C-BASC's training projects

The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate (C-BASC) has a leading role in training proposals. C-BASC regularly supports scientific events, master courses etc. described below.

Towards more plant-based diets

Many studies have recently identified sustainable diets, which are plant-based diets that are far removed from the current Western diets rich in animal products. Nevertheless, it is difficult to describe the precise and orderly modalities of possible transitions to these more plant-based diets. For more information


Social Science Research Days (December 14-15, 2023)

These days constitute an important gathering of the French-speaking scientific community in economic, human and social sciences, working in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, food, environment and territorial development. To know more about this event


Septoria, a disease of durum wheat caused by a fungus

A panel of 200 French and Italian durum wheat varieties was previously evaluated: several varieties were noted for their resistance to septoria, including four Italian country varieties that are no longer grown. For more information on this subject.

Can roadless areas improve the conservation status of species?

Primates (monkeys...) are a very relevant group in terms of conservation issues: 60% of species classified as threatened, 75% of species in decline. To know more about the project.

Designing species mixes

The current agricultural model is based primarily on the use of fertilizers, plant protection products and irrigation, which has increased and maintained high agricultural production. However, this agricultural model has shown its limitations in terms of sustainability and resilience. Crop diversification through species mixtures is considered an alternative to the use of inputs. To learn more about this project

Ecology and evolution (conference in 2023)

On the occasion of a new Master 2 entitled "Evolution of Genomes, Populations and Species: Data and Models", a conference will be held in 2023 involving students and researchers from different disciplines. To know more about it

The natural enemies of insects (colloquium 10-12 July 2023)

Created in 1970 under the title "Prey-predator and host-parasitoid meetings", the annual Entomophagists' Days bring together actors from the academic world and some French-speaking companies and associations interested in entomophagous organisms (i.e. the natural enemies of insects) and their use in the control of crop pests. To know more about this event

Economics and management of climate change (conference 21-22 April 2022)

The Graduate School Economics & Management of the University of Paris-Saclay organized the 12th Thematic Days of the French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists on the theme "Economics and management of climate change: linking adaptation and mitigation". To learn more about the event

Agroecology Network (annual day 25/3/2022)

The Interdisciplinary Network of Researchers in Agroecology, organized its annual day open to all, around 2 themes. To know more about this event

The future of natural and agricultural areas (conference 12/7/2022)

This open conference brought together for the first time in France delegations from California and France composed of local and state policy makers, members of regional organizations, associations and scientists. To learn more about the conference