Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics

EDMH supports Azat Miftakhov

The Ecole doctorale mathématique Hadamard protests agains the inprisonment of Azat Miftakhov since February 2019, and his recent sentence to 6 years in prison. 

Azat Miftakhov, a graduate student in mathematics at the Moscow State University, was arrested in February 2019 and detained since then; on 18 January 2021 he was sentenced to 6 years in a penal colony, under unfounded charges. The Memorial human rights organization considers that his condemnation is due to his political opinions.

Together with an international committee of mathematicians and several national mathematical societies
(American Mathematical Society, Société Mathématique de France, Unione Matematica Italiana,  Brazilian Mathematical Society) EDMH expresses its deep concern for Azat Miftakhov's situation, and urges the court to immediately release him and abandon the charges against him.
In this context, the EDMH awards Azat Miftakhov the title of Student of Honor of EDMH. Once he is released, EDMH is ready to welcome him to complete the preparation of his PhD.

L'école doctorale

The initial scientific contacts for future PhD students and future PhD supervisors are the representatives of the following institutions :

Thre EDMH'board establishes the EDMH's scientific and teaching policy. It meets three times par academic year and is made up as follows:

Director of the EDMH: Stéphane Nonnenmacher

Deputy Directors: representing its institutions and research teams/units:

Two representatives of the engineering, administrative, technical, maintenance, and service staff: Clotilde D'Epenoux, EDMH (FMJH) administrative assistant, and Loïc Gouarin (ICNRS research engineer, LMO Joint Research Unit 8628 CNRS, University of Paris-Sud)

A representative of the ParisSaclay Master's in mathematics: Pascal Massart


Four elected PhD-student representatives:


One internal expert and four external experts in relevant scientific fields or industrial and socio-economic sectors:

  • Sandrine Charousset (EDF) Optimization representative
  • Frédérique Laurent-Nègre ("Laboratoire EM2C, CentraleSupélec") scientific computing representative
  • Georges Gonthier (INRIA Saclay) IT representative
  • Céline Grandmont (INRIA Paris) life sciences representative
  • Huyên Pham (Université Paris Diderot) financial mathematics representative


EDMH administrative contact:  Clotilde D'Epenoux

EDMH administrative correspondents:

UP Saclay

IP Paris (registration)

IP Paris (defense)

PhD-Student Representatives

The participation of the doctoral students themselves in the functionaing of the EDMH is important in order to bring to the attention of the EDMH managment any wish concerning organization of the doctoral follow-up, the concerns about their material conditions (offices, funding...), etc.


Lists of PhD-sutdents and PhD

Liste des doctorants actuels

 Liste des docteurs ayant soutenu entre 2015 et 2021 - (pdf 223.3 Ko)


Links to PhD-student associations

Qualification process for Full Professorship

To apply for a full professorship in France in spring of year n, you must be on a qualifying list drawn up by the French National Council of Universities. Applications for qualification must be made in autumn of year n-1 at the latest.

Details of the procedure are available on the Galaxie website. Calendar note: in 2019, applications for qualification could be received from 5 September to 24 October. Applicants from French higher education institutes had to have defended their HDR by 17 December and sent their application to the CNU (French National Council of Universities) referees (external examiners) by 17 December, at 16PM (hour of Paris).

Specific information about CNU sections 25 (pure mathematics) and 26 (applied mathematics), as well as advice and regulations, are available on the Opération postes website.

Evaluation of EDMH

EDMH is certified ISO9001 by the office VERITAS







Evaluation reports

Le doctorat

The operation of the doctoral training offered by the EDMH stems from several statutory texts:




  • 2022

Kamelia DAUDEL (dir. F. ROUEFF et R. DOUC, LTCI) : Prix de thèse de l'Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Timothée BENARD (dir. Y. BENOIST, LMO) : Prix de thèse du laboratoire Blaise Pascal

Sam PEROCHON (dir. L. OUDRE et G. SAPIRO, Centre Borelli) : Prix de l'innovation dans les pratiques pédagogiques

Margaux BREGERE (dir. G. STOLTZ et P. GAILLARD, LMO) : Prix de l'association Think SmartGrids

Tina NIKOUKHAH (dir. R. Grompone von Gioi, J.-M. Morel et M. Colom, Centre Borelli) : Prix Jeunes Talents France L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science

Alice CONTAT (dir. N. Curien, LMO) : Prix Jeunes Talents France L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science

Flore SENTENAC (dir. V. Perchet, CREST) : Prix Jeunes Talents France L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science

  • 2021

Armand RIERA (dir. J.-F. Le Gall, LMO) : Prix de thèse Jacques Neveu*

Jean FEYDY  (dir. A. Trouvé, Centre Borelli) : Prix solennel de la chancellerie de Paris (toutes catégories Sciences)

Etienne LASSALE, Olympio HACQUARD & Vadim LEBOVICI ont remporté un des trois défis de l'édition 2021 du Challenge mathématiques et entreprises organisé par l'AMIES

Boris MUZELLEC, (dir.M. Cuturi, CREST) Prix "Best Thesis Award de l'IPParis"

Jouad MOURTADA, (dir. Gaiffas & Scornet, CMAP), Prix "Best Thesis Award Runner-Up

Emile PAROLIN (dir. P. Joly, UMA), Prix "Best Thesis Award Runner-Up

Augustin TOURON (dir. Elisabeth Gassiat LMO) : Prix Marie-Jeanne Laurent-Duhamel 

  • 2020

Jean FEYDY  (dir. A. Trouvé, Centre Borelli) : Prix de thèse 2020 de l'Association française pour la reconnaissance et l'interprétation des formes.

Eddie AAMARI  (dir. Frédéric Chazal, Datashape, et Pascal Massart, LMO) : Prix Marie-Jeanne Laurent-Duhamel

Anabel DEL VAL (dir. Pietro Congedo, CMAP) : Prix "Amelia Earhart Fellowship for Women in Aerospace-applied Sciences-Engineering"

Florian FEPPON (dir. Grégoire Allaire, CMAP et Charles Dapogny, LJK Grenoble) : Prix de thèse GAMNI-SMAI et Prix de thèse européen ECCOMAS

Maxime GRANGEREAU (dir Emmanuel Gobet et Stéphane Gaubert, CMAP) : Prix Siebel Scholars 2020.

Thibault LEFEUVRE (dir. Colin Guilllarmou, LMO) : Prix de thèse de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

Pierre CORDESSE (dir. Marc Massot, CMAP, thèse co-financée par le CNES et l’ONERA): Prix de thèse 2020 de la 3AF (Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France)

  • 2019

Geneviève ROBIN (dir Julie Josse et Eric Moulines, CMAP) : Prix L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science (Jeunes Talents France 2019)

Fabio NADDEI (dir. Frédéric Coquel, CMAP) : Prix des doctorants ONERA.

Rémi FEUILLET (dir. Frédéric Alauzet, Adrien Loseille (GAMMA) et Patrick Ciarlet (UMA)) : Best Student Paper Award, 28th International Meshing Roundtable

Camilla FIORINI (dir. Christophe Chalons, LMV et Régis Duvigneau, INRIA Sophia) : Prix de thèse GAMNI-SMAI

Mathilde BOISSIER  (dir Grégoire Allaire, CMAP et Christophe Tournier, ENS Paris-Saclay) : Prix ISSMO/Springer 2019.

  • 2018

The Tien MAI (dir. Pierre Alquier, CREST) : Young researcher Aaward, The International Society for NonParametric Society

Geneviève ROBIN (dir Julie Josse et Eric Moulines, CMAP) : Best Student Paper Award, Jerusalem Joint Statistical Event (EMR-IBS), Frontier Science Foundation Hellas (December 2018)

Margaret BILU (dir. Antoine Chambert Loir, LMO), Prix Thiessé de Rosemont/Demassieux de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

Thibault LEFEUVRE (dir. Colin Guillarmou, LMO), Prix du poster du Colloque pluridisciplinaire"Echo de sciences : à l'écoute des ondes sonores" de la Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay 2018.

Paul BASTIDE (dir. Stéphane Robin, MIA, and Mahendra Mariadasou, MaIAGE) : Prix Marie-Jeanne Laurent-Duhamel

Milolaj FRACZYK (dir. Emmanuel Breuillard, LMO) : Prix de thèse du laboratoire de mathématiques Blaise Pascal

  • 2017

Aran RAOUFI (dir. Hugo Duminil-Copin, LAG) : Prix de thèse Jacques Neveu de la SMAI

Pierre BELLEC (dir. Alexandre TSYBAKOV, CREST) : Prix de thèse du laboratoire de mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Djordjo MILOVIC (cotutelle internationale Etienne Fouvry (LMO, Univ. Paris-Sud, LMO) et Peter Stevenhagen (Leiden University)) : Prix Stieljes de la Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (en collaboration avec la fondation Compositio Mathematicae)

Clément LEVRARD (dir. Pascal Massart, LMO, et Gérard Biau, Sorbonne Université) : Prix Marie-Jeanne Laurent-Duhamel

  • 2016

Tony Yue YU (dir. Maxim Kontsevich, IHES, et Antoine Chambert-Loir, LMO) : Prix de thèse du laboratoire de mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Pierre GAILLARD (dir. Gille Stoltz, GREHEC) : Prix de thèse Math-Entreprise AMIES

  • 2015

Matthieu AUSSAL (dir. François Alouges, CMAP) : Prix de thèse Math-Entreprise AMIES

Marc LEBRUN (dir. Jean-Michel MOREL, CMLA et Frédéric CAO, DxO Labs) : Accessit prix de thèse 2015 Signal, Image et Vision

Shen LIN (dir. Jean-François Le Gall, LMO) : Prix de thèse du gouvernement chinois et Prix de thèse Perrissin-Pirasset/Schneider de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

Silvain RIDEAU (dir. Elisabeth Bouscaren, LMO) : Prix de thèse Thiesset de Rosemont/Demassieux de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

Valérie ROBERT (dir. thèse Gilles Celeux) : Lauréate des Talents de l’Outre-Mer

  • 2014

Thierry DUMONT (dir. Elisabeth Gassiat, LMO) : Prix de thèse Math-Entreprise AMIES

  • 2013

Laure DUMAZ (dir. B. Toth et W Werner, LMO) : Prix de thèse Thiesse de Rosemont/Demassieux de la Chancellerie des Universites de Paris

Igor KORTCHEMSKI (dir. J.-F. Le Gall) : Prix de thèse Perrissin–Pirasset/Schneider de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

  • 2012

Pierre SIMON (dir. Elisabeth Bouscaren, LMO) : Prix Perissin-Pirasset/Schneider de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

Sujets de thèse, admission et concours

Applying to EDMH

There are 4 aspects to a thesis project: a doctoral student, a thesis director, a research topic, and funding secured for 3 years. The first step for a student is to find a thesis director, and a research topic in a field that interests him or her.

EDMH recruits doctoral students in two ways:

  • Competition mode: for recruitment on doctoral contracts with competition

  •  Non-competitive mode: for all other types of funding (CIFRE, ANR or ERC projects, etc.).

Find out more about procedures, practical information on the content of the application file, recruitment dates and funding sources on the EDMH website

Click here to apply to EDMH

Inscription et réinscription

Registration and re-registration proceduresare carried out on the ADUM platform.

See practical details on EDMH website

Formation doctorale et suivi

Doctoral training


This section describes the doctoral training and follow-up operations for doctoral students other than those provided by the thesis directors or the research supervisors' teams.

In accordance with the http://www.cnrs.fr/insmi/spip.php?article1757 recommendation of the CNRS Scientific Council, the EDMH asks its doctoral students not to submit articles to journals that require payment of a publication fee ("APC") in order for the article to be "Gold Open Access". It is also important not to exceed the maximum length allowed by certain journals or you will be asked to pay for the excess. The EDMH will not pay any publication fees.


Training courses on catalog

From your ADUM account, you have access to the catalog of doctoral training courses, essentially transversal, offered by your institution (UP Saclay or IP Paris or PSL) and by the EDMH. This catalog is evolving. You can also ask edmh@fondation-hadamard.fr to add to the catalog training courses that may be of interest to other doctoral students (e.g. seminar)

Non-catalog trainings

If you wish to participate in a training course that is not in the catalog, you can register it in your personal account as a "non-catalogue training course" by attaching a proof of participation (see EDMH model available). The assessment in number of days/hours/points will be validated by the EDMH steering committee. The scale above will help you in counting your points.

Special features

  • Complementary assignments: see table above for the number of points to be declared. Attach the employment contract as supporting documentation.
  • CIFRE thesis: doctoral students with a CIFRE thesis can claim their CIFRE thesis as cross-disciplinary training. In ADUM, select the item "connaissance du monde de l'entreprise", indicate in the title that it is a CIFRE thesis, declare 12 points and attach to the employment contract.
  •  Compulsory training: counts as cross-disciplinary training.


Each training course listed in the catalog or outside the catalog must specify
  • The number of hours/points of training
  • The category of the training
  • The type of skills involved in the training, among the 6 "skill blocks" proposed. These skills, completed as they are acquired, will be grouped together in the "skills portfolio" of each doctoral student. This portfolio will report on the skills acquired during the thesis (optional but recommended)
  • Training objectives (optional but recommended)

Counting of points

If some trainings have not been converted into points (this is the case for trainings that have been registered before September 2021), you can easily do the conversion yourself based on the table. In case of doubt, you can check with your thesis director or assistant director or write to edmh@fondation-hadamard.fr
The national decree on the doctorate requires that all doctoral students in France undergo training on the following 3 themes
  • Research ethics and scientific integrity
  • Open science issues (data management, intellectual property rights, ethics of scientific publication...)
  • Sustainable development
  • Sexual and gender-based violence (from January 2024)
These training courses are available on the ADUM catalog. If this is not the case, it is possible to follow them outside (for example on a MOOC). In this case, it is necessary to register the training on the module "training outside the catalog", by joining a proof of participation.
  • Specialized M2 course
  • Summer schools
  • Doctoral school courses, IHES, Collège de France
  • Mini-courses of visiting professors
  • SMF CIRM weeks
  • Participation in specialized trimesters and semesters
  • SMAI days
  • X-UPS mathematics days
  • Statistics days
  • ....
  • Cross-disciplinary training offered by the University of Paris-Saclay or by the Polytechnic Institute of Paris or by the University of Paris Sciences et Lettres.
  • Language courses
  • History of science courses
  • Participation in interdisciplinary conferences
  • Math and Business Study Week" (SEME) of the AMIES
  • Participation in the "Forum Emploi Maths" and the PhDTalent Fair
  • Participation to the "Journées Franciliennes des Doctorants en Sciences Mathématiques" (French days for PhD students in Mathematics)
  • Training in popularization and dissemination of scientific culture through practice (seminar, MathsenJeans, ParisMaths, Olympiads...)
  • Teaching (monitoring, vacations)
  • ...

Program of the  "Parcours MathTech 2023-2024", led by Iwips :

  • November 10, 2023: teamwork workshops
  • December 11-15, 2023: corporate challenge week - Hackathon EDF / Groupe Atlantic
  • January 16, 2024: Pitch workshop
  •  January 25, 2024: MathTech Day
  • March 12: Communication workshop

Register for workshops from your ADUM account




The institution representatives are the primary contacts for the scientific and pedagogical follow-up of EDMH doctoral students. They carry out, in addition to the thesis directors, the following missions
  • information,

  • orientation,

  • advice for training (disciplinary or complementary),

  • follow-up of the training plan/portfolio of the candidate,

  • support and incentives.


Each doctoral student will be monitored throughout his or her thesis by an “Comité de Suivi Individuel” (CSI).

Composition of the CSI: each CSI must include at least one "specialist" in the doctoral student's research field (from outside the supervising team) and one "non-specialist" from outside the research field. The composition of the CSI can be proposed by the doctoral student or by the doctoral school. EDMH recommends that at least one member of the CSI should be an ED official (deputy director or establishment representative). The composition of the CSI must be entered on ADUM in the 1st year. One CSI member must be declared as the referent; by default, this will be an EDMH representative.

CSI report: interviews with the CSI are confidential and give rise to a report which is sent to the doctoral student and thesis supervisor. Each year, the CSI report containing a favorable opinion is required for re-registration. This report must be included in the re-registration file.

In addition to the follow-up interviews detailed below, doctoral students can contact EDMH representatives (deputy director of the cluster, establishment representative, director) at any time, should they have any questions or problems.

Specific follow-up actions are detailed below, and include an annual meeting with the CSI. These meetings take place in the absence of the thesis director. The CSI may also ask the thesis supervisor for information on thesis progress.


Before their re-registration in 2nd year, between June and October, all doctoral students will have an interview (20-30 minutes) with their CSI. During this interview, the doctoral student will present the progress of his or her research since the start of the thesis, and the prospects for the following year. In advance of the interview, they will provide their CSI with a written activity report, as well as a list of training courses attended. During the interview, he/she can also mention any problems that may have arisen. The CSI will assess the doctoral student's situation after 1 year of thesis and can advise him/her on the progress of his/her thesis.

Towards the end of the 2nd year of their thesis (May-June), doctoral students are invited to present their work to their laboratory or research team during a presentation session. In addition to disseminating doctoral students' work internally, this presentation will enable them to check on the progress of their thesis work, and to give advice on the quality of their presentation. These sessions are followed by an interview with the CSI. During this interview, the progress of the thesis, the prospects for the end of the thesis, and even for the post-thesis period, will be discussed, as well as the list of training courses taken. A report will also be drawn up.

Between January and April of their third year, the CSI will meet with doctoral students to discuss thesis completion procedures (including content and writing), current applications and career prospects. In the event of a request for an extension beyond December 31, the CSI must give a favorable opinion before the doctoral student can re-enroll in 4th year. A similar interview will then take place during the 4th year.

Annual opening conference day

A doctoral students' day, open to all EDMH doctoral students, is organized in October of each year, usually at IHES. Participation is strongly recommended, especially for first-year doctoral students, and a buffet is offered.
The presentations are devoted to the EDMH curriculum (including the rights and duties of the doctoral student) and to scientific representations of the teams of the EDMH host laboratories, for a better knowledge of the different partners and the cohesion of the EDMH.



We recommend three months between starting the procedure (date when the final version of the PhD thesis is available) and the defense date. This includes the time required (which cannot be shortened) by registration institutions between the arrival of PhD assessment reports and the defense date, the time needed for EDMH decisions, and the usual minimum 2-month period given to referees (external examiners) to read, check, and assess the thesis and write their report. NB: the time required for the various stages of this process may vary according to the registration institution and must be strictly complied with.

After discussing the matter with their institution's EDMH representative, it may be worth PhD supervisors contacting the referees (external examiners) and members for the PhD examining committee before the official appointments and deadlines to schedule a defense date. It is especially difficult to change the dates and composition of PhD examining committees near the defense deadline (the first half of December) for CNU (French National Universities Council)-qualification procedures (which can be consulted on the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research's Galaxie website or the Opération postes website).

For members of PhD examining committees, please use the wording: ‘Subject to favorable assessment by the referees (external examiners) and agreement of the executive committees of the Hadamard Doctoral School of Mathematics and registration institution’.

The names of referees (external examiners) and PhD examining committee members are entered into the ADUM software by PhD students and approved in ADUM by the relevant deputy director. The route for obtaining signatures depends on each institution; please contact the relevant EDMH administrative contact. After the forms have been signed, the EDMH will send them to the relevant departments at the registration institution's doctoral schools.

Following ministerial recommendations on the use of French, PhD theses must contain a sufficiently long section (at least 10-20 pages) written in French. For example:

  •     a summary chapter or
  •     an introduction to the PhD, as well as placing the research in context and presenting its scope.

Electronic deposit of PhD theses, requests to print copies for examining committees, managing PhD defense applications

PhD students must contact their registration institution's administrative contact for practical details (including deadlines) about the following:

  •     electronic deposit of PhD theses via the ADUM software (interfaced with the STAR software), in accordance with procedures implemented by the University of Paris-Saclay's doctoral school. There are two steps: 1) before the defense, which is a condition for authorizing the defense; 2) after the defense, which is a condition for PhD degree certificates to be issued by France's national printing works (imprimerie nationale). Do not delay, unless the examining committee asks for major modifications.
  •     making appointments with the registration institution's library or archive department for the first legal deposit of your PhD thesis.
  •     requests (and number authorized) to print copies of your PhD thesis for the examining committee
  •     collecting your defense application, which is given to the examining committee on the day of your PhD defense
  •     returning your completed defense application to the relevant departments at your registration institution
  •     printing copies of your PhD thesis after your defense
  •     collecting your degree certificate

List of forthcoming PhD Defenses

The templates for the cover page and back cover of the thesis can be found on the website :

Most of these rules are enacted by the the article 18 of the Decree dated 25 May 2016 on doctoral training

After discussing the matter with the EDMH scientific representative at the PhD student's host laboratory, the PhD supervisor (or the PhD student with the agreement of their supervisor) will suggest between two and four names for referees (external examiners) to the relevant deputy director. These suggestions are made by email and require prior agreement from two of them. The appointments are made by the EDMH’s executive committee, after any necessary checks and consultations have been carried out.

The minimum and usual number of appointed reporters will be two, with the possibility of adding a third if necessary (industrial, multidisciplinary thesis, etc.). External examiners must hold an HDR or equivalent. Unless the disciplinary field or the content of the work does not allow it, they must be external to the EDMH and to the defending institution (Université de Paris-Saclay, Institut Polytechnique de Paris or Université Paris Sciences et Lettres), and external to the doctoral project. Unless it proves exceptionally difficult to find a competent examiner from outside the EDMH's partner institutions to assess the PhD thesis, the EDMH's prefers examining committees to contain an internal referee (examiner) as well as the two official examiners. They will not have co-published either with the PhD or with the supervising team during the 5 years preceding the defense.
An external examiner may be a researcher or emeritus.

After the deputy director has given its agreement, PhD students must enter the examiners' names and addresses into ADUM. PhD students or their supervisors send the thesis to the examiners, indicating the address and expected date of return for their report. An official letter from the registration institution will be sent to the examiners (you must enter their names and addresses into ADUM as soon as possible after receiving the EDMH's agreement), but we recommend you to suggest that they do not wait for this letter before starting their assessment. Unless their report has not yet arrived, it is advisable to contact the examiners one week before the registration institution's deadline for receiving reports.

For theses at University Paris Saclay, the external examiners receive the information allowing them to submit their report on the ADUM platform.
Reports must be signed and can be sent by email (postal mail is not required)

For each of the defense institutions, here is the deadline for returning the reports before the defense date, the useful links and the contact address to which the signed reports should be officially sent by e-mail. An electronic copy of the reports must also be sent by the examiners to the relevant deputy director of the EDMH.

Registration Institution Pre-Defense Deadline

Official Address for Sending Reports

Université Paris-Saclay : ENS Paris-Saclay, Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay, UEVE, UVSQ 3 weeks

Scolarite doctorat sciences and/or Seidina Athie

Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA, ENSAE 4 weeks

ed-soutenances@ip-paris.fr and/or Emmanuel Fullenwarth. See also the pages useful documents and defense procedure on the website Institut Polytechnique de Paris

Telecom Paris 21 days Florence Besnard
Telecom SudParis 21 days Véronique Guy
ENS Ulm (only for PSL subscribers) 4 weeks

See the site procedure for the defense of a PSL doctorate at the ENS. Attention, the declaration of the external examiners must be made at the same time as that of the full jury

After discussing the matter with the EDMH scientific representative at the PhD student's host laboratory, PhD supervisors (or PhD students with the agreement of their supervisors) will email or use the ADUM software to send suggestions for an examining committee to the relevant deputy director. The appointments are made by the EDMH’s executive committee, after any necessary checks and consultations have been carried out.

The deadlines for filling in the forms appointing examining committee members and authorizing PhD defenses are the same as for returning reports (see previous sub-section). Nevertheless, you are advised to fill them in well in advance – using the following wording when contacting prospective examining committee members: ‘Subject to required authorization from the EDMH’ – to ascertain whether they are available and agree to be part of the examining committee.


Rules for the composition of EDMH PhD examining committees:

Most of these rules are enacted by the the article 18 of the Decree dated 25 May 2016 on doctoral training

  • PhD examining committees comprise between 4 and 8 members, except in specific cases subject to agreement from the EDMH’s executive committee (industrial, cotutelle, interdisciplinary theses, etc.), for which the upper limit is 6 members.
  • Except in special circumstances, the committee must contain at least one member from the registration and defense institution apart from the PhD supervisor.
  • It is highly recommended (but not required) for at least one of the external examiners to be a member of the examining committee.
  • The President of the jury is co-opted from among the members of the jury. He must be a professor or equivalent in activity

  • At least half of its members must be from outside the EDMH, the institution awarding the degree (Université Paris-Saclay or Institut Polytechnique de Paris or Université Paris Sciences et Lettres) and the doctoral project.

  • At least half of its members must be professors or equivalent.

  • It is strongly recommended that the jury include at least 1 woman.

  • Some members of the jury may be professors or emeritus researchers, in which case they do not fall within the 50% quota of professors or equivalent.

Carrière & Alumni

The EDMH is particularly concerned about the future of its PhD students. The training offered and the various follow-up operations have the main purpose of preparing their professional integration, whatever the opportunities they envisage.At the end of a thesis at the EDMH, career prospects, in France or abroad, lead doctors to insert themselves

  • In academia: Lecturer, teacher-researcher abroad
  • In the secondary teacher: in preparatory class, PRAG...
  • Within companies: Jobs in the private sector, R & D sectors from large groups to startups, see Enterprises
  • In major public research organizations (CNRS, CEA, INRIA, DGA ...) and large state bodies


PhD students undertake by signing the thesis charter to provide the EDMH, via the ADUM software, their becoming during the 5 years following their defense.


Find details on the EDMH website



Internationalization programs









  • Institut Polytechnique de Paris: to be set up with the future thesis director


Welcoming foreign doctoral students

EDMH offers financial support for French language courses for non-French-speaking PhD students, or foreign language courses for PhD students preparing for international mobility. Please contact the EDMH administrative manager or one of the members of the EDMH management committee.




Agnès Desolneux

ENS Paris-Saclay, Centre Borelli


Clotilde d'Epenoux

Administrative director
Université Paris-Saclay, Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay (LMO)


Contacts for scientific directors, assistant directors, administrative staff, doctoral student representatives