Since 2022, BioProbe has been an Interdisciplinary Programme of the Université Paris-Saclay. Its objective is to federate, animate, and structure around 50 teams and platforms from 24 laboratories that lead innovative projects in chemistry and physics, focusing on the study of biological processes in situ within their complex environments. These projects may have practical applications in diagnostics and imaging.
BioProbe's goals are aligned with three pillars: Research, Innovation, and Education. They are detailed as follows:
- Promote interdisciplinary fundamental research, including innovative methods of detection, analysis, and imaging for the quantitative exploration at the molecular level of biological processes
- Build new consortia capable of targeting funding opportunities by leveraging the BioProbe network
- Strengthen partnerships between academic and industrial environments, fostering innovation, in diagnostics in particular, and accelerate the transfer of technology from fundamental research to clinical applications and biotechnologies.
- Train young individuals to work at the interface of chemistry, physics, and biology, without compromising solid disciplinary skills, to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving job market.

Challenges and Focus Areas
Discover how BioProbe's objectives unfold in the realms of research, training, and innovation.

A biannual conference bringing together the community developing and utilizing methods for analyzing and imaging complex biological environments.

BioProbe Complementary Program
A personalized complementary program between M1 and M2 to gain expertise in a second discipline.

Summer School ChemPhysBio
An interdisciplinary and biannual summer school on chemical and physical probes applied to biology, in partnership with the Institute for the Sciences of Light.

Training for support staff (ITAs)
BioProbe can contribute to the funding of training for support staff.
What's new in the BioProbe network?
- BioProbe’s Calls for Projects 2025 (Proof of Concept, International Conference Participation Funding, Training for Support Staff) are online. All details on our dedicated page
- The ChemPhysBio2025 Summer School will take place on 16-20 June. Register now !
- Next info sessions on the Complementary Program on zoom (registration mandatory):
- Thursday March 27, 12:30:
- Thursday April 3, 18:00:
- Monday April 7, 19:30:
Have a question, a need, a project, or an update? To contact us via email, use this single address: