is necessary to choose a thesis topic posted online by thesis supervisors, apply by providing the requested documents (latest diplomas, transcripts, funding certificate).

There are 2 scenarios:

  • The subject had been assigned to you beforehand (register with the email address indicated by the thesis director), its title appears and you just have to click on "save my application"

  • Otherwise, click on "add a new application", then on "to consult the detailed description of the thesis topics" which will allow you to choose the topics

ATTENTION : If the application button does not appear, the topic has already been assigned to a candidate

The supervisor chooses a student from among the applications for his project and validates this application on ADUM – FAVORABLE OPINION

Admission, Audition, Calendar

After the hearing, if the opinion of the board is favourable, you will be able to enrol in the Doctoral School.

Two options:

  • You are applying for the ED Contract: Call for 2024 is finish 
  • If you are applying with other funding: several audition sessions are planned

  • September, 12, 2024

  • October,10, 2024

  • November,14, 2024

Competition (Call for 2025)

The candidate applies for the project(s) of his/her choice via the ADUM platform : 

The supervisor chooses a student from among the applications for his project and validates this application on ADUM – FAVORABLE OPINION

1.    After validation of the complete files by the unit director, each file is examined by specialists in the field. All candidates who have received a favourable opinion from the thesis supervisor are interviewed by the jury. If there are too many of them, a pre-selection can be made beforehand on the basis of the application by the jury.

2.    The candidates invited to the audition present their background, their project, their objectives, the methodology and the expected results. The jury assesses the academic record of the candidates as well as the quality and originality of the project and its feasibility, the answers to the jury's questions (adequacy of the candidate's knowledge with the project). At the end of the auditions, the jury establishes a ranking, with a main list and a complementary list


The audition lasts 20 minutes, including:

  • 10 'strict' minutes  to introduce yourself (course), and to present your project

  • 10 minutes of questions/discussions with the jury

You can use a medium for your presentation (PowerPoint or PDF).

The oral presentation as well as the material can be in French or English.


Calendar Competition 2024: ED Contracts: GS-LSaH White Program

February 27, 2025: Deadline for supervisors to submit projects on ADUM

February 28, 2025: Publication of topics on the ADUM website

May 4 (midnight), 2025: Deadline for the candidate to submit the complete application file on ADUM

May 9, 2025: Deadline for the thesis supervisor to give his or her "favorable opinion" to a single application on ADUM

June , 2025: Auditions

June 30, 2025: Final results – List of stabilized winners


Inscription et réinscription


An academic year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31

Registration is annual and is renewed at the beginning of each academic year

In the 2nd - 3rd year and beyond, the registration must be renewed between September 1st and October 15th, in all cases, including when the first registration took place late.

PhD students who defend their thesis between September and December of an academic year, are covered by their registration in the previous academic year and do not have to re-register


First registration (1st year)

Your first registration takes place once you have been admitted to the thesis. As for the admission to a thesis, the administrative management of your registration file (and then re-registration) is done by the ADUM platform.

The signing of your employment contract with the University or any other employer (if applicable) is done in parallel with your first registration.

Later registrations are also possible, until April 30th.


Re-enrollment (2nd year and +)

Re-enrollment in a thesis does not require you to go through the admission process. The administrative management of your re-registration file is entirely paperless and is done on the ADUM platform.

  • You must submit your Thesis Monitoring Committee report in your ADUM space for each of your re-registrations
Formation doctorale et suivi


The CBMS Doctoral School informs doctoral students from their 1st registration in a thesis that the reference duration of their thesis is 3 years in accordance with the decree of 25 May 2016 (article 14).

In this context, the ED CBMS insists on the 4 points that must characterize a thesis:

  • Excellence of the doctoral project
  • Valorization of research work in terms of publications, patents, etc.
  • Completed additional training adapted to the doctoral student
  • Preparation of a credible professional project

Requests for derogation beyond a 3rd year of the thesis must be quite exceptional and must be based on a favourable opinion from the CSI and funding.



tableau_indicatif_formation_cbms.pdf - ( 88.32 KB)

The training plan is based on a competency-based approach:

  • Designing a research approach
  • Do, get done and collaborate
  • Share

The training plan is to be built according to their needs, profiles and projects with learning that can be mobilized, in the short, medium and long term:

  • For the preparation of the thesis,
  • For their professional mobility,
  • For the rest of your career, regardless of the industry

Doctoral students at the ED CBMS have access to:

  • Master 2 in Oncology Paris-Saclay
  • Employment conferences (IFSBM, ED Biosigne)
  • Anti-tumor chemotherapy course at Gustave Roussy's ESC
  • Colloquiums / Congresses / Seminars

Every year, the CBMS Doctoral School organizes the Scientific Days which bring together about a hundred PhD students and the 2nd and 3rd year of their thesis present their research work in the form of posters and oral communications.


The Monitoring Committee - CSI

The objectives are:

  • to ensure the smooth running of the course by referring to the doctoral charter and the individual training agreement
  • to evaluate the conditions of its training and the progress of its research
  • make recommendations and submit a report
  • in particular, to ensure that any form of conflict, discrimination or harassment is prevented

The individual monitoring committee for each doctoral student is set up in the first year of doctoral registration.

If necessary and in agreement with his/her thesis supervisor, the doctoral student may request the holding of an individual monitoring committee at any time.


The Defense

  • The thesis defense must take place before the end of the 3rd year, following the start of the thesis funding (except in exceptional cases)
  • The thesis defense must be public (except in exceptional cases)
  • A first-author article has been accepted, or submitted to an international peer-reviewed journal (an original article, a journal, a method article, etc.)
  • The thesis manuscript may be written in French or English. In the latter case, a substantial abstract in French, appended to the thesis, the length of which is between 4000 characters including spaces and twenty (20) pages


Defense - inform 3 months before the School of the date of defense

  1. Appointment of rapporteurs + examiners
  2. Submission of the thesis on ADUM
  3. Returning Reports
  4. 1st legal deposit - appointment with your university library
  5. Authorization to defend
  6. Defense minutes
  7. –Defence–
  8. 2nd legal deposit - appointment with your university's library
  9. Diploma


Detailed Procedures



Carrière & Alumni

Devices set up by the ED CBMS for the follow-up of the integration of doctors

Each year, the CBMS Doctoral School conducts, on the basis of a questionnaire, an in-depth survey and statistical analyses on the future of PhDs during the 3 years after the thesis (commitment of doctoral students to respond in the thesis charter and to provide their contact details).

In addition, Université Paris-Saclay also has a follow-up procedure in place via Interceptum.

Actions carried out jointly with companies, local authorities, associations, etc.

In view of the medical purpose of the Ecole Docotrale CBMS, partnerships with industrial laboratories are essential, on the one hand to ensure the training of certain doctoral students destined for the private sector and on the other hand to involve potential employers in the professional integration of doctoral students.

As a result, links have been established with large and medium-sized laboratories such as SANOFI, ROCHE, BAYER, PFIZER, SERVIER, PIERRE FABRE, IPSEN, as well as high-performance start-ups working in one of the cancer sectors.

The CBMS Doctoral School is clearly a beneficial pole of attraction for the Ile-de-France Sud region. This is why this structure was set up with the support of local and regional authorities and that of many local elected officials, in particular those of the Val de Marne Ouest agglomeration community (Arcueil, Cachan, Fresnes, Gentilly, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, l'Haÿ les Roses and Villejuif). The leaders of the ED participate alongside the elected representatives in the reflections concerning the development of the health centre, the problems of welcoming foreign teachers and students, the problems of communication, etc. Finally, it should be noted that the ED of oncology is one of the structuring training systems in the Ile de France region and has established in this context functional links with the competitiveness cluster MEDICEN Paris region, which has included oncology and training actions in its priority axes.

Actions implemented to optimize integration

During the thesis, the CBMS Doctoral School strongly encourages the doctoral student to build his or her professional project throughout the thesis. The CBMS Doctoral School is committed to promoting the integration of doctoral students who wish to pursue a career in the private or public sector.

The ED CBMS strongly encourages PhD students to:

  • Take training courses in the following areas: oral communication, time and relationship management, openness to the business world, training in higher education and research, training in intellectual property, scientific English! Most of these courses will be shared within the framework of the Paris Saclay doctoral college and, when this is not the case, the doctoral school will offer ad-hoc training. Specific training is essential since the labour market, the nature of the companies, the nature of the jobs offered and the methods of access to employment may vary from one sector to another.

  • Participate in doctoral students' associations and participate in events allowing them to expand their networks and to learn about the post-thesis period (forums, doctoral exams, welcome days, etc.).

The Ecole Docotrale CBMS also involves private actors in its operation (e.g. at the level of the Council) in order to facilitate reciprocal information between doctoral training and the world of potential employers.


Hosting foreign PhD students

The CBMS Doctoral School welcomes a significant number of foreign students from their country of origin to the 80 EADs. These are not only EU nationals, but also North American, Latin American, Maghreb and Asian. The ED also welcomes several foreign students who have completed an M2 in France.

At the steady state, about 1/3 of doctoral students are of foreign nationality. The CBMS Doctoral School welcomes many foreign doctors from all countries, including Latin America, which can be considered as a parameter of attractiveness, an attractiveness linked to a very large extent to the scientific quality of the host teams.

Cotutelle agreements

A co-supervision of a thesis is the sharing, by the Université Paris-Saclay or PSL and a foreign higher education institution, of the responsibility for the training and supervision of a doctoral student. To this end, two research supervisors, with the agreement of the institutions to which they belong, develop a joint training programme for the doctoral student. The latter carries out his schooling and work by attending, alternately, both establishments. He defends his thesis in front of a jury set up by the two partners, who award him a unique diploma.

The formula of co-supervision of a thesis therefore presupposes one or more stays abroad as well as the co-supervision of the thesis, but it is not limited to these modalities — hence the importance of clearly distinguishing its specificity.

National and international openness

The priority objective of the CBMS Doctoral School is to regularly increase its international impact in a significant way by promoting the implementation of institutional agreements with foreign universities to promote the exchange of doctoral students: hosting French doctoral students in foreign laboratories and vice versa.

It also encourages the mobility of its doctoral students, by setting up international thesis co-supervisions:

The ED favours theses carried out within the framework of scientific collaborations between laboratories.

Paris-Saclay UniversityPSL University




Pedagogical: Mrs. Léa Poisot

ED CBMS, Gustave Roussy - B2M Bur 052

114 rue Edouard Vaillant, 94805 Villejuif Cedex


Administrative: Mrs Monia Boujdidi - SEVE

Department of Studies and Student Life - Faculty of Medicine Paris Saclay - KB Building - 63rue Gabriel Péri, 94276 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre Cedex




Thesis Department Paris Sciences & Lettres60 rue Mazarine, 75006 Paris