Staff Week: Crisis and Risk Management

2025-05-20 09:30 2025-05-21 17:30 Staff Week: Crisis and Risk Management

The Department of International and European Relations is hosting a Staff Week on risk and crisis management in higher education from 19 to 23 May 2025 at the Université Paris-Saclay.
This event will bring together staff from international partner universities, including representatives of the EUGLOH European Alliance, as well as experts from the Université Paris-Saclay, to share their experiences and best practices in crisis and risk management in the international university context.
The programme for this Staff Week will include presentations by experts, round-table discussions and group workshops on a number of key topics, including:
- Psychosocial risks for students participating in international mobility
- Welcoming refugees (with a particular focus on Ukraine for Paris-Saclay University)
- Crisis management at the university
- Security concerns linked to internationalization (with a particular focus on access to laboratories, research collaborations, etc.)
All these sessions will be offered and conducted in English on 20 and 21 May and will be open to all Université Paris-Saclay staff.
The definitive programme, as well as information on the venue and how to register, will be announced in the coming weeks.

Université Paris-Saclay - Bâtiment 300, Campus d'Orsay
Thematic : International, EUGLOH, Langues & interculturalité

- Psychosocial risks for students participating in international mobility - Welcoming refugees - Crisis management at the university - Security concerns linked to internationalization

  • Public
    Réservé à certains publics
  • Event type
  • Conditions

    Entrée libre sur inscription

  • Dates
    20 and 21 May
    09:30 am - 05:30 pm
  • Location
    Université Paris-Saclay - Bâtiment 300, Campus d'Orsay

The Department of International and European Relations is hosting a Staff Week on risk and crisis management in higher education from 19 to 23 May 2025 at the Université Paris-Saclay.
This event will bring together staff from international partner universities, including representatives of the EUGLOH European Alliance, as well as experts from the Université Paris-Saclay, to share their experiences and best practices in crisis and risk management in the international university context.
The programme for this Staff Week will include presentations by experts, round-table discussions and group workshops on a number of key topics, including:
- Psychosocial risks for students participating in international mobility
- Welcoming refugees (with a particular focus on Ukraine for Paris-Saclay University)
- Crisis management at the university
- Security concerns linked to internationalization (with a particular focus on access to laboratories, research collaborations, etc.)
All these sessions will be offered and conducted in English on 20 and 21 May and will be open to all Université Paris-Saclay staff.
The definitive programme, as well as information on the venue and how to register, will be announced in the coming weeks.