Wendy Mackay is awarded the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award
The Association for Computing Machinery (AMC) is a renowned international society which aims to develop and support computing research and innovation. It has just awarded one of its most prestigious prizes to Wendy Mackay.
Wendy Mackay is a research director at Inria and head of the team Ex-Situ, shared between the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Computer Sciences (LISN - Univ. Pairs-Saclay/CNRS/Inria/CentraleSupélec) and Inria Saclay. She has been awarded the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award for her exceptional contributions to the study of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
Wendy Mackay is an internationally-recognised researcher, who has played a key role in the development of computer science in France. A pioneer in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), mixed reality and participatory design, her research has revolutionised the way we perceive the role of AI in interactive systems. Unlike conventional approaches where humans are used to improve algorithms, Wendy Mackay builds on the capacity of computers to improve human capacities. She has, for example, worked to give users the opportunity to define their own movements and interactions with machines, making interaction stronger and more expressive. Her interdisciplinary work draws on various fields, adapting and expanding on existing work to advance research and improve design.
A member of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), Wendy Mackay was made an ACM Fellow in January 2020, a rare distinction awarded to a select number of prominent researchers. This latest distinction, the SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award, recognises the very best, most fundamental, and influential research contributions and a lifetime of innovation and leadership.