MOMENTOM - MOlecules and Materials for the ENergy of TOMorrow

Type de projet : Initiative de Recherche Stratégique (IRS)


For more information on the strategic research initiatives of the Université Paris-Saclay, see.

Developing new molecules and materials for the production and the storage of clean energies taking into account the societal and economical aspects of the energy transition.


26 research laboratories from 10 institutions within Université Paris-Saclay are gathered in MOMENTOM project to address new strategies to accompany the worldwide energy transition. The determining goals of more than 120 researchers (from Chemistry (67%), Physics of Wave and Matter (PhOM, 22%), SHS (9%), and Life Science (SDV, 2%) departments) are to develop new molecules and materials for producing and storing renewable energies. The MOMENTOM project gathers also several industrial partners, SMEs and a cluster (Pôle de compétitivité MOVEO).


- Fulfilling ambitious challenges (capture, conversion, catalysis, storage) that are crucial for the energy transition
- Studying economic and social issues of these new energy technologies
- Promoting future appealing collaboration towards industrial partners


Momentom in a global and local Energy context

- Location at the heart of the strategy of the Université Paris-Saclay
- Transverse actions "Energy" and "Materials“ of Université Paris-Saclay
- Contribution to the National Strategic Area “Energie propre, sûre et efficace”
- Contribution to the European Energy Challenge “Secure Clean and Efficient Energy” in H2020

Develop breakthroughs for a faster implementation of hydrogen technologies


- Low/high temperature Fuel/electrolysis Cells (production/use of H2)
       * Development of low-cost, precious metal-free catalysts
       * Reversible fuel-cell mode/electrolyser mode systems
       * Improvements of efficiency & lifetime

- H2 storage at moderate temperature and pressure
       * Adsorption in mesoporous  materials


Our assets

- Demonstration made of highly innovative breakthroughs:
       * Organometallic catalysts
       * Mesoporous storage materials…
- Research actors in all aspects of the technologies:
       * Materials development
       * Fabrication processes
       * Lab, cells and industrial systems testing
       * Sociological aspects
       * Economical stakes of hydrogen economy
       * Policy recommandations
- Strong link with Large companies/Start-ups in the field of H2 for transport

Present projects


Nano-architectured non-precious catalysts for water electrolysis and sustainable production of H2

Supervisors: Loïc Assaud (ERIEE/ICMMO/UPSud), Emmanuel Cadot (MIM, ILV, UVSQ), Renaud Cornut (LICSEN, NIMBE-ARAMIS, CEA)

MOMENTOM Master Internship

Study of proton insertion and diffusion within an electrode material for high temperature electrolyzers

Supervisors: Guilhem Dezanneau (SPMS, CentraleSupélec), Suzy Surble (IRAMIS, CEA)

Integrate photovoltaic (PV) and electrolyzer functions for production of solar fuels.


- Development of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) / catalysts based photoelectrodes
       * Low cost, high absorption SiNW photoelectrodes
       * Deposition of passivation layers
       * Deposition of noble-metal free catalysts for oxidation and reduction
       * Building and test of complete photoelectrochemical devices
- Development of photoelectrodes based on hybrid perovskites
       * Understanding the mechanisms governing the phase  properties of the perovskite itself
       * Modifying and controlling the hybrid perovskite itself and its interface with other layers in order to increase their stability


Our assets

- Developing solution for storage of renewable energy
- Joining existing expertise in innovative PV and catalysis
- Availability of broad range of characterization techniques
- Target optimization with respect to efficiency, stability, cost

Present projects


Development of new SiNWs based photoelectrodes for solar fuel application

Supervisors: Martin Foldyna (PICM, Ecole Polytechnique), Winfried Leibl (LPB, CEA)

MOMENTOM Master Internship

Hybrid perovskites modified using ion irradiation

Supervisors: Olivier Plantevin (Physique des Solides/Matière Condensée et Irradiation, CSNSM, UPSud), Emmanuelle Deleporte (Nanophotonique, LAC, ENS Paris-Saclay)

Towards higher energy, more stability and safety


- Explore new electrode materials and electrolytes for batteries
- Take benefit of carbon nanostructures and their composites to enhance the  stored energy and power of supercapacitors
- Elucidate the mechanism at the microscopic level and find correlations  with  the performances


Our assets

- Possibility to open new pathways to overcome the present limitations
- Development of specific instrumentation for in operando analysis (nuclear microprobe, specific cells for Synchrotron facilities…)
- Interest of industrial partners
- Existent intellectual property
- Memristif element and electronic memory based on such element
- Carbon fibres reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes

Present projects


OSIRIS project: Solid electrolyte Interphase formation on anode materials by RadiolysIS

Supervisors: Sophie Le Caër, Nathalie Herlin (NIMBE/CEA), François Ozanam, Michel Rosso (PICM, Ecole Polytechnique), Sylvain Franger (ICMMO, UPSud)

MOMENTOM Master Internships

Exploration of pnictide compounds of type MgxTyPnz, as negative electrodes for magnesium-ion batteries

Supervisors: Magali Gauthier (LEEL, NIMBE-IRAMIS, CEA), Sylvain Franger (ICMMO, UPSud)

Polyoxometalates (POM)-Based Materials as Efficient Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries

The objective of this internship was to optimize the performance of the lithium-ion battery. The project was done in two parts. In the first half which took place in Institute of Lavoisier de Versailles within the research group MIM different POMs were synthesized by different methods such as hydrothermal, precipitation, etc. The POMs synthesized were then characterized by physico-chemical techniques (NMR, IR, TGA).

The Electrochemical characterization and analysis of POM as active electrode material for Li-ion batteries were done at ICMMO under Alireza Ranjbari's supervision within the research group ERIEE. The POMs synthesized in the first part of internships were used to perform the electrochemical characterization using techniques such as Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Cyclic voltammetry, Charge discharge cycling (GCPL). The intern also performed the chemical, morphological crystallographic characterization of the POM electrode both before and after cycling of electrodes using techniques such as XRD and XPS.

Supervisors: Alireza Ranjbari (ERIEE, ICMMO, UPSud), Corinne Simonnet (MIM, ILV, UVSQ)


- Energy transition (macroeconomic approach): sustainable growth models with regime switching
- Complementarity between renewable energies and hydrogen
- Simulations and policy recommandations
- Mobility (multi-sector analysis and field study)


Our assets

- Switching regime from brown to green economy with solar-hydrogen complementarity
- Impacts on economic growth
- Thinking the energy mobility system

Present projects


Economic evaluations, economy of transports, econometry

Supervisors: Patrick Schembri, Julie Bulteau (CEARC, UVSQ)

MOMENTOM Master Internship

Green Hydrogen and Energy Transition: A Comparative Analysis - France and Europe

Supervisors: Patrick Schembri (CEARC, UVSQ), Stefano Bosi (EPEE, Université d'Evry et Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris-Saclay)

MOMENTOM will propose complementary activities to gather the academic and industrial worlds on defined targets:

- Trans-Disciplinary Scientific Meetings will gather colleagues embarked on this project with different specialities (energy solar conversion, batteries, hybrid materials,  electronics, theory and modelling, economic and social issues for the environment) to present and explain the basics of their research field and the actual breakthroughs that are expected.
- Specialised courses will be proposed to technicians and engineers of industrial partners and students in professional programs.
- An Annual International Summer School "New materials for the Energy of Tomorrow". Besides classical programs in chemistry, physics or biology, it will teach specialised research practices and techniques from our consortium expertise.
- MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses): Tailored courses on materials for energy focused on materials for hydrogen (formation, use and storage), solar energy conversion, and materials for energy storage.
- International MOMENTOM Congress (IMC) every two years whereby colleagues from all around the world will be invited to share their findings and results. The first IMC will be held at ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan) the 23rd and 24th of November 2017. For more information, see events.

Resource Center

The Resource Center developed in this project will settle the conditions of sustained industrial relations and help the laboratories to build lab-scale demonstrators, and prototypes. Training actions, workshops and dissemination actions are also planned.

The main goals of our Resource Center are to :

- Facilitate exchanges between academic and industrial parnters and establish links for future partnerships
- Support the design and fabrication of unique devices for scientific training or outreach purpose, and to favour the sharing of equipment
- Organize training sessions for industrial partners
- Outreach activities

For more information:

Available Technology

Memristif element and electronic memory based on such element


Recent work done on type materials LixCoO2 helped highlight a resistive reversible switching of a sandwich consisting of a degenerate semiconductor electrode, a thin layer of material and metallic counter electrode.

The reversibility of the red/ox process can be considered very reliable and speeds fast switching.

The material is commonly used in the battery industry and therefore easily integrated into a conventional manufacturing process. The analysis shows that the nature of the electrodes used does not affect the physical processes involved.



Available for

Research agreement, exclusive or non exclusive licenses

For full information and contacts, see.

Carbon fibres reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes


This patented process is based on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of CNT on conventionnal microfillers/ reinforcement material which may be:

- long or short fibres : carbon, glass, alumina, silicon carbide (SiC),  ;
- ceramic materials chosen like  particles, whiskers, fibrills of  silicon nitride (Si3N4), boron carbide (B4C), silicon carbide (SiC), tintanium carbide (TiC), cordierite (Al3Mg2AlSi5O18), mullite (Al6Si2O13), nitrure d’aluminium (AlN), boron nitride (NB), alumina (Al2O3), borure d’aluminium (AlB2), magnesium oxide (MgO), zinc oxide (ZnO),  magnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4) zirconia (Zr2O), silica (Si2O), silica fumes, CaO,  La2CuO4, La2NiO4, La2SrCuO4, Nd2CuO4, TiO2, Y2O3, alumina silicates  (clays).
- metallic wires (Fe, Ni, Co…)



Available for

Exclusive or non-exclusive licenses, Collaborative agreement

For full information and contacts, see.

Hanen KOOLI-CHAABANE, industrial relationships manager:  

Hynd REMITA, scientific coordinator:

Join us on LinkedIn: MOMENTOM project – Université Paris-Saclay group

The laboratories

LCP - Laboratoire de Chimie Physique (Université Paris-Saclay) LCM - Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire (Ecole Polytechnique) MSSMat - Laboratoire Mécanique des Sols, Structures et Matériaux (CentraleSupélec) SPMS - Structures, Propriétés et Modélisation des Solides (CentraleSupélec)
I2BC - Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (CEA) SCBM - Service de Chimie Bioorganique et de Marquage (CEA) ICMMO (ERIEE, LCI) - Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay (Université Paris-Saclay) LAMBE - Laboratoire Analyse et Modélisation pour la Biologie et l'Environnement (Université d'Evry)
IRDEP - Institut de Recherche et Développement sur l'Energie Photovoltaïque (CNRS) ISMO - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (Université Paris-Saclay) PICM - Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces et des Couches Minces IBiTecs - Institut de Biologie et de Technologies de Saclay (CEA)
PPSM - Laboratoire de Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaires et Macromoléculaires (ENS Paris-Saclay) PMC - Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée (Ecole Polytechnique) LPS - Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (Université Paris-Saclay) LAC - Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (Université Paris-Saclay et ENS Paris-Saclay)
UCP - Unité Chimie et Procédés (ENSTA ParisTech) CSNSM - Cnetre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière (Université Paris-Saclay) LLB - Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (CEA) ILV (EPI, ECHO) - Institut Lavoisier (Université Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines)
CEARC - Cultures, Environnements, Arctique, Représentations, Climat (Université Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines) NIMBE - Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Matériaux, la Biomédecine et l'Energie (CEA) SAMBA - Ligne (SOLEIL) EPEE - Centre d'Etudes des Politiques Economiques (Université d'Evry)
CES - Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (ENS Paris-Saclay) EXCESS/CREST - Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CNRS) X (Dept Economy) - Département d'Economie (Ecole Polytechnique)  


The Industrial Partners, SMEs & Start-Ups